My children, I detest plants and potted plants, as indoors they seem to find ways to die, and on decks they find ways to fry in heat or cold.
TL though gets pretty things, and I mentioned this Tequila Sunrise Purslane, which I sneered at in being a hybrid weed and a potted plant.
This morning, I counted 64 flowers on it, in a platter size spread. It is growing in a half gallon pot at the most, and I frequently had it soaking in water in a water tray as it was hot and dry.
I know it says no wet and takes drought, but this plant amazes me in the portulaca or moss rose class.
When it was young, it seemed daily to have a dozen blossoms, and then progressed to the twenties in blooms, and this morning was an immense bloom. I do not think this cost too much, as it was in a small container in those throw away plastics......pricing was not over 5 bucks.
All I have done is replant it twice. First time was to a pint pot and the roots came out, so I dumped it into this larger flat pot with fertilized soil, and it has simply bloomed prettily ever day.
I see no reason to abuse this plant in a garden planting, as it thrives in a pot and is perfect outside a window. It blooms after sun up in the morning and starts rolling up mid afternoon for the night.
I am trying to root some break off cuttings to see how that goes in just water, but if this thing would survive indoors, I rank this right up there with my favorites in daylilies and lilies, for being such a constant, which do not stink like petunias, are not a poof of bloom like marigolds and do not give me headachers like geraniums.
This is the kind of plant which makes an idiot look like an expert.
It certainly in growth has outgrown the native weed, which surprises me.
So for a suggestion for a good weed to grow, the hybrid purslane has impressed me. It seems impossible that a plant can bloom this much, has the succulent pretty of the moss rose, and not be a huge cost.
It will get a 100 if I can root it, and it will survive indoors. This is probably the best flora breeding creation .....almost as good as hollyhocks, which are a weed so tough that nothing compares to them.