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funded debt


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I apologize as numbers of you will already comprehend this and know of this information, but this is a building block process and it requires repeating at times to build to current information.

The Jewish financiers of Europe, centuries ago, as the Bible forbid, the use of interest or usury for borrowed money to service a debt. It was though what the Ashkenaz seized upon in entering Europe, as what could be easier work than loaning money you had to people in dire straights, and making them work for you at a rate three times what you could by the sweat of your brow.

The Rothschilds though in Dutch banking seized upon a much better way to fortune and power, in they figured out that what was better for them than feudal taxings was making governments spend more money than they had to fancy their royal whims or appease the populace from revolution, and then just keep borrowing money, where the lending Rothschilds would collect interest on bonds which were not taxed like normal work.

As fractal lending was part of this, it allowed banks to lend money on only a portion of their assets, meaning if they had 1000 dollars, they could lend to people as if they had 5000 dollars. That way spending could rise on this debt, and the government became the collectors for the Rothschild debt payments in taxes.
Amazing thing is it not in what is loansharking and enforcers as a crime if you did it, but place a Rothschild bank on it, and it becomes economics and debt servicing.

The next addition to this was the ability to through these banks to charge the government interest in money the government was printing. This double dipping was grande in it charged create the money and then charged the people on bonds in interests paid on the debt.
This is how nations were looted by inflation spiking and the peoples impoverished.

"To fund—to put into the form of bonds or stocks bearing annual interest. To refund is to renew these bonds or stocks, perhaps under a new contract, which changes the rate of interest, though the interest continues. Funding system is "a scheme of finance or revenue by which provision is made for paying annual interest on a public debt."

MRS. SARAH E.V. EMERY. Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People

This is why the Obama regime spent money like a crack whore with a rich man's credit card, because it has to do with taking money from the masses so they are not competitors. I smiled at the mid part of June when Rush Limbaugh in his natterings for the first time happened to recite that very line on competitors and removing them as you from the political opposition in depriving them of money.
He said it all very thoughtfully and sincerely. Plagiarized from the Lame Cherry, but all the same what else can a half brain like Mr. Limbaugh do to look intelligent, when there is no one save this blog out there moving the education evolution to explain all of this.
Money is but a leverage to use for the real agenda of control. Money has no value in this, so it is why they devalue it. I explain in what on earth would anyone do with 1 billion or 40 trillion dollars? Money can only buy so much human gluttony. It is the power and control which money brings, but removing that money from the masses.

In this, it is why the Obama regime has no cares on currency, as it is just a whip to the nation in harness for the masters driving the beast.

E currency is created from nothing, to inflate prices, so the masses will have nothing in not being able to afford homes, transportation, health care, food or even death. Making them wards, deprives them of resistance in training them to accept the harness. It is difficult for the small mind to not value money or think it is the end goal, but it is nothing of the sort.
I certainly believe that the cartel has evolved this from combustion engine thinking, to not requiring an Asian class to be technicrats or a Latin class to be slaves to service their immortal natures. With a coming perpetual robot class, an immortal who could not be killed would be served better by self replicating robots, than even a few hundred million humans shitting up the landscape.

You are missing this in you are like birds shitting on the deck of a mansion. You might look nice for a time, but put a billion of you out there, you have big pile of shit, and your being immortal you would not like that. So robotics would be made to look like people, and it would be easier to just be rid of the soul masses who might be redeemed as competitors by God for the satan allied humans.

Far too much futurist in this, but you do have the point now, in this is evolving. There are enough bears shitting in the woods for immortals to step in those piles, than having humans doing it. This is grander now in what pleasure is there in having humans as slaves, when you could have your own biological units to play with to worship you as a god which do not have those human flaws of choosing how deep to bow.

The Rothschilds started bonded debt in England, and America adopted it in the Civil War end. It is how one  sucked the life blood out of empires. America now has been expired by this in the massive Obama debt being the final stroke.

It is the feudal few ruling over the many.

You have heard of monetized debt, or the Federal Reserver buying it's own generated debt, but there is something more in this which is lost in there is also DEMONITISING CURRENCY.
This is how the scheme worked in 1873 in England took silver off the backing of currency in Europe and bought off America for 500,000 dollars for the same demonitising of silver. By doing this, American then was the gold monopoly, and lengthened paying off the Civil War debt, and got rid of Lincoln Greenbacks, which caused a great depression.
In the meantime, England being an importer of Cotton and Wheat, willed control over America by owning her debt, which the Rothschilds were invested in. Next to this, England took over India which was cotton and wheat full for the empire............now comes the punch line.
England only allowed silver coin in India, which was 20% over priced, and cut 20% in American silver being imported. Think of it this way in Indian put out a dollar there at 100 cents value, and it only cost England 80 cents. That is a 20 cent profit just issuing currency and by cutting value on American silver and gold, that gave England even more profit.

Do you get that bullshit now of Brentwood crude pricing in England for the world? Set the monopoly price and you are the nation which the money flows to.

They have done the same demonitising of the US Dollar. Nothing backs it, so it only has claimed value with absolutely no backing. This cartel used to have to pay for printing money at a fraction of a cent per dollar, but now with Tim Geithner, they generate trillions with the push of a keyboard key. This is ELECTRIC DEMONITISING OF THE DOLLAR.
Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The cartel keeps repeating the process of fraud in loansharking and creating finance out of thin air.

"Slavery is likely to be abolished by the war power, and chattel slavery destroyed. This, I and my European friends are in favor of, for slavery is but the owning of labor, and carries with it the care for the laborer ; while the European plan, led on by England, is capital control of labor, by controlling wages. This can be done by controlling the money.

The great debt that capitalists will see to it is made out of the war, must be used as a measure to control the volume of money. To accomplish this the bonds must be used as a banking basis. We are now waiting to get the secretary of the treasury to make his recommendation to Congress. It will not do to allow the greenback, as it is called, to circulate as money any length of time, for we cannot control that."

-Hazzard Circular by Mr. Hazzard, London Banker for the English capitalists

The above was published in 1862  AD in the year of our Lord. You can see in this that slavery was not efficient in it required ownership of labor which had the costs of caring for that worker.
Capitalists could drive down the price of production and set the price paid for that labor, which was left to fend for itself.
An evolution followed in Marxism, which re instituted slave labor managed by the capitalist elite, where people were left to fend for themselves, but free from Christian values of caring for your neighbor, allowed instead for people to be like worn out parts in being discarded.

Once welfare has served it's purpose like homosexuals, these masses will be discarded as quickly as blacks for Mexicans in America. Welfare is about looting national wealth. Once the wealth is gone, the masses will exterminated by some WMD.

I leave this at that to open your eyes in this in linking the past with what is taking place in the present, as knowledge is the only thing which you have left as value.


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