As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
A great deal has been said about Fort Gilmore, and the other nonsense of the battles of the black in the Civil War. In reading the real military assessments of these Negroid fighters, one can only conclude that either their abolitionist officers suffered from blind insanity or the officers hated Niggers so much being in Federal attire that they wanted the whole bunch slaughtered.
Fort Gilmore outside of Richmond was manned by 60 Confederates and as the Union breached the lines of the South, they ran back to this fort, as much as Fort Harrison, which was taken by the Union.
Gilmore was attacked by a black group of Soldiers, and in context the Negroids were usually plied with alcohol to give them courage to get them to attack, and then given some insane orders to carry out which were suicide.
A Negroid only stayed around if a Massa was present, so kill the man they looked up to, and you had the whole bunch whipped.
It was Corporal Dick as he was called at Gilmore, and black as Toby and bald as a cucumber were his attributes as he was killed.
When the Confederates arrived who had been driven back, they were being shot at by the blacks from behind cornstalks and stumps. They had been whipped already by the Mississippians in the fort, numbering only 60.
"The ditch in front was eight or ten feet deep and as many in width. Into it, urged on by white officers, the negroes leaped, and to scale the embankment on the Fort side climbed on each other's shoulders, and were instantly shot down as their heads appeared above it. The ground beyond was strewn with dead and wounded."
Edward A. Moore. The Story of a Cannoneer Under Stonewall Jackson
Reportedly 28 were killed, and the rest were wounded or captured. The point being, is the reality that all that would have been required was a few ladders as that was what was historical warfare, a few light cannon with cannister shot, and these blacks would have had a chance.
This was murder in reality in telling idiots to jump into a deep mote, then climb up on top of the other's shoulders, to present a head to be shot off. This was the easiest of pickings with minnie and bayonet.
None of this is ever examined in any of these battles. Instead the propaganda blames the savage Confederates, while overlooking the reality that drunken Negroids were given thee most insane orders to be slaughtered by white abolitionist officers.
All that is focused upon is how heroic it was that blacks were fighting for the Union or their freedom. The reality is a lot of good horses and mules were slaughtered too in that war, and they were not fighting, but just taking up cannon and minnie shot while in harness.
I have no compassion on these escaped slaves. They were ignorant and deluded, and being too stupid to know they were taken advantage of by whites with psychopathy. They had absolutely no intelligence about them, as any normal white person in being told, "Go jump in that ditch, climb on top of another person's shoulders to get into that fort, while being shot at", would look around and say this was nuts.
Then again at the Crater at Richmond, the whites rushed into that detonation hole and were shot down too in being caught up in the excitement.
In either case, stupidity seemed to run through the North. I know Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain mentions a black corp marching along side of his white division in fighting for their freedom, in the typical delusion these panderers had.
The fact is that the Union was giving Lincoln no more white Soldiers to slaughter in his war, and that is why the blacks appeared, and if Chamberlain had been in the thick of it, and the Confederates had buckled that corp of black Soldiers so that it rolled up Chamberlain's line, then he would not be so rose colored visioned in having them about.
The fact in this, is Fort Harrison was taken by the Union, and Fort Gilmore attacked by a black corp, and being held by only 60 Confederates remained in Confederate hands as Robert E. Lee was at Gilmore directing the Confederate repulsed attack on Harrison later.
The Crater was a lost opportunity and Fort Gilmore was a lost opportunity in more white Confederates and Federals were killed due to incompetence.
None of this is comparing blacks to whites, but it is an examination of how time and again these Negroids in the Civil War were worthless, except for filling space to be shot at in using up Confederate munitions.
There is nothing Heroic about idiocy and slaughter. It is just idiocy and slaughter which causes more slaughter of people who should never have died.
Look at a modern version of the military Negroid in Colin Powell. Here is a Vietnam server who was so stupid he stuck his foot into a hole full of pointed sticks and got a Purple Heart for it.
Risen as a token Afroid, he then was responsible for calling off the attack which would have finished off Saddam Hussein's forces out of Kuwait as he warned the President, "You do not want the world seeing this".
Yes indeed, 9 11, was a much better sight coming out of not destroying Saddam's military, along with the slaughter of Shia and Kurds.
Then there is the reality of Powell's betrayal of George W. Bush with his second, Dick Armitage over a staged coup in Plamegate, so Powell could be Vice President.
Then there is the reality of Powell trampling on Dr. Martin King, to install this foreign agent, Designer Negro, Birther Obama, who has degraded the US military.
Then there is Colin Powell, involved in POWELLGATE, his leaking classified information for Obama's Syrian slaughter which was proven that Obama's own terrorists were using WMD's.
Colin Powell did ok when Ronald Reagan was doing the thinking for him, but for his treachery against America, he should have been drummed out of the service and should be in prison now over leaking State Secrets for the Obama regime.
These Negroid political uniform wearers have degraded the uniform and placed a black mark on those Negroids who attempted to strive to be something more. The freed slave had no place in a Civil War as a combatant, no more than a mule. They could have served in hauling things, cooking, getting firewood, tending baggage and that sort, but from the evidence of how they were in battle, they did not belong anywhere near it.
If these lessons are hard, then they require learning, as America has nothing but a social experiment military of designed negroes, foreign Mexicans and political minders of sodomite origin, and in a real war, Eurasians from Russia and China are going to go through them like shit through a goose once the technology breaks down.
When that happens, it will be your head bashed in, your babies speared and your women gang raped on American soil.
That is the reality of Fort Gilmore which by Colin Powell brought about 9 11 and Gulf War II. Enjoy it because there will be more disasters mounting up for the United States military.
"It was at this time that General Early was distinguishing himself in the Shenandoah Valley with repeated defeats in battle, the first news of which reached us in a peculiar way; that is, when the news reached Grant's lines a shotted salute in celebration was fired at us, thus "killing two birds with one stone." These volleys of shot and shell produced consternation among the negroes working on our fortifications. Panic-stricken, they would break for the rear, casting aside picks, shovels, or anything that retarded speed; and to get them and their scattered tools gathered up after such a stampede required several days. I was requested, by a negro who had just experienced one of these escapades, to write a letter for him to his home people. He dictated as follows:
"My dear Wife: I take this opportunity of taking you down a few words and telling you of the terrible bumming we was under yesterday. The shells fell fast as hail and lightened as from a cloud, and we had a smart run. Give my love to Mammy and tell her how we is sufferin' for somethin' to eat."
Edward A. Moore. The Story of a Cannoneer Under Stonewall Jackson
Richmond Virginia was blacks singing in Union uniforms and blacks on the Confederate side building fortifications and running for their lives in Grant shooting at them. Singing and running, they did do that well.
nuff said