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Sacred Riches


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If one searches the Bible, you find reference after reference to how good utilizes rich people and how wonderful they are. Take for example Joseph of Aramathea. You know him as the man who boldly went to Pontius Pilate to retrieve the body of Jesus from the cross in order to bury Christ.

Joe of Aramathea you will recall was further generous in springing for a tomb, a burial rock to seal the grave and burial clothes.

It just does not end there in how wonderful the rich people were in Christ, in you find in John 19, that Nicodemus. You will remember him in the teacher of the Jewish Council in the Temple who came to Jesus at night in secret and was told that he had to be born again, and this same leader appeared with Joe of Aramathea with 100 pounds of embalming spices to preserve the body of Christ.

Yes, it was the rich who stepped up and cared for Jesus body in death. The matter I consider though is I recall Jesus saying the following:

And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.

Matthew 8:20

Hmmm that has me thinking in all of this bragging about rich people in the Bible, how was it that Joe of Aramathea was not generous enough to give Jesus a little orchard, little farm, little herd, where Jesus could get away from things, in being hunted by the Jewish Council, looking to murder Christ. I say, "little" as we all know that Jesus would not want some nice place to relax in, as teachers like me just love to exist with calves in the kitchen crapping all over the floor. Jesus certainly was only good enough to sleep outside and have a rock for a pillow, as what would Jesus need with a residence to rest safe in, as He was saving the world.

Thing is in this, is that the other rich man in Nicodemus, showed up with 100 pounds of spices. That is really generous too for Jesus when He was dead. Thing is there is recorded in John chapter 12, that Mary had brought out a pound of spikenard to anoint Jesus feet with, which was a perfume of great expense.
Judas was envious over it, as he wanted it sold, so he could pilfer the money from the disciple's purse which Judas managed, with the excuse of using it for the poor.
This spikenard at 1 pound was worth a salary for one year, or around 50,000 dollars now for the rich. That again brings the reality of Nicodemus showing up with 100 pounds of things of myrrh and aloes.

So in looking at this, Jesus gave Nicodemus eternal Life, and in return at even half the cost of spikenard, that Nicodemus returned with 50 years wages as Jesus lay dead in a tomb, which in reality does no one any good who is dead, as it is living people who need things to live and not dead people to smell good dead.

I ponder this in the noting of this in Scripture in these two rich men. We know that Jesus was ministered to by women, and the women never abandoned Him, unlike all the disciples except for John, and yes that includes all the rich men ran for their lives.

Joe and Nic were probably sitting there during Jesus trial. They saw him brutalized, beaten, spit upon, mocked, and as history shows, these rich men sat there in fear not trying to save Jesus, but showed up later in what one would wonder in was guilt in trying to make things atoned for in a dead body.
I have not interviewed any dead bodies, but I would think a dead person would say, "Yeah you can shove your fancy funeral as when it mattered in saving my life when I was alive, you sat on your wallet and protected what was important to you."

In realty, there were only two righteous men in all of this Jesus murder, and one was St. John and the other was the Roman Governor in Pontius Pilate. Pilate is lambasted for not letting Christ free, but he tried to free him and when the Jews were going to riot and bring the world down on Pilate, he put it all on the Jews and washed his hands of the murder for the good of Rome.
Pilate at least did something. Pilate at least taunted the Jews with King of Jews signs above Christ, and Pilate allowed Joe and Nic to bury the body of an innocent Man.

It is a matter then of reviewing the rich, in what kind of questions they do have to answer to Christ in did Jesus ask, "Ah boys, when my life was on the line, you saved yours and your fortunes, and in guilty you then dumped a treasure on my corpse to try and make you feel better about your guilt."

That is the way it is with rich people and most people. I watched my beloved Uncle die of cancer, but certain relatives could not bring themselves to visit him in the hospice as it was too distressing. What in this world do you think a dying person is going through in being distressed, and all people care about is their emotional stress.
Does not make any difference as this blog begging rich people for donations, gets none of the big stuff and exposes to God the few who are steadfast in Him, as there are always excuses for not donating, but there is never a thought for thousands of dollars on cell phones, swimming pools, jet trips and whatever else they are spending God's money on as we all know that God wants rich people to lavish on themselves all sorts of luxury as 93 million Americans do not have a job, but millions of more Mexicans and Chicoms are slave laborers in this regime.

I do not see anything to brag about in Joe and Nic as in forensic psychology, they used money to hang themselves to appease their consciences while Judas used a rope, in there being nothing glorious or honorable in any of this, but a glaring condemnation of how rich people are in the 98 percent lock step in leaving Lazarus have dogs as his doctors licking sores while the rich contemplate how many stocks they can pull down to build bigger accounts to live in even more luxury.

None of this is going to make any difference to the rich. They have been harped at here for years, and it makes no difference. All this is for is to produce a Teaching, where those who are Faithful to God will realize how rare they are. The reality is when the anti Christ appears, people are going to run to him in bigger numbers than that fraud Birther Obama to their condemnation. Rich people lavish on themselves while the world suffers and then when the guilt gets to them, they show up in death not to honor the person, but to appease their own rich person's guilt.

Rich people have their reward now. Hell awaits them as it is easier for a camel to squeeze through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to gain Heaven, as Jesus teaches. That is the reality as the first rich people who showed up to Baby Jesus in the Wise Men did Him more good in getting Him out of a barn stall into a dwelling, than all the rich people who showed up later looking to rid themselves of guilty with tombs and perfume to cover up their stench.

Hard lesson eh? Sickly, you have enough people led by your rich selves lying to you in how wonderful you are. Are you the Wise Men or the Ministering Women? No you are Nicodemus and Joseph in saving your fortune and your lives and in the end only using God's money to soothe your guilty consciences.

nuff said

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