As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Much of the forbidden knowledge you are not suppose to be aware of, as there is a natural barrier to this information. In Inspiration I happen upon such information from time to time, and sometimes place it before the public, even if God is not intending it for the masses.
I inquired for reasons not relevant as to the number of archangels of the cherubim class, and learned there were or are 19.
Seven, including Lucifer full of beauty and wisdom, rebelled, while 12 remained Faithful.
It is that numbers scenario again in which God repeats. I wonder at times how like Sacred Geometry and Nobel Gases......the triangle being the most strong form and eight being the perfect atomic number of molecular building blocks, add to certain numbers, such as 19 which seems odd, as it is, but perhaps it was created this way, so the Angelic would fracture in that light as it was unstable.
When God states His Thoughts are higher than your thoughts, He means just that, as He has everything accomplishing with such simple and complex meanings that it goes over the heads of most people...without the Holy Ghost moving.
Yes this is a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, never before devulged to the public. The Bible records 1/3rd of the Angels fell to demonic nature. 3 divides into 19, 6.33333 infinity times. If the number was 20, it would be 6.66666 infinity.
Seven is the number of perfection, fallen man's numerical code is 6. 21 would divide out to 7, and there was in knowing God a full reason why He chose 19 as the Angelic base number to fracture and not 20.
I do not believe in this connective mathematics that the world regime in contention against God's Kingdom is numerically a mark of that beast in 666. With only assumption, I presume that 20 is the base number for world government, fused with human and demonic numbers of identity giving it life.
This certainly has gone into areas which I had not known at the start of this 12 Faithful Angels in Tribe numbers and 7 fallen demons, and the reality of God mathematics of base structure in what is perfection.
That is enough said about this subject.
agtG 377YY