As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
A new candidate has risen for Vice President of these United States in intelligence officer Leon Panetta or at the least as Sec. of State for the Hillary Clinton selection to the White House for 2016 AD in the year of our Lord.
Rush Limbaugh has indicated that Hillary Clinton has been backing away from the Obama regime for reason that all hell is going to break loose over a long period of time in the Mideast, and with the weighing in of Panetta on this issue in now stating to Scott Peley on CBS that Obama bungled Iraq and is responsible for ISIS.
For the detractors of this blog, this is Leon Panetta, liberal democrat from California, who just damned the Obama regime for absolute incompetence.
I do not care to address the obvious, but to project the Hillary Clinton administration, as that is what America will be stuck with.
None of this is to be read as an acceptance of Hillary Clinton or the Clintons, but to assess what awaits America with a Hillary Clinton leadership in the White House. It is not an accident that Leon Panetta has appeared. Panetta is a long ago intelligence asset and while floundering around in liberal politics, he indeed with the Clinton's did prosecute an effective war in Kosovo against Christian Serbians and the Clinton's did effectively utilize and manage al Qaeda.
I am not going to deal with Hillary in the Obama regime in propping up that regime. I am going to deal with what has been a signature mark of Clinton policy in the Clinton's policy was not to start a war with terrorists and to accept 100 United States Citizens murdered per year by terrorists as a way of doing business.......
And the Clinton way of doing business was extorting billions from Saddam Hussein for food for oil, and keeping Saddam in power, as the stockmarket did indeed make numbers of Americans wealthy.
None of this discounts what crooks and sociopaths the Clintons were. It is simply the policy structure of the Clinton's which I did not advocate nor support, which is going to be a more effective policy structure as "love thy terrorist" by the Obama regime.
The epitaph of the Obama regime was not giving them the George W. Bush vote, but giving terrorist thugs the dope routes and possession of nations like Libya, for the purpose of bribing them.
While it was reprehensible, the Clinton policy was far more astute in having Saddam butcher people, while the liberals of the west were being bribed with billions, through Marc Rich money laundering.
I am not stating that the Clinton's did not have crooks and idiots in their tenure, as Les Aspen was incompetent, Ron Brown was a low level crook, Vince Foster was a bag man and Maddy Albright was a racist against Slavic peoples. Then the rather insane Wes Clarke tried to bomb Russian troops in Serbia, which was like the BATF slaughtering Texans at Wacco, Tim McVeigh and Ruby Ridge. There is the point though, that except for some uncomfortable spying on this popular girl, America did ok in a Lyndon Johnson way and the situation was not that deplorable as it has been for the Obama regime.
The point is, John Boehner has not done a damn thing for Americans, and nothing was done for right wing Americans under George W. Bush in the Rovians, so with faggery and Obamacare installed, I doubt that there would be one whit of difference between a Jeb Bush or a Hillary Clinton tenure, except Hillary might make things a little better in being able to accomplish things more easily.
I realize that the legalize rape of children is the next issue on the agenda. From the past review of the Bushites, I can state that those same emanicipation measures would be stopped by them either.
9 11 was a product of Clinton policy, but it was the out of control nature of Al Gore and Jamie Gorelick who unleashed it to retaliation on George W. Bush, as the cartel hijacked their operation and turned it to their advantage financially.
For all the over the top psychopathy which the Obama regime, Hillary Clinton's faction is going to seem sedate. Can Hillary Clinton get into trouble, of course, with Vladimir Putin, as that is an Obama disaster, as much as the Obama terrorists, and much as that festering pustule of China and North Korea, but the experinenced choice of Leon Panetta as lead in this, signals at least an adult is in charge who is astute. I do not agree with Panetta on past policy, but it was a hell of allot better than the Obama talking points being implemented.
With America finished, you assess what is going to be foisted on the nation, and then make the best options available work for you. The Clintons like money and like pulling triggers when they have the odds. They got terrorists to fight for them in Kosovo effectively.
In reality, if Gramma Hillary is napping, if Bill is sucking viagra so paid for blondes will not be raped sucking on him, then a staff led by Leon Panetta and perhaps a dusted off Rham Emanuel coordinating in back deals with Congress, Washington City would be a more American reality, providing these Obama agents are flushed, including the reprehensible Eric Holder.
I do serve those at the White House with advice if they would take it. The Obama regime did much better when it was acting on my policies. So for Hillary Clinton, I give her these points, which if she implements them, she will cement a legacy surpassing Ronald Reagan.
1. Give the right something to chew on, to keep them from chewing on the Clintons. That means turn over the Obama files and accomplish a purge as America is hungry for retribution.
2. Drop gasoline prices to a dollar a gallon, and drill and export oil to Eurasia, in having Big Frac make up the money there.
3. Cut Obama massive taxes for a real economic recovery.
4. Rescind Obamacare, and announce a public and private healthcare in allowing people to choose.
5. Invite Vladimir Putin to a Swiss resort, make Vladimir look good, and in private confess that the image of Obama was demonic and blame Equalz for everything.
6. You are going to have trouble with China and North Korea, so get that settled early.
7. Dust off Vernon Jordan and give black Americans a spokesman who speaks for the Clinton White House, or those Obama's are going to be worse than Jimmy Carter.
Do that and the Clinton II will have a population which is ready for a breather from wars, conflict and poverty, and be thankful to accept being led.
nuff said.