As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It is of interest after this blog stated precisely that Obama and Holder were offering up blacks as election fodder to be shot by cops to gain votes and in satire stated that blacks should be armed, that on cue blacks were organized to start shooting white cops in the media hub center.
None of this drama interests me, but what does call for examination is the plus minus of all of this.
Tensions between police and mayor boil over...
De Blasio lashes out at officers...
Sharpton scrambles after cops killed...
Giuliani: Obama 'propaganda' pushed people to 'hate the police'...
Civil rights leaders fear backlash...
Officers warned to 'avoid people looking for confrontations'...
'President should declare national day of Support for Police'...
Vandals Knock Down, Deface Sign Honoring Slain In CA...
Officer shot, killed in FL...
Warnings Issued To Cops: Be on guard...
See the plus minus in this is how does this hurt or help you?
Does it hurt you as a white, Asian, Indian for cops to be shot by Afroids being sent out? Not really as while it puts all cops on edge, cops will focus upon the Afroid in this Helter Skelter.
Next, it will be good for you, as the state police will like your local cop, think, "Well I can be a fuck nuts to that driver to get her pretty name or to gain some revenue in fines, or I might get my ass shot............hmmmm, I think I will go eat a donut and take a nap as that big pension is worth more to me than being a prick to the public who pays my salary."
If one looks at America in being invade, in the record crimes, and the reality that stupid people who commit acts of defending themselves, their property or others and phone the police..........that the cops show up and make criminals of them. The police state has no purpose other than making criminals of Americans, and the wise American sees nothing, says nothing and never phones the cops. The last thing anyone ever wants is the police camped out in your neighborhood, as they are going to be harassing you and not the criminals as you are the easy prey.
So in the system of the Obama police state checks and balances of American mob rule, one can see that when one has over burdening police, that Afroids blasting said police who are white, that this checks all police activity in balancing the scales for white and Asian Citizens who are minding their own business. The reality is when Sharpton the FBI stooge ramps all of this up, and then someone in intel sends out Afroids to blast cops, that Al starts saying for the Nig to behave which is what he is paid for in the first place.
This has all been good for image Obama as Spike Lee wanted hoodie Obama, and now the Afroids are blasting cops in capping them, as his fake poll numbers have now risen with race shooting of people and Obama doing nothing.
This is what left wing Americans like........the scary Nigger outside peeking in as you got the Nigger on the leash named image Obama peeking up your panties for your sodden thrills.
So in Charlie Manson, fringe MK ULTRA operations, what we are witnessing is the Helter Skelter in small scale. The Nigger rising up against the police state, and white cops being shot, which checks them in their terrorism of all Americans.
I will sympathize with the police, as it gets old in having people say things like, "Fuck you and your wife liked me raping her up the ass", as cops drive by eating donuts. I do not though sympathize in the metro where I soon found all the spots the cops were parked in hunting Citizens to extort money and how one beaner cop kept glaring at me......that beaner did not last long, as that psycho was removed in government workers are of two types......psychotic and delusional. The enforcer and the mind on a leash which will follow all orders given to terrorize the public.
I have written of my travels in Iowa, and how that entire state police force is designed to prey on vacationers, and brings in several million dollars a year. That is criminal extortion by the police state and it is carried out in far too many states with a robotic police force designed to shoot to kill first.
To put it plainly in this, the thin blue line is no safety factor at all. Police for the most part can not shoot that well, and time and again when the cops come up against Vets on a mission, the Vet takes out piles of them. Cops when riots come, run home to protect their property and leave the Citizens to burn. The police state only works when the mob is intimidated. When a few in the mob like these Afroids start firing first, then you have Claude Lafayette Dallas loading the game wardens on mules to dispose of them.
If the Obama regime had brought about low fuel prices, lowered taxes, provided business opportunities so all of these blacks who would work or the Asians or whites who would start businesses would hire them, then these blacks would not be so frustrated now, and taking it to armed police, and degrading this to shooting cops for sport.
All of this lays at the feet of image Obama. IF there was not a guided Super Depression out of the White House for two terms, with bribing Wall Street with trillions and Welfare Street with trillions, there would not be black fury and cops would not be out stalking people, as there would be enough money in budgets so they would not have to hand out tickets.
Yes you know there is a source guiding this black capping of cops, just like Eric Holder and his black panthers were imported into Ferguson Missouri.
OK scratch the deep scab of this, and this is a cartel operation, which the Holder NSA cell was aware of. This was run by BATF minder, who were conditioning these Afroids again to action, all for the purpose of herding the blacks to suckle from the saggy teats of white Mama Hillary Clinton, as the power base of this shifts.
Enough of this Lame Cherry exclusive as you were fed one meal on election dynamics today and Thomas Jefferson the great democrat would have assessed this as this is what the out of control police state erupts into, when King George rouses the black slaves in Virginia as a terror weapon against the American people.
The public likes the police when the police are keeping the peace and not a group of terrorists that every person checks themselves in thinking they are going to get a ticket for being an American. When that shifts to the public being afraid of the cops as what has taken place in "shoot to kill Americans first America", then you have Afroids capping cops and all the other people thinking this is some public vengeance for all those cops glaring at the public every day.
This is the face of the image Obama regime on America. The thugocracy facing a conspiracy from within to feed new stories by design all to advance another agenda.
The question in this that every one of you has to ask and then answer is this, and this is the crux of it all:
"Are you afraid of blacks shooting white cops, not shooting you, or are you more afraid of cops stalking and shooting you at this moment?"
The answer is the latter and that is the problem in this.
Ah the white folks probably will not be too fearful either when the Afroids are by design shooting Designer Whites in Latin and Chinese police officers.
Just saying..........