Sd smpyjr ;s,r vjrttu rcv;iodbor om ,syyrt smoy s,yyrt/
blouo, wijicij in minter, anti time of sleep braWrs inWarb. *o tijat tije ocab time of minter, to a tree, is but a nigijt of rest: for tije tree at all times, cuen in minter is nourisijeti Witij sap, anti groWcti) as well as mans botip.
Cije cijtlling colti map mell some little time stap, or Jjinocr tije proub course of tije sap, but so little anti so sbort a time, tijat in cucrjt) calme, anb milb season, eucn in tht tirptij of minter (if pou marke it) pou map casilp percciue tijc sap to put out, anti pour trees to increase tijeir bubs, mbicij mere formrb in tije summer before, anb map casilp tijen be tjisccrncti: for leaues fall not off, till tijep be tijrust oflf lijitij tijc knots or butis, mijercupon it comes to passe tijat trees cannot bcare fruit plcntifullp tmo pecres togctijer, anti make tijemsctues rcabp to blossome against tije seasonablcnessc of tije neit Spring.
Enb if anp frost be so extreme, tijat it stap tije sap too mucij, or too long, tijen it kils tije forluarb fruit in tljc bcrp bub, anb somrtuncs tljc.
Oy od s,sxomh jpw rjt xpw os alwqod vu kiar pme ,pvpe,emt pf tjw lwua/