As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The brier patch is a different place of America and I was talking to our feed guy this past week and figured out who he was talking to in his "guy from Florida" as there are not a great number of guys from Florida who appear in the thorn thicket here.
This person puzzled me as he moved up here over a year ago, bought a house for a 100, 000 dollars on a farm site and has just sort of been there and no one knows who the hell he is, as he keeps to himself.
What the story is, is he lived in Florida, the wife is no longer the wife and the kids are not around, so he researched all of America and found two sites where there were no masses of minorities. The brier patch was one such place.
He was telling my feed guy as importing Mexicans is Chamber Choir commerce here in the next county over, that they are going to regret the hell out of importing them foreigners, from his experience in Florida.
This is real time real stories of life and none of this Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Taco Castro or what sweat is dripping from Obama's fauz balls. The reality is Americans who have had to deal with influxes of Castro cast offs to Peking ducks are not in the least pleased with them showing up.
I have real time experience with this now, and understand how this works. Yes the first Pepe's are smiling and can get along. Problem is what follows when they are established are all of these males who are not getting f*cked at home. So they are an angry as hell lot with an attitude.
When we were in the metro, I noticed the past year how the Mexicans had become more belligerent and pushy. For that matter I recall some nasty ass south Asian Indian types who would not get the hell out of the aisle either in thinking they own the store. White people are polite and get out of the way and do not butt into line....the foreigners fresh from gnawing off the bone have no problem in being aggressive as that is in their genes.
For those who do not get this, these are people who got off their asses, after not being able to get along in their own despotic nations, and now have arrived in America, demanding what you have, and image Obama has promised them all that you have.
It is only going to be a matter of time, that those dimwits the clergy are coddling in America, turn to shirts off on main street, cat calling to females and raping them, as that is what these 3rd worlders do.
America is going to regret all of this, as these hard asses are going to be f*cking your women, and not these sedate Afroids you are familiar with. They will beat you, stab you, shoot you and simply disappear. You think you have problems with 3 million Nigs in Chicago in prison, the reality is the you will have twice as many Peking cocks and Latin dicks in prison, and you are going to be paying for them what is following is the Latin and Chicom mafia who are real bad ass.
Oh for those who forgot the history, when the Colombian mafia blew into America in the Clinton dope years, those bad asses scared the bajesus out of all the European mafia as the Colombians hacked people to death and laughed. The Chinese are even more notorious than these Latins, so this is the bad ass regret which America is going to awake too. Yes your Chamber Choir rich guys in mansions and your liberal vote getters will be behind their closed gates, but it is you who is going to find the world of Dru Sjodin of Fargo North Dakota.
That nice little Scandinavian girl never knew what hit her as she was raised in a Christian world not under Vatican or Marxist feudal control.
Murder of Dru Sjodin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 22, 2003) was a murder victim who was abducted from the Columbia Mall parking lot in Grand Forks, North Dakota, by Alfonso Rodriguez, Jr., on ...Wikipedia
This is coordinated to dump people into the upstate areas like New York, West Virginia, outback Ohio, the GOP center states, just as they have taken over Colorada, California, Texas and Florida.
People are going to find this chit is dumped into their close areas like Dru Sjodin did in a Pepe from Mark Dayton's Minnesota showed up in Fargo, pulled this little innocent out of a parking lot, stuffed her into a below freezing trunk, raped her, murdered her and then dumped her into the wilderness so the wolves could finish the evidence.
You are going to regret this America and the proof is the people who have fled those damned areas bringing their guns and attitude to your areas. One of the last people we spoke with was a gal who moved to the metro to get the hell out of Arizona. That is the wave which is coming. You are going to have those peoples who can see the signs coming, fleeing to the rural areas, and in this case, the Chamber Choir is using the rural areas as dump depots for these criminal 3rd worlders.
That is the fact and that is the reality. No matter what Rush Limbaugh is conditioning, I want all 30 million of this refuse thrown out of America and back to their own territories, RFID tagged with a shoot to kill bounty if they show up again.
Want to afford a house, a used car, groceries and gas made cheap? Take 30 million criminals and free those resources up for Americans......that includes the doctors and nurses now being forced to care for free all these criminals in Obamacare.
That is the Continentalist Policy and it requires stating. I do not bend on this. I want them all gone now and forever by whatever legal means will be set free for the American people to rid themselves of this scourge and this plague.
You are going to regret this America. Not Pat Buchanan or any of these other rich people, but you the Americans. It is your women and children who will be raped first and it will be you knifed or shot as the system rewards your murderers.
This is not for America alone, but from Germany, France, Norway, UK, Australia, Canada......and yes other Latin and Asian areas, as those peoples like Mexico will not let this chit in, and you sheep are bringing your slaughterers in, and the culprits behind it are the cartel cronies of your own regimes.
Dru Sjodin was raped and murdered over a decade ago, before this million refuse dump was being garbaged into America. Think about what you are about to regret in actual history proving the point.
nuff said