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The Dominating Victim Exalt


I was pondering the other day the Mockingbird employ in the Ashkenaz Jew. Now even noting that is going to get anti semite charges from Southern Poverty Law Center as it is a quasi arm of Homeland meant to illegally track and collect data on Citizens to smear traditional American values.

Noting that SPLC will probably ignore the blog as all have been told to ignore the Vesuvius here hoping the volcanic flow goes unnoticed.

I was thinking though about Mark Levin, Michael Savage, Rob Reiner and Jon Stewart in how much they remind me of the phrase "skunk eating  shit" and how their in your face obnoxious rants in that dialect they have just turns most people off, and those it appeals to suffer from masochistic psychopathy of needing punishment for they pain they feel.

In that these secular Jews who like being in that group for monetary gain in the caste of Ashkenaz financiers are top dog, the Jews of Israel are next rung, then comes the Americans who have a say because of money, and then you get into that Hitler definition of Slavs, Sephardic and other types who are only tolerated for numbers who need to be holocausted in times of political drama to attain nations and things like that to make money off of.

Some peoples are just behaviorally challenged and not responsible in etiquette. Many "Jewish" writers try to make excuses of such things in works like

 In No Offense, a critique of American civil religion,. Cuddihy argues that Catholic and Jewish intellectuals in America gave up the distinctive religious claims of Catholicism and Judaism, respectively, in the interests of not offending the Protestant majority. Cuddihy views various intellectual critiques of modernity - both conservative and radical - as the product of resentment against the more successful, enlightened, Protestant majority.

Cuddihy is described as a Catholic agnostic or some sort.....like a Designer Negro, as that can exist in someone who is Asian being termed black or someone being in a religion and not giving place to God. That reality is the apologists who make victims of those who were in reality at war with the peoples who won on.

By this, I mean, Talmudic Jewry had sport like Islam in looking at the world as US versus them in the Goy.......an animal race who were meant to be lied to and exploited. The original Democracy and why they all love mob rule as the minority had no rights.

In reality, secular Jews in this Ashkenaz were the under-structure exploiting all peoples they were inhabited with. The Merchant of Venice was Shakespeare's common account of the cut throat nature of the "Jew".
General Sherman at the end of the Civil War banned all Jewish carpetbaggers from entering the south, because the rich predators were buying up all the poor Southerners assets and would have created a feudal state in America.
For that Sherman is still smeared by the Jewish press, yet this Jewish predatory status on peoples is what started all of this backlash that Cuddihy tries to gloss over.

The same is true for Catholics in what Jewry did behind the scenes in finance, the Vatican did up front in inquisitions in slaughter. For the reality in America, the peoples who came to America were the poor wretches preyed upon both of these groups and it is why Protestants hated these  groups from the old country as they were the reason no one ever got ahead.

My Grandfather hated Catholics with a passion as his kindred remembered what took place in Europe. I know of many of these events on both sides in gentile backlash and Jewish suffering and Catholic warring on Lutherans. There were wars fought on this, and there were deliberate backlashes because of this. The communist Jew was the one who was announcing the genocide of Germans before Hitler arrived to turn the tables to rid Europe of communists and to dislodge the Jewish Pale or the shetel, which is a German based word in these Ashkenaz European squatters from Asia for their enclaves in Christian lands.
You will never hear that it was the Talmudic Jews who had race purification rites, religious rites and commerce rites, that separated themselves out from the cultures they were in, but instead it is glossed over as if the Jews were all herded into areas as some type of plague.

The "Jews" would not accept Christ their Messian and chose not to assimilate, and then utilized all forms of machinations, the last of which was Marx and the holocaust to herd Jews into thinking they were both superior victims and the persecuted underclass in order to maintain this herd mentality that is indoctrinated like Manchurian talking points, as the above four mentioned "Jews" of the Ashkenaz will in emotional outburst go into "Jewish victim" mode like Obama black liberationists do instead of thinking they are Americans first.
They simply can not help what they were indoctrinated with, and they soon found out that being more obnoxous put polite Germanic and European peoples off and the polite turned to silence and allowed the ranters to rant on.

This is the overthrow of America, and a known psychology of Americans in these Israelite enclaves from all over where God scattered them in the Lost 10 Tribes, were brought to America by God for they were all Josephite groups scattered and not one of them lost after the exile. That is why this Ashkenaz is bent on wiping out Americans, as it is about Spiritual genetics.

As I have noted, the Russian Ashkenaz was chosen for the beligerant tasks of shouting others down. They are the leverage end while the more sophisticates of the Rothschild lines quietly carry out the programmes across the world.
The reality is if Mark Levin stood up and stated this, he would be destroyed like Andrew Breitbart for rocking the boat. Instead there is that anti Semite nonsense charged about like racism to try and shut up the voices who are actually stating what is factual and the reality of what things are.

Always interesting in the Christian tries to convert peoples for a better life as the Bible states, but the Christian never tries to take up residence in other peoples countries and religions to feed off of those states. The Islamist and those of Jewry instead go into nations, as the Vatican to keep seperate and then by gaining control, influence and then take over that state.

The Obama Jesuit in communist liberation is such an order. The same communists are in Jewry and support Obama. The same Islamocommunsits support Obama. None of these orders play fair, but instead overtake the judicial systems of host nations and turn the laws against the Christians making them the criminals for speaking out.
That is what "hate crimes" are for. They are censorship as much as all of these clever laws. The law structure protects and benefits the chosen overthrowers of the system and will not reward the native and true progenitors of that host nation.
In other words, Americans are being cannibalized and carnivorized by their very governmental system while assisting those in finance to Mexican slave labor to never face prosecution.

I will state again that the crimes of Obama, past, present and future do not matter and are not worth harping about, as he will never be prosecuted for them. No more than the Jesuit elite, Jewish elite or Muslim elite will ever be arrested in these crimes against America. They are the system and have this drone police state murdering, intimating and imprisoning Citizens, and these cops never figure out that when their job is done, they will be exterminated too and replaced with robotic drones who will never figure things out and revolt.

Oh and news for the above for skunk grinners, when their purpose is fulfilled their offspring will be holocausted out of existence too just like the Jews were sold in Europe by the financier Jews to the Nazi, and the German Christians got blamed for it, as it was their women who were raped and impregnated with little bastards from other peoples.

It is all the dirty reality of this and it will never be spoken of, and will be marginalized as all of this is never to be thought of, nor pondered like Bill Ayers showing up at the Minnesota educational university system to say what a great guy Jeremiah Wright is and once again not answering the reality that he framed Dreams of my Obama for Muchelle Obama as Barack spent all the advances and would not get the job done.

The secular Jew figured out that by attaching the Judeo Christian.....note not Christian Judeo, that they could make Hollywood money and make banker money off of Christians who thought they were with people of there own looking out for them.
The Catholic had their fiction too as they ordered by the Pope to be breeders to have 12 children in families to overthrow America by baby production.

Yes America, as you can witness, the Protestant has been enslaved and attempted to be be "babied" out of existence, and the reality is it has worked from these two groups, all part of the Obama structure which initiated Obama and put him illegally into 1600 Penn Avenue.

That is enough of this for now......was a pleasant exercise.

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