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equalz exonomy


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Just so you know that the last week of July 2014 AD in the year of our Lord, a reality took place in which Equalz Obama...........this is the new definition of the image of Barack Hussein Obama in Obama left the building in 2013 AD in the year of our Lord, and this shapeshifter image has been prancing about impersonating Obama, so in melding the sodomite thrust of this Obama regime, it is only fitting in mockery to name the Fang Jinn of the  occupancy of 1600 Fag Avenue to Equalz Obama. Thus it will be known from here in as satire is the best form of degrading a regime further from the lemmings which followed it into the abyss.

What took place in July last week of, was the Equalz taking credit for record US oil production, when the regime has done nothing but stop oil production to raise prices to keep you from being at financial liberty to battle this overthrow assassination of America.

To explain this, even Rush Limbaugh III came out with Obama is going to hook it's image to the economy as its legend, but the problem is in this, Limbaugh is wrong again, as this is not about Obama legacy prop up, but about what is on the agenda, and that is dollar reset.
That 4 percent GDP growth which was announced was as fiction as Obama's employment numbers and as Obama's birth abstract. Real GDP was .7 percent growth.

That 4 percent was issued to give cover to the cartel Federal Reserve to begin the quest for raising interest rates. The idiotic story was then how this would drive money from banks to Wall Street or Bonds, which makes no sense, unless banks are going to keep their passbook and CD rate at criminal low rates, and the money is going to be instead moved out of banks in these Obama trillions in order to "soak them up" in a massive stock drop, which this blog predicted would take place.
After the trending numbers were published here in a drop which was to come, the regime instead pushed more cash into Wall Street for the fiction of the economy doing well to raise the markets to 17000, which is ridiculous with no jobs, no production and no value.
There is a reason that the cartel is beginning to move to raise interest rates, move money and to lie that the economy is "booming" at 4 percent.....numbers which Reagan and Bush43 would have been ridiculed over and were.

So now you are aware of the correlation of all of this again. The exonomy is not growing. It is stagnant. Interest rates are being risen to concentrate money. That concentration points to a way of filleting money supply. This then in logical progression means what has always been the target is about to be struck and that is the retirement funds and a dollar reset of devaluation, in order to cripple Americans forever to 3rd world status, as something is being engineered again in first steps as the regime has changed the pied piper fiddle tune again.

What is most disgusting in this, are the Obama lemmings, who do nothing but attack the right in America, including this blog, and when Obama comes out saying how much he has raised fossil fuel use........not using fossil fuels as a name, but OIL, and his Kansas City mob cheers global warming as that is what Obama's image now says is a wonderful thing, none of these postules in attack blogs say a word about the hypocrisy and betrayal of it all in their progressive agenda.

I simply point in this the reality of the facts in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. GDP is not at 4 but at .7. That is another lie, in order to raise interest rates by the cartel Fed. Soak up money supply, and that means Wall Street can not remain at high levels, but falls. That means money shortage that even Obama high income tax rates can not fund, and that means money must be confiscated from private assets in retirement accounts and the national Reich dilemma of currency reset or devaluation.

Everyone has missed this again, except here in the misery. Another attack in the fight and a nerve in my back pinched to which numbers of ibuprofen have made a dull grinding screaming pain as the Viking heals from. The last few weeks I would have liked to have crawled off and died from wounds as all of this hurts, but that is not your concern, as those not concerned have used it as their license to the ticket to hell.
It is 6:39 AM and I need to be me for a few moments.

PS: The Viking tempted me with an offer of a firearm of his. Great temptation indeed. My vet purchased a cheap folding stock for his 223, so he can carry it in the picket. It is quite the handy and wicked looking thing.
As an additional assistance, the state police 357 magnums, I have heard make nice dogs, except for the bark. The FBI statistics prove though that the 38 Special in 158 grain semi wadcutter is the most one shot one stop round in handguns. The nice part is I have heard that as the 357 is nothing but a magnum version of the 38, that revolvers will eat both. This means the less hot load will not be so uncomfortable to deal with, and the hot load is unnecessary for work in the first place.


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