As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I place this before you my children in a real examination of how times change, and if Theodore Roosevelt can note that the Christian writings of Oliver Cromwell in abscribing all of his victories to God to the time of the American Civil War in General Thomas Jackson and General John Gordon, who were like minded in their Christian zeal, but were not able to express as such as the culture would have deemed them "odder than it already did", to Roosevelt's 1900 AD point of time where he stated that such utterances would have been hypocritical......meaning that Amerincans then were so already untrue that their speaking of God when they were trusting in their industrial might and numbers prowess as their god of vicotry, that it reveals to the depths how America did indeed change from the Pilgrim mid 1600's era of Christian reliance on God completely to the 21st era of the image of Obama in rejecting God.
"It is impossible for a fair-minded and earnest man to read Cromwell's letters and reports after action, and the prayers he made and the psalms he chose to read and to give out before action, and to doubt the intensity of the man's religious fervor.
In our day such utterances would be hypocritical. Almost the only modem generals in whom they would have been the sincere expression of inward belief were Stonewall Jackson and Gordon; and the times had changed so utterly that even they could OLIVER CROMWELL not possibly give utterance to them as Cromwell did. But in Cromwell's time the most earnest Puritans thought as he did, and expressed their thoughts as he did."
-Theodore Roosevelt 1900 AD in the year of our Lord
It is a rare thing to meet a true Christian Zealot, and by that I do not mean those blank faced zombie or the religious nut thinking God is telling them to be Moses, but the Christian of True Zeal, so filled with the Holy Ghost in constant motion with God and overflowing that utterances spill out of the conversation of God in their lives.
Just because someone is quoting Scripture or at Bible study, does not make them Christian. Most I have found are wolves in Little Red Riding Hood costume.
The examination of this is the reality of how degraded America is from her Christian roots, and the reality that if a moral man like Theodore Roosevelt who rode miles on a Sunday morning while hunting just to attend Church service in the middle of nowhere, who said it would be hypocritical to speak as Cromwell or Pilgrims in 1900 AD in the year of our Lord, then in this Obama 21st century with false messiahs and fake halos, just how degenerate America is.
I have had enough experiences before Obama in the real me stunning people, as they do not know what to make of my utterances of giving all credit to God and requesting God's direction on every small matter. I had one woman who was stunned and thinking I was nuts in asking God about trivial things. I ask of trivial things so they do not become gigantic problems.
Giving God all credit for an outcome I just happen to be on God's side upon is simply correct. I recently read that statement which I think came from Lincoln in, "I ask not so much for God to be on our side, but for me to be an instrument in which God is working."
Good people like Stonewall Jackson are always stunned when it seems God abandons their cause. It has nothing to do with goodness or Godliness, but a way God is working out and people just happen to be outside that will, or as in George Custer's assassination, satan is a murderer and people do get murdered.
It was not easy for Libby Custer, but she was lifted to remarkable heights, and the Gentleman who rose in Custer's place, Nelson Appleton Miles, laid a foundation for America arising to world powers status in his military advancements.
All things do work together for them that Love the Lord. It is a reality though that if one resides in Sodom, a mob will come and try to rape your Angels and you will be trying to sacrafice your virgin daughters to gang rape to try and save the greater good........all the while trying to negotiate a deal to stay in your comfort, instead of getting nearer to God in the wilderness of communion.
When Theodore Roosevelt could write that Americans would be hypocrites to write as Oliver Cromwell or the Pilgrims in 1900 AD in the year of our Lord, then over 100 years later how much filth is in America?
Obama voters call this blog crazy and an LSD trip. That is what the world calls the mad Prophet.
"The incessant employment by Cromwell and his comrades of the word ** saints," to distinguish themselves and those who thought like them, is particularly objectionable in its offensive self-consciousness."
Theodore Roosevelt
Objectionable to Theodore Roosevelt's class who immediately felt ostracized out of that group, and who advocated the big tent of tolerance of including Catholics, who would drag along the Vatican burning people at the stake, and the modern Obamanism that, "All religions are good", which Islam, Yoga, Hinduism and Marxism have proven utterly wrong.
Only such big tent leniancy is capable when the majority foundation is Christian, armed with a court and weapon, to keep other minorities from inflicting their despotic ways upon the entire community.
Reform in this world came only from the Sons of Eber and their later manifestation fulfilled in Christians. Reform came never from the Vatican, from Islam, from philosophy nor from the state. Reform and advancement only came from Christianity.
My children do not lose that reality how sinful the west is and how you have been soiled by it all. As you peer out from under the arms of Christ carrying you, be aware we are not in a Christian Age, but the Age of Perdition.
When Theodore Roosevelt could state just 100 years ago that the speech of Pilgrims would be the utterances from Americans who did not believe God was active for them, then the tepid waters of the weak tea of Obama utterances about "a god" is but a pussy pustule drainage of a leper's sore, and not the reality of Living Water.
America and the west are sinful nations, iniquitous in the majority and given over to satan, by their thoughts, words and deeds. That is the reality.
The Pilgrims and Oliver Cromwell would call Americans and the west Sodom. Theodore Roosevelt in clear vision would call Americans degenerates.
The vast majority has no idea what to do with this blog as it speaks clearly as the two edged sword skewers the faux Godliness of the right and the iniquity of the left. God and porn, my how do you quote such a publication.............such porn is best left in the heart where no one can see, while the veil of philantrophy is the doily of personal propaganda shown to the world.
Oh my, I have to go check on a loaf rising in the oven. You are half baked America and the west, and if you attempt to reheat your flames, you will turn into a solid rock which will break your teeth.
The west is devout to sin and not devout to God.
"The religious element entered into everything Cromwell did, mixing curiously with his hard common-sense and practical appreciation of woridly benefits. It appears in all his letters and speeches."
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919. Oliver Cromwell