As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It seems an odd thing that God created two island groups in England and Japan, and peopled them with mimics of sorts, for each culture arose from observance of others.
"England" which was the Tin Island under Rome or Britain, was a semblance of barbarians and civilized slaves under Roman rule. After Rome crumbled, the ruling Welsh in the south, were put to the sword by the immigrant invaders of the Israelite Saxons of Germany.
These pagan Israelites killed the Christian Welsh and burned everything to the ground.
They in turn were Christianized by the Pict Christians in the Irish orthodox. It is odd, but Ireland a Catholic nation started out as a sort of St. John Church at odd with the Roman observances.
So England was Pict Christian in the north and Roman Christian in the south. Once this Christianization took place, the race of barbarians with decades became a race of civilized kingdoms in literature, arts, masonry, metalurgy and farming.
The first stone building in what would be modern England was built by the Christian King, Eadwine at York.
This began an exchange between the Franks of Paris, the Catholics of Rome and the kingdoms of the British Isles.
It was the first cultural advancement of the warlike tribes from kingdoms of plunder to kingdoms of commerce in trade, and cultural exchange.
Kingship first reared it's head in England with the Anglo Saxons as the Saxons of Low Germany instead governed by Republican form in actual voting by lots who would lead in war. This tradition of King and Council would continue on in Saxon association until 1066 and the Norman of France, William, conquerred and slaughtered the Anglo Saxons, and gave all their lands over to the Norman invaders.
This is the cultural schism of Britain, in the Celtic Irish, the Pict Scot, the Welsh and the Anglo Saxon, who were Welsh Christian of Rome, then ruled by converted Anglo Saxon Christian, were conquerred again by the Norsemen or Scandinavian Vikings.
1066 brought about the same weed of destruction which the Frankish marriages and Roman religion sowed into England. For while it advanced the English past barbarism, it turned them to the rule of France in what would be over 1000 years of war in Europe. The popery would be at war again with Elizabeth I, but this time the English prevailed for Empire, but that same rigidity, of the Normans in viewing the people as "cloth of the land" like livestock, would cause the immense problems of 1776 in American liberation, the Boer War in South Africa and later the loss of India and Indistan after World War II, along with the colonial possessions.
The entire world after the 7 Years War was framed in a contention, in England in the Israelite German Saxon, contending with Frankish Israelites, Norman Reubenites, Babylonian Romans and the Germanic Assyrians.
The very things which advanced English Saxons are the very things which in this two edged sword cut them to the quick in a wound which would not heal.
Religion advanced England and it was almost English genocide in 1588.
French alliance advanced England and it has literally killed off the Anglo Saxon race in 1945.
The Imperial seed sown in 1066 of Norman governance replacing English law, which progressed England to Great Britain, literally in 1776 started the process of drawing and quartering the English Empire, that in winning against the High Germans, the English destroyed their empire.
The English emerged victorious by alliance in three world wars, due to American alliance, in the Hannover Prussians in the 7 Years War 1756 AD 1763 AD in the year of our Lord, the Great European War of 1914 AD to 1918 AD in the year of our Lord and World War II of 1939 AD to 1945 AD in the year of our Lord.
The very things which made England, are the very things which destroyed England. 1776 was about English German French Americans demanding the same rights Anglo Saxon Normans possessed, and Norman England was too inflexible in treating people as livestock to comprehend the disaster of absolute rule, rules absolutely until it is absolutely defeated, then that rule has absolutely nothing.
"absolute rule, rules absolutely until it is absolutely defeated, then that rule has absolutely nothing."
- Lame Cherry
The flaw in the Anglo Saxon Israelite Ephraimite is the same as the son of King Solomon, in Rehoboam, refusing to share rule and having the kingdom rent from him. The brother American tribe of Mannaseh in America possessed the ability to share power and gained greatly, but by arrogant leaders in Wilson and Roosevelt, brought America ruin in German Genocide.
If only the glue of Lutheranism had prevailed in Protestant Huegonot French, German Assyrian Lutheran, American Lutheran Protestantism and English Lutheran Calvinism, all with American Mannasehite Republicanism in sharing power, then the militarism of Assyrian Germany would brought order to Eurasia, the French would have been Huegonot ordered, the English garden of commonwealth would have poured wealth into England and America would have fueled it all in a global peace.
It is the dichotomy of it all, that the implements were there for power, but those same edges cut to the quick the very best attributes which created that power.
Another Lame Cherry treatise in matter anti matter for the enlightenment of the feudal mind.