As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This is an important of scandal of Benghazi AKA ANALGATE, Birthergate, the Boston Blow Job, the Sony Snow Job or Powellgate, but it is a reality of the Obama regime being in collusion again with conglomerates to pillage Americans and the world from the Warren Buffett illegal railroad monopoly to the first "stimulus" which dumped almost a trillion dollars to Obama donors of thee most shoddy road work in America now falling to pieces.
I have been shopping recently and noticed something most puzzling in the produce department. See the USDA has been set up to protect consumers, much like EPA and the FDA, so that you do not get supposedly pesticide in your bread or someone spitting snot in your chocolate.
What is the reality which puzzled me recently is that eggs have shrunk.
To understand this, eggs are graded if you look at the box as MEDIUM, LARGE, EXTRA LARGE and JUMBO. There is a "small" listing, but those pullet eggs or young hen eggs are sent to manufacturers for powdered eggs and other products for instant foods.
The size of eggs are set as:
Jumbo 30 plus ounces which are laid by few breeds as the Marans of France. The Extra Large in 27 to 30 ounces laid by the Delawares, Orpingtons and Wyandottes. Large eggs in 24 to 27 ounces in the Minorcas, Polish or Dorking breeds. The mediums in 21 to 24 ounces in the Leghorns and Polish, and the small in 18 to 21 ounce eggs of the Hamburgs.
What has taken place though in this Obama Super Depression of only the Stock Market having illegal money dumps provided by Tim Geithner to give the illusion of "prosperity" only for corporate and investor rich, is these mega conglomerates are like Obama image toilet tissue in rolls cut down an inch but charging the same prices, is medium eggs are being marketed as large and large eggs are being scammed onto the public as jumbo.
Most of American poultry eggery is involved with the Highland 55 class of Leghorns in confinement for white eggs and the "sex link" chickens for brown eggs in the same confinement. The confinement are small wire cages where the chicken eats and drinks, as they lay eggs which roll into trays.
Sex link chickens mean the hens are one color for easy sorting of sex and the males are another color.
This is the face of American agri business in the smarmy millionaires and billionaires exploiting livestock and hiring Mexicans who abuse to death those animals for cheap slave labor.
Americans are now an exploited people who are caged behind passports in the same way chickens are in cages, and meant to lay their egg for conglomerates in many cases poisoning the earth and poisoning consumers. The era of your purchasing family farm flour, eggs and meat is over in your grocery. It is all now these Obama conglomerates robbing you in high cream and turkey prices as they have taken over those markets now, and the USDA which is supposed to protect the public in grades of eggs and honest measures, have the same open border Mexican situation in their egg cases as no one is watching the Obama regime donors.
Americans are now being charged for large eggs what are medium eggs. That is a criminal act, and being engaged in by conglomerates, because the Obama regime is allowing them to get away with that crime.
It does not matter that the reason might be this Obama super inflation and corporations scamming consumers in cheating them. What matters is honest weights and measures and why corporate American knows it can get away with robbing Americans.
For the reality of this the USDA is nothing but a revolving door for conglomerate stooges. This is the same case whether it be Wall Street having one of their own crooks in Tim Geithner pumping money into those trillion dollar accounts or the Greengate which had Obama dumping billions of dollars into his crony capitalists in money that just vanished. USDA is now overseeing the endangering of Americans and the robbing of those Americans by conglomerate agriculture.
Just a few years ago when it was George W. Bush and it was an agriculture dominated yet by family corporations or enough family farmers yet to offset the monopoly, then milk, eggs and sugar were consumer friendly in prices. Immediately as Obama took control from 1600 Penn Avenue, everything from gasoline to sugar spiked in robbing consumers. Now the case is cream and butter are skyrocketing in price, and it is conglomerates who employ these Mexicans who abuse animals.
That is what is behind this Obama Jumbogate in the USDA is allowing these same conglomerates to market fraud sizes on eggs. What was once a large egg is now diminutive. No one save this blog brings this crime up, and soon enough consumers will be conditioned to thinking that these pullet eggs are large eggs as more money disappears from their over taxed pockets by this heinous regime.
Why is it that PETA and ELF have disappeared under image Obama? When was the last time that you saw a record drug bust by the DEA as they were under Ronald Reagan? Why is it that all those "watchdog" sites which were fringe only had space for stories for Bill Clinton and George W. Bush? Is it not amazing in the high crime era of Birther Hussein Obama Chin's image, that no stories appear and no crimes are exposed?
This is the reality in how blatant all of this is. Import Mexican and Chinese slave labor and rob Americans of jobs, and while doing it, illegally change the weights and measures for consumers, while gouging them across the board, all by USDA hired conglomerate stooges overseeing all of this crime.
This is JUMBOGATE and another high crime of this Obama regime which has only been broken by this Lame Cherry blog in exclusive matter and anti matter.
Nuff said.