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as we understand the terms


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

"the English Revolution of 1688; in the American Revolution of 1776; and the American Civil War of 1861. We must keep ever in mind the essentially modern character of the movement if we are to appreciate its true inwardness, its true significance. Fundamentally, it was the first struggle for religious, political, and social freedom, as we now understand the terms.

Theodore Roosevelt on Oliver Cromwell, 1900 AD in the year of our Lord

There is a definite historical reality that freedom and liberty, were understood as uplifting states to the condition of human suffering, and were not lawlessness and license, as practiced by the monarchs nor the Vatician in their indulgences.

One must comprehend though the anti human change in human rights, which has being foisted upon the world body politic, by the same licentious few of the feudal aristocrats and moneycrats. In order to pull down societies, the few ruling elite, have engaged in legalizing the orgy of personal self destruction, which leads to the genocide of societies.

Morality was the key figure of Moses, Hamarabbi, Magna Carta, English Common Law, Martin Luther, Oliver Cromwell, George Washington and Stonewall Jackson. Not state morality inflicted upon the people, but personal morality without state persecution.

People having the God ordained right to self determination, property and life were the key advances of the British Israelite movement, re introducing the Hebrew and Christian fundamentals of the Bible of moral codes to protect society, land ownership, self defense and protection under the law, where King David was subject to the law as much as the slave.

By design of the aristo and moneycrats, in the 1960's those fundementals were undone on the decades long framed cultural revolution. Divorce brought sexual license which brought aborticide which brought sodomy and which is constructing to pedophilia. Trade the liquor trade for the narcotics trade, with the removal of God and the triad was complete to a regression to the Nimrod state, where one man was messiah dictating to all, the regime used the police state for control and perversion abounded.

While sodomy is for the namesake of Sodom, the prevelant abominations in Sodom were the cry of the people in absolutely no justice for the people to redress the crimes against them by the democratic mob. The same mob which voted to rape the Angels who appeared to deliver Lot and his family.

What is the west now but the evil that Vladimir Putin defined it as. The west murders it's infants in the womb. The west has obliterated marriage. The west has institutionalized sodomy and pedophilia. This is nothing to do with civil rights, but human ordained legalized criminality in assassination society from it's purpose in protecting people, for the survival of that people.

That is the difference between Moses, Cromwell and Washington. They uplifted humanity from immoral slave servitude, while Equalz Obama, Eric Holder and Nancy Pelosi degrade humanity to immoral slave servitude.

The Lame Cherry is the epitaph of America in recording her sins, along with the west. This blog is a dirge of lament against an abhorent people of the worst apostates in history.

As we understand terms, this Equalz Obama is the deathmark of western civilization.  Before Obama there were signs of life, in him there is only the rotting corpse of the western peoples, awaiting to be vanquished by the disease of carnal death.


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