As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I suffer from hearing loss. My left ear is one where I can not hear a cricket, which in that pitch is fine, as if one is in the room, I can just roll over and go to sleep.
The thing in this is, I first became aware of tenitis or whatever it is when I was a child. I was in bed at night, and it scared me, as I heard this ringing in my ears and it would not stop. I do not know if I had, had it previously or if I just became aware of it on that night. My ears though have had this sound in them, which is high pitched, raspy and never ceases.
I know what the reason is for most of this, it is allergies as I had a great deal of fluid in my ears. It was not until I was put on horse sized naproxim sodium or Aleve, that the fluid drained and my ears quit clicking every time I swallowed.
I was also on a Farmall M, held by my Mom who was out in the fields when I was a child. She held me with my right side to her, so this started the hearing loss, and a horridly loud 450 Farmall International finished the job.
Some shooting did not help, and a rock concert with a sports event, did more damage.
It is an odd thing in Mom can not hear low decible noises, like trucks, which I can hear easily, but TL can hear the high decible noises as in cell phones in other rooms, while I am deaf to such things.
I do not relate any of this for sympathy, as everyone has some problems. My vision due to toxins blurs up too and there are other things being healed in Chirst. The point is in this is that people need to know they are not alone in the things they suffer from.
I would not say I could not hear, but simply that I have problems hearing some things, and if fans are running on appliances, that masks a great deal of my ability to sort things out.
I hear song birds just fine and what I consider the things I do like. In that, it is odd that physical hearing, is not related to Spiritual hearing. I have no problem at all hearing God, Holy Angels, Saints, satan and demons. I never have sorted out how in Spirit I hear emotions, or I hear light. I would think that one would feel emotions, which I do feel, but the thoughts of others I hear not as words but concussion waves.
It has always been the oddest of things, in hearing, I feel nothing, but once I hear, I lock onto a person, and then I read their emotions, and from that I have to form thought in back engineering in what the person is thinking.
Perhaps I am an odd duck in no one else does this, but I have read enough of experiences from antiquity, that numbers of people have this going on.
For those familiar with remote viewing, there is a "tick" which takes place as you experience the matrix in touching it in all that knowledge. TL literally has physical ticks often in being aware of God and others touching TL. TL hears as I do and sees better than I do Spiritually.
Last night as I was moving around in the hall, I experience for the first time the Light of God in a way, which was really moving.
I glimpsed across the top of my sight vision, something like sheet lighting in the tops of anvil thunderheads, but it did not flash. It was very bright white light, without being blinding or hurting the vision.
These things surprise me, as I have time to question if it was a nearby window, but upon inquiry, this was God in a most interesting way.
TL works with a Gentleman who knows and experiences things as we do, from being touched to feeling that "wind" upon you when Spirits are around. All of this goes back to how this began in loss of hearing. I think of the story from Ronald jr. and Patty Reagan, when their father was dying, how with senility, he opened his eyes and knew Nancy was there in recognizing her, as a last gift.
I am convinced by the things I experience, that no matter what physical limitation a person has, whether mental retardation or being deaf, that the soul or the Spirit in people is operating just fine and retains perfect ability.
Ronald Reagan's brain had become dysfunctional, but the Spirit in him was greater than the world.
It is a different arena to strive in as I strive to live in the Spiritual and pay less attention to the physical. I would that I had Elisha abilities in making this so much easier, but the gifts give me by the Holy Ghost are a good frustrating puzzle which keeps me interested.
When this circus evolves back to the brier patch, it is my hope to focus more on the Spiritual things again as I used to have time for. Living in one place and not two should help this immensely and being away from the din of the metro, as it seems like I have nothing but little wigglers tucked in my Spirit in I feel far too many people, and even those who are walled off are monuments I weigh against.
The point is, that while the physical has limits which degrade, the Spiritual is a vista which expands and grows. It rewards in God that effort invested.
I long to try things to see if they will respond to me. The method of inquiry which I utilize, and I will term, flash reads, is something that in a year of discipline, the results are an accomplished skill by God's Grace.
I desire more though and as hearing has reached all it can be, I seek more understanding.
In Spirit, there is no handicap from the physical. That is what should be striven for as those abilities are what one has in the return to God.
I leave it at that.