Pay attention my children so you will no longer be ignorant for the moving of the Holy Ghost is upon the teaching of the first day of this week December 7th, 2014 AD in the year of our Lord.
Fill up the measure of your father's sins to the brim.
You serpents! You spawn of vipers! How can you escape the penalty to be suffered in Gehenna?
Because of this take notice. I am sending you Prophets, Wise Men, Teachers. Some you will murder, some you will scourge with your tongues and you will persecute them all.
This is done so the blood of all the Saints of God will come upon your heads
Truly, all of the Great Tribulation will come upon this generation.
Matthew 24: 32-36
Know this, that in duality, this is the second advent of the Prophecy of Jesus the Christ upon this end world. The clock was set in 1948 AD in the year of our Lord, when the Word of the Lord by the Holy Ghost moved Isaiah the Prophet to reveal that the place where Christ would return, would be birthed as a nation in one day. The state of Judah fulfilled that Prophecy in being created for the Jewish remnant.
A generation is 70 years appointed, and that generation ends in 2018 AD in the year of the Lord.
Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.
Isaiah 66:8
Know this, understand this, that that is not the day, nor the hour of His coming, but realize and comprehend that the generation runs out in that year, and the period of the end has begun as the sin of the world is filled to overflowing and this iniquity will be visited upon this people for full retribution from God.
The Lord has utilized me as a voice in the brier patch. I thought I came to save, but I was sent to bring evidence in warning. There are those coming who will come to scourge you with their tongue in fire and the Lord will winnow you by plague.
This is a vile generation, filled with guile. The love of many has waxed cold and wanes unto death. When this comes as is foretold, they will flee but there will be no place in a world flooded with fire to flee to.
The Lord will keep His own. Those who lay down their lives for Him by choice will meet their glory and those who are appointed to the last trump will see Him in Glory.
The Lord moves in quiet, in stealth and in secret in this time. He does nothing to warn the flock of the slaughter, what fang and claw awaits them for they are appointed to die in this cup of wrath. He speaks though in a still calm voice to those who will hear, so they will prepare their hearts to meet their God.
The condemnation has come upon those who are filled with the riches of the world and those overflowing in the knowledge of craft and cunning of this time. There will be no repentance nor change in them. Their foot is in the snare and they fall into the pit of their own design.
Lord let now your Servants depart in Peace, according to your Word. To behold the Salvation, which You have prepared before Your People, Spiritual Israel. Amen and Amen
satan would not have you told, but you have been told for the children's warning and the brat's condemnation, so there will be no denial of any of this.
"The collection plate passes by you empty as satan owns your souls. The clink you here is not of your coin, but of the chains binding you for hell's condemnation."
-Lame Cherry
None of you are supposed to know the above.
agtG 322Y