When conducted in plain sight things too horrific for the civilized mind to comprehend occurring in the here and now will readily turn to a pacificatory lie for comfort. evil stalks the Righteous in the shadows while the cowardly children whistle past the graveyard.
This is the tale of a bright star burned out too quickly to be some run-of-the-mill meteoric trail blazing out in a shower of glory. There is nothing glorious about cold blooded murder nor any subsequent coverup.
True talent is often passed over in Ashkenaz required exchange of self sales in bartering for parts, particularly in the rape and prostitution culture of Hollywood "success" for bent over backroom deals. Few charismatic talents make it in such a shark tank, particularly those with morals attempting to live in God's Way, Truth and Life. When they do not play ball, they are Mel Gibson smeared in ruined reputations, careers and lives, or they are Randy Quaided out of town on a rail of trumped up charges... or they are Breitbarted for daring to stand up when the "justice system" fails the lesser cogs in the machine. Such was the fate of Brittany Murphy. Whatever she stumbled upon or knew died with her and her husband six months later.
Shadow figures do not enjoy being thwarted, however temporarily, and they will wait their chance to settle the score.
The puppy press is silent upon the cover up of horrendous murder committed upon those they should have protected. Mockingbird disinformation of "shady, manipulative and paranoid Jew" husband and "house mold" as the culprit in a 13 yr old house that would have been inspected for those things when bought two years prior to their death... and cause of death being severe anemia due to "second period in a month" to a supposedly under-weight woman who should not have had ANY periods if that was the case along with respiratory problems in pneumonia and "adverse reactions" to over the counter medication. Husband being controlling while isolating her from everyone more propaganda as her mother lived with them and he would not consent to that if smears about his character were true. Allegations of drug abuse in smearing her character and reputation posthumously in media mud-dragging necrophilia and causing the public to not demand the authorities look closely at why this bright light was snuffed so abruptly.
Justice will be served soon or late for Her murder as God does not forget those who dare to touch His Children... and everyone who keeps silent is culpable as well.
45 min blackouts are so common in rich suburban areas
DHS: Lurk much? Wiretaps are SO last year.
In Plain Sight