As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I have been an advocate for sometime for the territorial and political union of Canada with these United States, over the thrice objections of God in keeping Americans from taking possession of those lands during the Revolution, the War of 1812 and at the later 54 40 or Fight era in the Canadian and American division.
It has been so censored from real history, the reality that Canada is not and never has been a land of Canadians in the least. Canada began it's dominion as an extension of Reubenite France in Quebec, whose same settlements progressed into Illinois.
After the epic Montecalm and Wolfe battle of the 7 French and Indian War in America, French defeat, meant British Rule of America, with Spanish intrigue in the south.
The reality is that before 1776 AD in the year of our Lord, that the fewest thing in Canada were Canadians, as people were an almost extinct species in the white race. It was only after the American Revolution, where the Americans began retaliating on Tories in America, with hanging those were assisting the Mother Country in warfare against Americans, to imprisoning some and confiscating the properties of others, that there began a mass exodus of Americans from the Colonies.
The noted Fairfax family, who were friends and neighbors of George Washington, removed themselves from America like thousands of other loyalists did, to England, the West Indies and Canada.
This is overlooked, but for the thousands of Americans who moved to England and the Caribbean, there were thousands more who moved into Canada.
A majority began life again in Nova Scotia or New Scotland in these loyalists. Others settled in what would become New Brunswick and a number of these Americans came to upper Canada, in that vast wilderness, settled in what would become Ontario, and form the federal capital of Canada.
This was the first "wave" of American settlement of Canada, and it provided the eastern Canadian liberal ideology which plagues Canadian politics in the eastern Provinces, in exact form the way these same patricians plague eastern American States. The same group of educated, well bred and affluent peoples formed the same liberal groups in Canada and America. Both of these groups refer to "western" Canadians and Americans as "those people" in flyover country, and neither groups comprehend each other in this friction, but it is the genetic heart of North American politics. One is English patrician, and the other is that Celtic agrarian of unreserved nature.
This is what became Canada in these eastern Americans, and why the eastern Americans who are patricians in the New England states were before the Civil War more sympathetic to British interests than American interests.
In Canada, these peoples became the Canadian Aristocracy and were so named officially as United Empire Loyalists. This was a mark of honour for these Americans who had stood with Royalists before the Treaty of Separation in 1783 AD in the year of our Lord.
These Americans were of royal reward and so stationed. This was by Government mandate in Canada was not going to be allowed to be speculated upon by Americans, as only 200 acres would be alloted to these Loyalists only, who measured up to being strong and healthy, with a full disposition to only becoming loyal Canadian subjects to his majesty.
This Loyalist Aristocracy was of the upper class of America, in being educated and established. These Americans are what would form the foundation of what would become Canada.
In 1784, around ten thousand settlers entered Canada, as Soldiers who had taken up arms to defend the Crown, and many of them under the commanders who led them in these organized bands.
Surveyors had been dispatched by the Crown and townships were marked for these new settlers, along the lines of the French division of lands, which all began with frontage on water for equal access to transporation.
This Aristocracy arrived armed with the tools which would build Canada, the light ship axe and the pocket knife. The homes and furnishings were all chopped, split and whittled by the axe and knife which none of these people would be without.
The three foot long frying pan and the bake kettle or the Dutch Oven would become the life of the Canadian Aristocracy.
This would become Canada of the east, and in the last opening up of land for settlement in the 1900 period, a new wave of Americans would penetrate into western Canada to give that region a distinct American midwest identity.
That is the interesting part of Canada, in the settlers of the 18th century, had not horse, but ox. They had not wars with Indian terrorists, but had wars with wolf and bear, in keeping their smaller stock of sheep and swine.
Canada was an image of English folk, of small farms and that type of stock, while America would be one of expansion requiring horse, speed and large tracts of open land which promoted cattle and horse as stock.
By the 20th century, the new American settlers would become the Canadian identity of Midwesterners, not being militant nor hunting, but nesters with gardens and being blended into the original Aristocracy of Loyalists who were a quiet people who were moral and self productive.
The Canadian is an American, who was not prone to loyalty to America, but toward a political idea of station in life and prone to the idea of "land was home" as long as it was your land.
None of this is far removed from the American sojourn, which has the Germanic Israelites from Russian settlements to the entire Anglo Saxon and Norman peoples who were wanderers settling in England, France and Scandinavia from Asian wanderings long ago.
Canadians are Americans in majority. They always have been. I have kindred of these peoples and understand them. Their affinity is for America by blood and their removal was due to economics and politics. This is the history of Canada and it is American. That is what is hidden, but it is the reality, the Canadians were Americans from the start.
Oh and for those on both sides of the line, the new settlements in Upper Canada were named Lunenburg, Mecklenburg, Nassau and Hesse in July 1788 AD in the year of our Lord. Yes all German names in good Anglo Saxon. In 1792 AD, the good German names were cleansed by act, and renamed as Eastern, Midland, Home and Western in English tone.
Interesting Loyalists in their names in those goode olde Anglo Saxons.