As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I am perturbed.
I also do not know if these apple seedling updates will post in order or not, but the reality is since the disaster of 9 dying, that in putting the sprouted ones into a clay mix potting soil in a plastic fruit container partially covered, and putting them into God's humid warm nature.........the one container is bursting forth all the seedlings at once.
The medium of this was eastern exposure in full sun until noon, and then shade. Temperatures were 85 degrees, like 60% humidity and I suppose night temperatures were in the high 60's.
I see God arose three more maples in a planter He planted into, which I will have the try and spoon them out of, the tomatoes look good and the oreo seed, looks to TL like a bean now, so I have no idea what kind of flowering vine thing this may be unless it is of the Scarlet Runner type.
What perturbs me is when I see someone bragging about how great their things look in gardening, when it is all God.
The English Actor, Michael Caine, once mentioned that when he lived in California that one could throw some plant out of the window and it would cover the hillside, as that area was a plant Eden, and that is the reality that given the right humidity to not grow disease, your city spraying for insects so your plants do not get eaten or disease spreads, along with warmth, and any damn fool can garden.
I remember a story from Glenn Drowns who has done so very much for seed and stock preservation in how he has as child had immense problems in northern Idaho growing melons, tomatoes etc... because in that cold air and short season, things just would not behave as in Iowa.
There is a vast difference between gardening where the conditions are good to areas where gardening is not ever easy.
I recall awhile ago my sister and bro in law always bragging about their garden while I had to work at mine. They were located in a basin, protected by hills and a lake was there. It was a literal God constructed greenhouse.
When they moved to another location which was exposed to wind, arid atmosphere and a harsh reality, their gardening just was not easy. It irks me when people cock off about their green thumbs, because let them try to be in Labradore in Canada raising a garden, and then let us see how master gardener they are then.
At this moment, I believe I have by God's Grace worked out this seedling situation. I will repeat as a Lame Cherry fact that hydrogen peroxide seems to for apple seeds by octane to the sprouting, as I think TL counted 10 more sprouts today, as peroxide upped it double now in the seeds. So these seeds will sprout given some extra assistance.......then again it may be they just took that long to germinate. I think though it is the peroxide as tea will germinate citrus very well I found out by accident.
So now I have the dilema in I need land, as I have apples in not counting chickens before they are hatched about sprouting out of my ears. Definitely have Honeycrisp now if not all of these and not the few Braeburn and Pink Lady which might not survive.
I am hopeful in a future phase to get my hands on some seeds from heirlooms which again might not make it in a colder climate, but I would like to try at least. It does not bother me if they are not true to form, because that is part of this adventure. Perhaps someday I will eat some Pippin apple to know what they are like. I am pleased I know what an Esopus Spitzenberg tastes like as Thomas Jefferson liked them......I do too, as I consider them a bit better than Honeycrisp. Both though seem to be problem varieties of trees with disease which is not good.
The Minnesotans should bear that in mind instead of gearing all they do to their Zestar and Honeycrips crosses.
Fireside and Wealthy are the source in this in being hardy, good and disease resistant trees.
Nothing is for certain in any of this until you have years of production as some apples need pollinators etc... and some trees just die, but I do see when God provides land, that by His Grace I will start growing trees out of the apple stock I like, and start the process of putting apples all through the country in preaching the message.
North America should be a continent of 100 million varieties of apple trees. The only way one finds an apple for every soul is by numbers of people sprouting seeds and having the adventure and experience.
I intend to fill the 1000 year reign of Christ with fruit trees of all forms. A forest can be just as full of apple trees as pine trees and apples do not burn as readily as evergreens.'
God has to figure on the containers and land now. I hope them little trees are praying to God for home.