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End Niggersota Now


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It has come to this blog's attention that the racism in America has not been cured by the image of Barack Hussein Obama. This is absolutely puzzling in how any of this could possibly be, but what is it for mind to question why, when there are so many intellectual and liberal minds striving to remedy all of this in answering Shakespeare in "To be or not to be".

I have come across something which is as heinous as the National Football League in having it's own Donald Sutherland, I mean Donald Sterling, in the Washington NFL team is called the Redskins.
There is something far more heinous than this though, in there are currently three states in America which are derived from Dakota Aboriginal Asian names.
Mark Levin can call for politicians to raise over 1 billion dollars to change the Redskins name, but let us face a reality that North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota are equally "redskin" names and a deep racial epitaph on the Aboriginals other Aboriginals called Sioux, or the Sioux named themselves in Dakota.

This is the things of the anti Christ in changing times and seasons, as I have exclusiving found by left fork progression of river systems that the Mississippi River does not begin in Minnesota, but the headwaters are in South Dakota in the Coteau des Prairie in a north fork branch of the Whetstone River.

This becomes particularily heinous in perusing this most pressing racial epitaph issue, that Minnesota's namesake, does not being in the Minnesota in the Minnesota River, but it too begins in the same Coteau des Prairie in a county named Marshall, as anyone can locate on the map the Little Minnesota River in northeast South Dakota.

This entire slur against Asian Aboriginals must be put to an end, and in lengthy study, it is much more of a national issue than an NFL team, but three states in America, who are racial identity slurs, and called by the absolutely incorrect name at their water source.

In forensic research of families, it is widely known that the Minnesota and the Ummm Dakotas, as Rush Limbaugh terms them whenever speaking of the Manhattan Island looting of the North Dakota oil reserves, which Big Frac calls a "boom", it is evidenced that the Vikings actually had settled and interbred with the native Mandan Indians. In noting that the first settlers of Minnesota and Um Dakotas were actually Israelite Norsemen, there must be to end this racial strife, an ending of all of this Aboriginal Asian immigrant naming of all  things.

On this evidence, we know that the Germanic Scandinavians actually settled in the Ummm Dakotas and in Minnesota. The North Dakotans had a Norwegian population, the South Dakotans had a German population and the Minnesotans a Swedish population.

We can revisit European history and find no racial epitaphs of slurs in nations named Sweden, Norway and Germany, not like the Washington Redskins, Umm Dakotas and Minnesota, so in international standing this blog in ending racism advocates that America begins first not in the Washington Redskins, but in the Umm Dakotas.
On racial identities, one had Iceland, Greenland and Vinland, as much as Normandy by the Norse, so North Dakota's new name should be Norseland.
South Dakota's new name should reflect their their heritage in Germania.

This now sets the stage which will of course bring the emancipation of Minnesota, in that racial epitaph, as both the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers now originate from Germania, which was South (the D Word), it is internationally fitting that these Germans were named Anglo Saxons, and settled in England in East Saxon which became Essex and West Saxon became Wesses as much as South Essex became Sussex, that   M WORD should be renamed Saxony, as America has New Amsterdam, New England, New York, New Mexico, so it is obvious that the M WORD state should be named  Saxony and the Little M WORD River should be called rightfully the Little Saxony River.

The Mississippi is now the problem of course in it rises out of Germania or South D WORD formerly, and can no longer be named an Aboriginal name slur either. To simply rectify all of this, the Lame Cherry blog states that as the Whetstone River is already the name given and as it is not racial in any way, that the M WORD river, in the Mississippi be simply called the Whetstone.

This then translates in the state of Mississippi, would be then called Whetstone.

This is far more important a matter than the Washington Redskins in rectifying the abhorrent racial slurs in states being named after Aboriginal Asian identities known incorrectly as the "American Indian".
Regretfully, the Dakota Aboriginal,  arose from  Canada and invaded America like the Apache, and therefore they are Canadian peoples who terrorized Americans. While this blog does not seek reparations from Canada, it is further reality that what were the D Word States and M Word States, not being American named, but resort to the reality of their heritage in Norseland, Germania and Saxland.

All of this can be settled to international standards Norway begat Normandy and Saxon Germany begat Saxon lands. It should not be that difficult at all. Norseland would still be ND in the post office. Germania would be GM and Saxland would be SX, without the least confusion. Former M State Mississippi would become WT for Whetstone.

All of us should strive to assist the rule of Barack  Hussein Obama to make an image like him, completely no racial and in harmony with the planet. This is something we all can join with as a first step in racial healing.
For those half brains in the Rush Limbaugh fandom, their entire support should be for this as well as for Mark Levin as both of these aging talkers frequently make mistakes in the D State Dakotas in either calling them Umm Dakota or not entirely comprehending the geography that M State Minnesota is east of the D States.
For senility reasons, it will assist these mic heads in the necessary disassociation of not even the senile would not recognize that a cat, dog and lizard are different in not being confused that Norseland, Germania and Saxland are  indeed different states. There would no longer be any Ummm Norseland, Umm Germania or like Mark Levin, "Hey what are you calling me from Fargo in Norseland when it says you are calling from east Fargo in Saxland.

No one confuses Texas with New Mexico or Oklahoma, so this would be the remedy in the first start to ending all racism in America, for how could even beloved leader, Barack Hussein Obama heal the tides when such tidal waves of racism exist in states named after Aboriginals from Canada.

Now there could be names like Vasserland for Minnesota, as that is what the name sort of conveys in many waters, if Saxland does not find a following, and then it would be the Little Vasserland River, but I know that we all for the state of historic 44 Obama, could come to terms with the names for the good of ending racism.

We at the Lame Cherry are always seeking to assist the image of B. Hussein Obama, and while Donald Sterling and the Washington Redskins are a manifestation, there are real sources in this.

Would any of us not cringe at states named North Nigger, South Nigger and Niggersota? Of course we would, and it is vitally time that all of this racism end at the national level first.

Let us all join in this in demanding Congress enact these new state names immediately if not sooner, for the betterment of ending racism in America.

nuff said


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