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Dollar Dipper


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As Ambrose Bingham Perchard or whatever that limey reporter's name is who was quoted about the dollar going Jackson up in 2015 AD in the year or our Lord, no one is explaining what it all means for people around the globe, except it is bad for some and good for some Americans.

That is what the Lame Cherry will wade through for you.

First, Ambro revealed an interesting thing that the American economy is a Nazi economy, in he stated that it was a "closed economy". That is a major confirmation proving what the Lame Cherry always has stated since 2008 in the year of our Lord, that America no longer operated under normal economic conditions, but is a managed socialist revenue generator for the cartel conglomerates to fleece the world.

Second, the reason this is a bad deal in a propped up Dollar is, that what has been taking place is the same looting which robbed the Japanese under Bush41, robbed the South Koreans, and then under Clinton in the Dotcom bust, robbed the European elite, which then had them retaliate in what we know as 9 11.

See just like the 2008 AD economic nuking of America, to install image Obama, the Dollar is now being traded like the derivative debts which bankrupted the world in making fools buy up US debt, and those doing the selling reaping the trillions.
The dollar is according to Ambro, being purchased by these idiot 3rd world nations like Indonesia who have money to burn. These nations are buying US BONDS, which is US debt. You get the idea they are being paid more for these debt bonds, in thinking it is a great deal.

The deal though is better than other currency debt like Australia or other nations competing in trying to spin their debt off on fools. The US is sucking up profits from the sub Asian groups as before in other bubble cycles, and when you get caught with that debt, all of your investment vanishes.

People will say, the US bonds are golden in always paying off. That is a reality, but what happens when someone buys a 30,000 dollar GMC Sierra pick up, and the next month the regime comes out and says, "That 30,000 dollar pick up is now only worth 20,000 dollars as we have revalued it."
That is what happens when a dollar is depreciated by 1/3rd, and the reason one does that is to  not pay off regime debt in the trillions, in a slight of the books. See, you still owe 30,000 dollars on that pick up, but it is now only worth 20,000 dollars in debt. The people who sold you that pick up have the 30 grande, but if the regime seizes it, it only costs them 20 grande.

This is how it works in selling high debt, and then deflating the dollar, so that debt loses it's value and a regime only has to pay back part of it. If it is pushed hard enough, some nation like Indonesia might have a coup, and that debt is cancelled altogether. Remember Japan in the Bush41 years, has not recovered as an economic superpower when she was raped by the world order.
It is how the game is implemented by the cartel elite. Obama's crowd can blame American all the time for robbing other nations, but the fact is, this cartel is robbing nations in the same way. This time it is not direct invasion and oil stolen, but it is profits from slave labor, which purchase worthless debt which will never be paid off.

Add to this, this important factor. The guise of this Saudi Islamist "attack on American Big Frac", which is an attack on Vladimir Putin and Russia as Russia requires high priced oil to keep the mob from revolution, and while this is all going on, gas has now dropped below 2 dollars in America from the Obama 4 dollars a gallon.
Now watch the shell game in this, in you see gas prices drop and think it is a good thing. It is a good thing, until someone like image Obama appears and DEVALUES THE DOLLAR BY 30%, "for debt structuring".............do you get it now?
The US gas prices drop by image Obama 1/3rd and that sets the stage for a Dollar devaluation, whereby prices spike 1/3rd as you are saving all that money in the first place right? So prices go up to the same rapine levels and it is all blamed on massive debt from all that profit on Wall Street which needs to be filleted in your savings as you are guilty of profit.

The end result is, investors lose. Consumer lose and those dolts buying debt lose. Those who profit like Soros, Rothschilds, Buffett and image Obama win, just like they did in the Dotcom bust, just like they did in the 1929 crash, just like they did in the 70's and 80's farm crash, just like they did in 2008 AD in the year of our Lord.

That is the Dollar Dipper and why it matters, and how the cartel screws everyone over in robbing all, while no one tells you the facts as Mockingbird is bent on deluding you so much that none of you can figure your way out of this.

That is the game in this and as I type this on Saturday night after a frigid day outside building that shed and getting a doe goat into the porch to try and save goatikins, it is about all I have to say on it, as what the hell does it make a difference to me when the rich get things stolen from them, as they are not donating money any way, and it is like an old codger I was listening to talk in the garage on Friday saying.........he would not mind if all these rich farmers lost it all in drought.
Rich people with money do not do any of us any good, so what is the point in having any compassion on them when they are turned into the poor again.

You made me live with animals. Do not expect any intercession to God for you when your ass is in the sling.


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