As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I have indulging the Lame Cherry in the Wise writings of Charles August Lindbergh from 1917 AD in the year of our Lord. I do not know how these articles will appear if this will be the first and you will wonder of whom I speak or if this will be the last and you will wonder if I will ever stop speaking of this Minnesota common sense genius.
I had to include his prophetical verse though from 1917 AD in the year of our Lord, as it amused me a great deal this day, as reflecting that World War had been instigated between Germany, Austria against Russia, England, Japan, France and America for German Genocide, that the following C. A. Lindbergh quote was spot on.
"The only nation which we fear may precede us in adopting, a really economic system, is the nation, whichever it may be, that shall be the most completely exhausted in a military way."
What Mr. Lindbergh is speaking of is his advocating, the ridding of America of special priviledges for the elite to exploit the masses of people in price fixing, Federal Reserve loansharking, speculation etc... America after 1917 AD in the year of our Lord, did not install the Lindbergh laws, but instead exploited the world in over production in raw capitalistic rapine, which brought a 1920's boom to the rich and a 1930 Great Depression.
Russia was given over to total economic Marxist implosion. England was eroding away in empire non production. France was a welfare socialist state existing off of German spoils, but there were 3 nations which indeed did harness the elite for their citizen's benefit..........and they were Germany, Italy and Japan.
Just as Charles August Lindbergh predicted, thee most devasted economic nation would be forced into an economic protectionism of it's state by harnessing the elite to not exploit the masses, but to build the nation.
The fascists, or national socialists from Italy and Japan would join Adolf Hitler's Germany to turn their nations into powerful states, which in turn were a threat to the money interests of the Rothschild led cartel. This is why war came about again, as Franklin Roosevelt in his New Deal expanded the exploitation as Germans, Italians and Japanese prospered and their less free citizens enjoyed better lives in not being exploited, as those governments would not permit it.
The state in building empire, needed production, so it protected it's people, and exploited the foreigners, while the American system exploited it's own peoples first to control them.
Adolf Hitler did not engage in exploiting his people. Tojo did not engage in exploiting Japanese and Mousillini did not engage in exploiting Italians. That is why those Axis powers came out of a global great depression, and Americans were forced deeper into one.
It interests me that a Minnesotan in 1917 AD in the year of our Lord, in the midst of a global war, actually predicted Germany would arise to economic super power status. The reality being if the 21st century regime in America would just enact what Charles August Lindbergh advocated for American wealth to the masses, America would rise from the Obama crypt just as quickly as Germany did under Hitler in the 1930's.
nuff said
"He who says, "Stand by the President," and discourages a fair investigation of what the President does, is either ignorant or a fake American—"
Congressman Charles August Lindbergh, 1917 AD in the year of our Lord