As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Holy Ghost has directed me to these two Bible verses and they are pertinent for they point to an end and a punishment.
As of yesterday I was moved to work on the coming world war again as I have been for years in the Great Eurasian War which is coming. The confirmation verse was:
Those days are not yet, but they are a matter of a reality that people are going to be half way through the Great Tribulation before they even figure out they are doomed. The sun and moon signs do not take place until the Temple which is to be built is defiled. So you get this, people will have been going through the beginning of the Great Tribulation and the majority will not be aware of it.
In other words, perhaps you should take the hint in something which only this blog has spoken of in the advent has begun whether you can see the keys or not as signs.
I point you to reality that satan which is the being full of wisdom and beauty as the Bible teaches, misplayed the greatest moment in history a second time. satan's first misstep was it's trying to rise with only 1/3rd of the Angels to take God's Throne and was cast out.
satan's second misstep was murdering Jesus the Christ.
In one of the most pathetic and sinister situations ever, remember the tempting of Christ. satan appears wise in tempting Christ in appealing to Jesus human weakness in repeating, "if you are the Son of God", but in reality there was something much more in this, in satan had no idea for certain This was The Word of God in human form. it was trying to figure out Who Jesus was, as this Redemption was a mystery that the Angels had wanted to investigate.
Think of it as what this blog revealed years ago in the mistake satan made. satan was duped into creating the very end of all it was by Jesus death and Jesus taking up His Life again, as satan's only gambit was to destroy humanity from becoming God's children, which is what happened in the Garden of Eden. Humankind in sin was separated from God by satan, and by satan instigating the murder of Jesus at Cavalry, satan healed that breach as God the Father planned.
satan is not foolish, but it is not all knowing, even in full of wisdom. it has learned and knows for certain that this is the last period before torment comes. Literally, satan fell from Heaven like lightning as Jesus stated in what Christ saw when the disciples were sent out to begin retaking all for the Kingdom of God. it has had the past almost 2000 years to try to build an alternative anti Christ group of people in a false tree of life, which is what the End Times is all about. Once this last period is over in the final 7 year cycle, satan is chained and cast into the Bottomless Pit by Michael the Archangel for 1000 years of Christ rule.
After that, it is released to deceive Gog and Magog who will be wiped out, and then satan, all demons, all unsaved spiritual traitors and all unsaved souls to be destroyed, will be cast into the Lake of Fire for eternal torment or destruction. spirits can not be destroyed, souls can and will be by that fire of Gehenna Hell.
satan is not in any hurry to bring about the literal moment left in years, and be placed into torment forever. God is not about as He informed all in the Virgins and oil, to announce all of this coming plainly to warn sinners. There was that Ark with Noah for hundreds of years, and no one paid attention to it. No one is paying attention to the signs which have been taking place, and the seared and sealed are not going to change when the sun and moon signs do appear.
The second reading was:
I realize the rich in this world have no comprehension how heinous they are and will plead they are not stealing from poor people, but they fail to realize that their owning inflated properties keeping people from the American Dream, their using slave labor in imports and their taking double their stock prices now in Obama Wall Street money dumps is robbing the poor.
I was in town this past week and saw the cruel teacher who I had at school which I have spoken of. This is a miserable old man who stalks about scowling and trying to find people to interact with. He was in the junk store bothering people, but his task was buying pie plates for like 50 cents a piece. This is someone who has a foreign working wife all of his life, has a pension from the school, new SUV, nice home, is out for coffee every day and he is such a scrooge that he is taking pie plates from the poor to save some money.
Yes a Walmart type business in this town just closed and if this rich guy had been patronizing that business like all the rich, that business would not have closed in this Obama Super Depression. It is though the guilt of sin these rich people are responsible for as they rob people, the community and the nation.
I do not leave the sinful poor out of this in their wretchedness, but God was not directing me to deal with the poor masses who are being preyed upon and are witless. This is about the warning that signs are there for the advent of a situation which is predicted, and God is not making note of it in signs that should be there, and satan is in absolutely no hurry to meet it's doom.
It is not my calling to save any of you. It is not my business to warn you any more. I am just a voice in the wilderness making note of evidence for your convictions. You evil brats are not going to change. You are marked and sealed. You have proven what you are and it is recorded. I would that God was more plain in His signs for the children, but I am not bothered by signs or not signs, because I get up every day looking for what to do that day to Glorify God and when the Last Trump comes, Lame Cherry is going to be drying seeds to plant for the next year, even if I never touch them. I will by God's Grace not be caught unaware, but I am not stopping what I am doing as I have plans for land, animals, a home and experiments in home heating I am working on which is primitive but cheap. I know that electric is predicted to rise to 300 dollars per month from this cartel regime, and I intend not to serve it, but to laugh at it as I sit in my shorts and t shirt all winter.
I am not going to be disappointed if God's finish appears He "delays", because I have a life in Him I will fulfill and I will make the best of it every moment. I pray Jesus comes back and look for Him to end this heinous evil rule of satan and it's minions and this is my Hope. I am not going to have my Faith shaken by signs or wonders or things God keeps hidden even from me. The basics are simple in Faith in Christ, Christ will return and it is my responsibility to keep myself in God's Law to not make Grace a license, and God handles all the rest as He is God.
It is why I will be changed at the Last Trump with TL and Mom, and most of you will be dead, in Sheol or waiting to be put into Gehenna. You never cared for me, never cared for the least of God's creatures, so you have not cared for Christ and that door is your execution cell you are entering in. You are known by how uncaring you are and that is your testimony and evidence you are delivering every moment.
That is the reality. It does not make any difference how much porn that poor sap is jacking off to. What matters is what sins you are guilty of as you preen in the mirror lying to yourself how precious you are.
For the poor, they will make the Way in Christ. Some have mechanical skills to get junk and fix it up to pay the bills in resales, others have abilities and skills in computer or whatever. It will all be a refining of the Good to become better offerings to the Father.
This ends at this as my head hurts from a second day of sinus in a cold house and my eyes blur when that happens, so the pony has run your lazy asses around the track enough today for another ride building your debt.
agtG 293yy
The Holy Ghost has directed me to these two Bible verses and they are pertinent for they point to an end and a punishment.
As of yesterday I was moved to work on the coming world war again as I have been for years in the Great Eurasian War which is coming. The confirmation verse was:
Acts 2:20
The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come:
Those days are not yet, but they are a matter of a reality that people are going to be half way through the Great Tribulation before they even figure out they are doomed. The sun and moon signs do not take place until the Temple which is to be built is defiled. So you get this, people will have been going through the beginning of the Great Tribulation and the majority will not be aware of it.
In other words, perhaps you should take the hint in something which only this blog has spoken of in the advent has begun whether you can see the keys or not as signs.
I point you to reality that satan which is the being full of wisdom and beauty as the Bible teaches, misplayed the greatest moment in history a second time. satan's first misstep was it's trying to rise with only 1/3rd of the Angels to take God's Throne and was cast out.
satan's second misstep was murdering Jesus the Christ.
In one of the most pathetic and sinister situations ever, remember the tempting of Christ. satan appears wise in tempting Christ in appealing to Jesus human weakness in repeating, "if you are the Son of God", but in reality there was something much more in this, in satan had no idea for certain This was The Word of God in human form. it was trying to figure out Who Jesus was, as this Redemption was a mystery that the Angels had wanted to investigate.
Think of it as what this blog revealed years ago in the mistake satan made. satan was duped into creating the very end of all it was by Jesus death and Jesus taking up His Life again, as satan's only gambit was to destroy humanity from becoming God's children, which is what happened in the Garden of Eden. Humankind in sin was separated from God by satan, and by satan instigating the murder of Jesus at Cavalry, satan healed that breach as God the Father planned.
satan is not foolish, but it is not all knowing, even in full of wisdom. it has learned and knows for certain that this is the last period before torment comes. Literally, satan fell from Heaven like lightning as Jesus stated in what Christ saw when the disciples were sent out to begin retaking all for the Kingdom of God. it has had the past almost 2000 years to try to build an alternative anti Christ group of people in a false tree of life, which is what the End Times is all about. Once this last period is over in the final 7 year cycle, satan is chained and cast into the Bottomless Pit by Michael the Archangel for 1000 years of Christ rule.
After that, it is released to deceive Gog and Magog who will be wiped out, and then satan, all demons, all unsaved spiritual traitors and all unsaved souls to be destroyed, will be cast into the Lake of Fire for eternal torment or destruction. spirits can not be destroyed, souls can and will be by that fire of Gehenna Hell.
satan is not in any hurry to bring about the literal moment left in years, and be placed into torment forever. God is not about as He informed all in the Virgins and oil, to announce all of this coming plainly to warn sinners. There was that Ark with Noah for hundreds of years, and no one paid attention to it. No one is paying attention to the signs which have been taking place, and the seared and sealed are not going to change when the sun and moon signs do appear.
The second reading was:
Amos 5:11
Forasmuch therefore as your treading is upon the poor, and ye take from him burdens of wheat: ye have built houses of hewn stone, but ye shall not dwell in them; ye have planted pleasant vineyards, but ye shall not drink wine of them.
I realize the rich in this world have no comprehension how heinous they are and will plead they are not stealing from poor people, but they fail to realize that their owning inflated properties keeping people from the American Dream, their using slave labor in imports and their taking double their stock prices now in Obama Wall Street money dumps is robbing the poor.
I was in town this past week and saw the cruel teacher who I had at school which I have spoken of. This is a miserable old man who stalks about scowling and trying to find people to interact with. He was in the junk store bothering people, but his task was buying pie plates for like 50 cents a piece. This is someone who has a foreign working wife all of his life, has a pension from the school, new SUV, nice home, is out for coffee every day and he is such a scrooge that he is taking pie plates from the poor to save some money.
Yes a Walmart type business in this town just closed and if this rich guy had been patronizing that business like all the rich, that business would not have closed in this Obama Super Depression. It is though the guilt of sin these rich people are responsible for as they rob people, the community and the nation.
I do not leave the sinful poor out of this in their wretchedness, but God was not directing me to deal with the poor masses who are being preyed upon and are witless. This is about the warning that signs are there for the advent of a situation which is predicted, and God is not making note of it in signs that should be there, and satan is in absolutely no hurry to meet it's doom.
It is not my calling to save any of you. It is not my business to warn you any more. I am just a voice in the wilderness making note of evidence for your convictions. You evil brats are not going to change. You are marked and sealed. You have proven what you are and it is recorded. I would that God was more plain in His signs for the children, but I am not bothered by signs or not signs, because I get up every day looking for what to do that day to Glorify God and when the Last Trump comes, Lame Cherry is going to be drying seeds to plant for the next year, even if I never touch them. I will by God's Grace not be caught unaware, but I am not stopping what I am doing as I have plans for land, animals, a home and experiments in home heating I am working on which is primitive but cheap. I know that electric is predicted to rise to 300 dollars per month from this cartel regime, and I intend not to serve it, but to laugh at it as I sit in my shorts and t shirt all winter.
I am not going to be disappointed if God's finish appears He "delays", because I have a life in Him I will fulfill and I will make the best of it every moment. I pray Jesus comes back and look for Him to end this heinous evil rule of satan and it's minions and this is my Hope. I am not going to have my Faith shaken by signs or wonders or things God keeps hidden even from me. The basics are simple in Faith in Christ, Christ will return and it is my responsibility to keep myself in God's Law to not make Grace a license, and God handles all the rest as He is God.
It is why I will be changed at the Last Trump with TL and Mom, and most of you will be dead, in Sheol or waiting to be put into Gehenna. You never cared for me, never cared for the least of God's creatures, so you have not cared for Christ and that door is your execution cell you are entering in. You are known by how uncaring you are and that is your testimony and evidence you are delivering every moment.
That is the reality. It does not make any difference how much porn that poor sap is jacking off to. What matters is what sins you are guilty of as you preen in the mirror lying to yourself how precious you are.
For the poor, they will make the Way in Christ. Some have mechanical skills to get junk and fix it up to pay the bills in resales, others have abilities and skills in computer or whatever. It will all be a refining of the Good to become better offerings to the Father.
This ends at this as my head hurts from a second day of sinus in a cold house and my eyes blur when that happens, so the pony has run your lazy asses around the track enough today for another ride building your debt.
agtG 293yy