I believe, and I know, I have come to a unilateral unanimous decision, and it is one which this blog has been searching for. The problem is, this blog has led the way on all fronts to keep the Obama crime stories vivid and interesting for Americans in order to keep them motivated in these A POLITICAL TIMES........while the rest of the molotov mob has in cowardice or treachery sold out in being concerned about being arrested or about their bank accounts.
There are only so many ways one can vomit Obama and by Inspiration this blog has puked that foul mess up constantly exposing his criminality. B. Hussein Obama though AKA Barry Chin is someone I have never cared for nor cared a thing about. If he disappeared yesterday, I know I would never write another article about him, as he is so nothing that he is not worth noticing in a world of adults.
The world always in times of epiphany produces leaders larger than life. The American Civil War produced grande players like Lincoln, Lee, Custer, Grant, Sherman, Jackson, Stuart.
The Napoleonic wars produce Napoleon and Nelson. World War II produced wonderful characters in Churchill, Patton, Montgomery, MacArthur, Tojo, Hitler, Stalin, FDR and DeGaulle.
I could go to those familiar eras and post names you would not recognize preceeding that time, and you would frown in wondering who they are. Barack Hussein Obama is such a character, a shadow, an illusion, a pretender, a weakness which in that stagnant pool allowed real adults to be produced in all the weakness to unleash their savage strengths.
I do believe we are entered the end times of the Bible. For that reason, these petty crimes of this small Obama are something which affords no merit in keeping on dealing with him as the adults like Vladamir Putin and Kim Jong Un of North Korea, are in knowing contempt of Obama for the delinquent this usurper is. The time is coming when historical players of magnitude will be arriving on the scene as this blog was writing of in 2009, in like strong men, require and produce like strong men to play off of in history. One does not have to love them all, but one admires them all to the extent they are the real and not frauds like Obama.
Obama is a shadow, a precursor event of the real adults like Medvedev was for Putin. Obama is a weakness to exploit by the men on the scene and the men who are coming in the anti Christ, if this is the time. To waste any more time on Obama, whose sun has set, and who is just a squat assassin hiding behind bushes, is ridiculous and beneath the work of this blog.
To include Obama with a man like Vladamir Putin is to put a grain of sand next to the earth.
Obama will just continue on being Obama the stooge He is a low class hoodlum and always will be this backstabbing creep, like double dealing card player, slipping a mickey into a drink and then after the guy passes out, slitting his throat and then raping his......well underage boy as Obama is of that genre.
You know what you get with Obama. Dead babies at Sandy Hook, Benghazi up the ass and more blasts of predator assassins and feudal wars. It is beneath dignity and I no longer care to write about such base things in stepping in this regurgitated vomit.
Obama is nothing but a waking discomfort which will be forgotten on the pages of history when real leaders come into the time they were born to. I will hopefully deal with them from this time forward as being stirred up by Obama is like having a dog shit on your yard for the 1000th time. It looks like shit, smells like shit and is shit, so just do not step in it and keep tracking it back in the door where the civilized people live.
Obama figured out to ignore Limbaugh to make him a non event. People need to follow this blogs lead and give Obama the attention he deserves like a fly on the window. It is there but it hardly compares to the view one is supposed to be looking at.
nuff said.
agtG 242Y