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conglomerate primates


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I wonder how the ridicule of superiority in the Americans noting that they took the Aboriginal Indian to Washington City to wow the natives into submission, is somehow lost on the 21st century American with college degree in these conglomerates offering employees "working trips to Europe" or "convention seminars", along with these timely "Tell us what you think valued employee" in order to manipulate these modern primates in the corporate zoo?

No that is not rhetorical, but requires each of you to answer the question so it resonates through your thoughts what is the difference between offering uneducated Aboriginals glass beads and matches to wow them out of their lives, and your being offered dinners with the executives or a plane ride somewhere as something superior, and should not be looked at with the same scorn.

TL informs me that the reason the Europeans are on perpetual vacation is the American welfare, first in the idiotic Marshall Plan and then the Obama trillions of dollar money dump plan in the 21st century AD in the century of our Lord, has discovered that in high tax Europe it is cheaper to not have people work than to pay them.....so send them off on junkets and vacations to appease them for not paying them wages worth a better life.

I just absolutely wonder at all of this as the Europeans deem themselves superior, and are in their own monkey bin. Let us work this out, in Japan produces poison cars here for the Obama system, but Obama melts down Fukashima.........Buffett puts toxic waste into India, and then that Obama Lebanese group of money launderers owning that Swedish conglomerate, comes into America and produces toxic grease as Europe will not allow that cancer causing humancide to be produced there............

Obama's setting up the Indian reservations to be sovereign countries in America as invasion and anchor points of the New World Order. The Indians think they got a gem in Obama and are the same idiots as 200 years ago, but what excuse but arrogance to Americans have in thinking they are any different in being nothing more than monkeys in the zoo?

What the hell do you think all those Human Resource lectures and lunches are about. A company works you to cripple or death status, and bore you to zombie status in meetings which do not give a care about what you think, but psychology manipulation has shown that idiots in the majority are appeased this way, and then they hand out "working trips" to pit employees against each other as status symbols to corporate headquarters Europe to wow the Americans as to how the humans do it up right in Europe.

I am not segmenting this in the least to the lower level employees, because the execs of the upper levels are all manipulated this way. There is not one foreign company who hires one American with making things better for America or Americans. Execs in companies are hired to get blood from turnips, be company people........because the last thing any conglomerate desires is a president who will turn into a competitor or learn company secrets.
You know those overseers on plantations? That is exactly what American companies are all about, and most of you reading this are the Niggers or are the Welfare Wall Street cover for this Ponzi Scheme takeover of America.

Seriously, why pay anyone a living wage in Obama inflation? Hell just fire two other people, triple up on the few people who will work, who are Midwestern White and Asian, and then promise them a trip to Europe to WORK.
Do the math primates. One employee earning 30,000 dollars a year, compared to 3 employees earning 100,000 dollars a year. One trip to Europe or whatever at 1500 dollars..........my pre Obama arithmetic figures that as a 68,5000 dollar profit for a foreign ownership conglomerate of American slave workers, and the American companies like Cabelas are no damn different.
Everyone can see some Chinagirl worked to cripple status and lament it as you buy your Walmart wares, but for some reason managed crippling and murder of Americans is never spoken of, as well the Mexicans and imported Chinese do all the toxic waste work, as the Americans just die slowly and of course they get a trip to Europe to WORK in psychological conditioning to make their deaths seem like a good thing.

It is all freedom in America, at liberty to be worked to death and it could not be exploitation as did we not just get to go to Amsterdam to see the whores in the windows on display?

I will run through this again. All that dope and terror oil money, gets laundered. Most goes through West Indian bank fronts, and then ends up in front companies of LLC's which then buy up European companies, who then buy up American companies to make slaves of the whites and asians in America.

How ignorant do you people have to be eh? Nation Rapists like Warren Buffett and George Soros do not earn those billions. They get them one of two ways. The first way is legalized stealing by gleaning you of your retirement investments as they take a "cut" and tell you how wealthy they made you..........
Ok they took your 401K, made you 2% while Obama inflation is 11% a year........great deal here Spanky.
The second way is they launder money as that is all Wall Street is, and it is all condoned crime, and why no one ever is brought up on charges.
I have covered all this in the Obama family cronies from the Muslim Middle East. You have Lebanon and Qatar.......suddenly money appears for front men. No one knows where the hell it comes from, but it is all opium, human sales, munitions, oil, bribes..........etc..., and this volume arises from banks with dry cleaning operations. This then flows into Europe, America, South America and Australia to legitimize it, as another cover........the terrorists owning companies through a third party, and making slaves of westerners to exploit them for the cartel.

The NSA knows damned sick of every penny of this scheme, but nothing is done, as it is the cartel laundering money, as much as you forget now after 9 11, there was that immense stock swindle in selling short by the cartel cronies on Wall Street, knowing which stocks would plunge..........and the Bush43 administration did absolutely nothing over this, as they were ordered to back off, as these were the players who are superior to the Bush family of bag men.

See there is the European investor, the plantation owner, all crooked as hell making money from China opium deals, buying up properties and then hiring local overseers who are not too bright, to squeeze the blood out of you turnips and make you think you are free and you are getting a really great deal in being worked to death.

That is the reality and I honestly hate with a passion that this blog sounds like some liberal rant exposing all of this, but that is the reality in this world now, that Conservatives, True American Christian Conservatives are the only ones exposing any of this, and the greatest exploiters now are the pigs in this Animal House in these Obama progressive liberals.

I mean do not pay an employee a wage beating inflation exploitation, nor drop prices on energy, but instead use that and food to steal from working people............but give them glass beads for their lives in lunches with the execs and show the American primate a real wow in putting them onto a jet in CULTURE SHOCK in dumping them into Europe for FAST PROGRAM OF SUBMISSION, where they will scamper away back to America and take their rationed death like good little lab test monkeys.

Sure PETA makes money off of dead puppies like the Human Society, but what about those 2 legged animals being euthanized so a new breed of Mexican pet can replace them.

The Lame Cherry is for the ETHICAL TREATMENT OF HUMANS, and in this Obama 21st century there is nothing ethical in this mistreatment of humanity. Rationed death, slave labor, psychological conditioning and poison industry is not what the Founders ever intended for Americans.

Stop thinking you are superior, when you have just learned you are being treated like a monkey in the zoo. You are ignornant and being informed as such, stop being an idiot accepting being experimented on and exploited.
Monkeys scream and that is all you fucking have to do is SCREAM. You should be able to do that. Voting will solve nothing, but enough of you screaming will at least get you a few bananas to eat, instead of picking shit balls off your sodomized asses to snack on and throw at each other.

You people are all so dense! You are on rich or poor welfare. The ones who work think they are getting a great deal in not being paid what they are worth in doing the work of 3 people, and the poor workers are so busy fighting with a Mexican for a job that none of them will pick up the bats and tire irons to start a revolution.
You are all 21st century aboriginals and do not get the joke you are being laughed at by the hired goons who run this for the aristocracy.

Yes my children you are being ruthlessly exploited. Your boss who thinks they are so bright is a fucking idiot, hired because they are fucking idiot put in place by the cartel managers like Buffett to exploit you, in thinking they got a great deal in being paid to torment people where if they did it on the street would be arrested for assault.
You just try hiring 3 Mexicans to do you yard work, firing 2 immediately and making the one do the work of three, and then as compensation you sit down and have a coke with them, while you drop them off at Walmart to wow them and see how that goes over.

That happens every day in America, Europe, Asia, Australasia and Latin America. You have been saying thank you for long enough.........maybe you should start rehearsing, "When in the course of Human events........"

Or maybe you can join a Union, and be paid high wages to not work or collect only slave wages when you do work, as your bosses donate all that money to Obama or be laundered through Wall Street.

Conglomerate Primates..........paging Conglomerate Primates.


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