As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I have to thank the regime of Barack Hussein Obama for one thing, and that is making targets of gays in the near future in bringing this mutant genus out for easy pickings like albino deer are eaten by wolves.
I was at an estate sale this past weekend, and in one room I heard a sodomite. I knew it was a gay as you can just hear a fag. They are always loud like Ellen and Rosie, and sure as hell, out he popped, glowing like Karl Rove and completely vacuous to the world, in his tight little jeans with keys hanging out of his ass pocket, advertising for a ride.
He was typical in being too lardy overall and just mind numbed dense.
I see this all the time now with the = signs on things, and ugly lesbians clawing all over each other in vehicles parading around with sticker and things. For some reason, I do not know if ugly lesbians are naturally reptilian cold blooded or not, but in 90 degree humidity and 90 degree heat in a 150 degree car, they always have their windows down, instead of running the air conditioner.......maybe something to do with liking feeling sloppy second all the time, I do not know.....but the main point in this is the appreciation in this to the Obama regime.
As I can hear and see a gay, in knowing they are gay in gaydar, it is a condition as prevalent as a mentally retarded person in you just know they are mentally handicapped. The thing is though, for most predators, the looting of a mentally retarded person is a revolution would cause them to hesitate, as society in the worst of times, just will not prey on people in wheelchairs or suffering from Down's Syndrome, unless it is some Obama voter dealing death to Veterans or wanting sex with a mentally retarded person.
So I see the Obama regime doing a great favor in making these gays all targets for easy pickings, like the sick and weak of the herd. Personally, I am all in favor of big neon pink tattooes being required for all gays. It certainly did service for the Nazi in rounding up ghetto Jews, but the Ashkenaz elite never had to wear the stars who sold the ghetto Jews into did though in predatory times, save numbers of people from being Nazi accosted.
Take for example, you have a group of Obama voters, like that former Virginia Senator who used to go nigger knockin in college........that is driving around with a group of guys, finding some blacks, and jumping out and beating them up. That was big fun in liberal college circles.
So take for example, you got Obama voters driving around being all horndog like Bill Clinton, but no money for whores as they spent it all on Colorado dope weed. Well there driving around is a group of ugly lesbians with equal signs. All those Obama voters got to do is access that snatch slot and take the edge off. Saves the people in wheelchairs and the mentally retarded.
Take for another example, you got gay butt boy from that estate sale, all loud and calling attention to hisself. Say you got a group of Muchelle bags, all non tagged, but no ride and no money as Obama spent it all. They just bitch slap this gay butt boy, take his keys, wallet and tongue.........and while they drive his car, spend his money, he does the tongue job, and probably dies of suffocation being sat on by Muchelle.
How many invalids and mental retards will that save eh in that equal sign banner or keys out of the ass pocket advertising?
Gays have a thing for me. I get called Sweetie or things like that, so I know how offensive they are, just like the Afroid in big city gay is coming onto people now and getting beat to hell, as people just do not want be propositioned like whores. This Obama equal sign is all the solution in this for when the big revolution comes, as it will be easy pickings for the anarchists to get cars, money, homes and sexual release as Obama has the world so abused by this fag slap now that they will be looking to collect interest.
It is just one of those things of nature. Call attention to yourself in being a wildebeast on display and a lion eats you. Flag your bird tail too high and a coyote eats you.
What honestly could be better in jungle outlaw and natural selection than the Obama regime tag marking all of these queers for the James Webb predators of the Obama grouped future. Think of all the ugly women with beards who will now be saved, and numbers of soy milk boys with Obama diplomas, who before the EQUAL SIGN would be accosted in being seen as dykes and fags, but with that equal sign, they will instead hear, "Oh excuse me bearded lady, I thought you were a lesbian, but now I see without an equal sign, you are just a circus employee", or, "Pardon me, mom jeans male, I thought you were a faggot, but now I see that you are just a soy milk boy who is an embarrassment to your parents".
See no robbery, no violence in retaliation, and no innocent people harmed in future revolution due to Obama marking.
What the sodomite does not comprehend in their psychopathy is that being in every person's face is pissing off the population as no one wants to look at the sh*t in your diaper as some accomplishment, no more than we like seeing spent condoms in our theaters.
Gays will be like those males who are impregnating volumes of women. In a revolution, people will get tired of having to feed bastards, and simply go off on castrating sprees to solve the problem.
What is enabled in the discivilization, will be culled in recivilization, and for that the world can be thankful that Obama has pound signed equal marks on all these sodomites for easy pickings.
I mean why put gold stars on them as that would alert the prey by a past example. Instead give them equal signs and make them think there is safety in numbers, as wildebeasts think that or they would be stampeding all the time...........yes mind not that tawny tail flicking in the grass little is just one of your own awaiting for a James Webby fun time in payback for a redistribution of wealth.