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Nixon Now


This popular girl has always had the deepest and most abiding respect for President Richard M. Nixon and it has never backed down from devotion to him as a true American Patriot and Hero.

It disgusts me when I see these Drudge and Levin types always linking President Nixon to Barack Hussein Obama, in that Mockingbird smear campaign by the American communist 5th column which staged the coup against Richard Nixon for thwarting the communist overthrow of America until Barry Chin completed it in 2009.

For the record, Ronald Wilson Reagan, was a Nixon protege. Mr. Nixon wrote the entire policy formulation of the Reagan White House on foreign policy.
Richard Nixon would also assit William Jefferson Clinton in his Administration guiding it in the early days before the President passed away.

Richard Nixon was not perfect in thinking that price controls would work, but he instituted them in the hope that it would save the poor in America. The one thing Richard Nixon had foremost on his mind was the Silent Majority in their hardworking and loyal natures as the True Americans.

I will always stand for Richard Nixon, even when no one else would. Whether it was in High School taking on mobs of liberal children spouting talking points and teaching teachers about the Nixon prosperity for rural America to the reality that with Admiral Thomas Moore, Richard Nixon blew the hell out of North Vietnamese communists to scare them into negotiations, Richard Nixon understood diplomacy on all forms.

America needs Richard Nixon or one like him now. It needs a Nixon who will root out and prosecute all these Obama traitors in blackmail and subterfuge. America needs a Nixon in dealing with Moscow and Peking. American needs Nixon in dealing with Islamocommunists and Mongolmarxists.
Richard Nixon would have the answers, and in much of the policy this blog forms in the Lame Cherry Doctrines.........many of which have been stolen by George W. Bush to Barack Obama as of late, Richard Nixon was an American Leader, and he placed America first and last with no ground in between.

Richard Nixon was a poor child, humbled in poverty. He could not afford college which he was granted admission too, so had to attend a local college in California and work his way up to the ivy league.
Richard Nixon gambled in World War II, earning money at poker, being patient and never taking chances, as his family needed money.
Richard Nixon fell in love with a young girl named Pat, who would not date him, but Richard did have access to a car, and would drive Pat and her beau around town. From that Richard Nixon in patience got the girl of his dreams as his wife.
Richard Nixon did not put America through upheaval when the Kennedy's stole his 1960 election victory nor when the communist set him up in the Watergate coup.
Richard Nixon in death, suffering a stroke, chose no medications, so his brain would swell and press on his brain stem and kill him, rather than exist an invalid and put his daughters through that burden.

Richard Nixon is in the top 5 Presidents of American history, joining the beloved first, in George Washington, and the Americans of Ronald Reagan, Andrew Jackson and Theodore Roosevelt.
These are the men of Federalism and anti Federalism of national protection of the people combined with States Rights.
Richard Nixon returned tax monies to states in fair share giving them control over revenues and not the District.

Richard Nixon is the heart of the Continentalist Party. His genius in political, domestic, foreign and human events is a lesson in governance.

Richard Nixon was destroyed for protecting America. The very ilk that assisted in Obama stealing the 2008 and 2012 elections, and keeping him in power, are the very children of the 5th column traders who brought down Richard Nixon and tried to bring down Ronald Reagan, and did bring down George H.W. and George W. Bush.

America needs Richard Nixon.

America needs Nixon Now!


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