As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In John Finerty's book on war on the American Plains against terrorist Indians, he related the following assessment of three of the four peoples who gave Americans their identity in the Irish, Germans and Scandinavians. By these lost 10 Tribe filtered Israelites there was welded an identity which brought the best of the Irish in laughing at hardship, the German endurance for bring stallwart and the Scandinavian in their ability to hold ranks and not break apart in adversity.
"The recruits enlisted from Ireland, Germany, Scandinavia and other European countries are, generally, more tractable than those, of any race, bora here. The Irish are sometimes restive in garrison, because of their mercurial temperament, but, in the field, their cheerfulness, alacrity and elan make them the pride of their officers. An Irish soldier, even if he should sometimes happen to drink, rarely ever stands up against any order of his commander. He may kick and growl a little, but, in the end, he remembers that the first duty of a soldier is obedience. The German recruit is, generally, docile, cool and well "set up," owing to his military experience in the fatherland. He is less restive in garrison than his Irish comrade, and, in the field, often lacks the Celtic dash, but he can stand fire as long as any soldier in the world, and, in case of panic, is as easily rallied as an American or an Irishman. The Scandinavians have been famous for centuries as soldiers, and, in the American ranks, they have not degenerated.
Finerty, John F. (John Frederick), 1846-1908.
That is what an American is. Slow to wrath, taking a huge beating and being able to then inflict on the enemy to their destruction.
The fourth type of the identity is the anti American identity in the English patrician. I do not speak of this as the Englishman George Washington, because one must understand that Washington was of Norman roots of Israelitish psychology, compared to the aristocracy of the English ruling class which one still finds in America calling flyover people "those people" or having some Ashkenaz like Meathead Reiner saying the Tea Party or Americans need to be dealt with like Hamas.
The greatest problems in America have always been that patrician class. They profitted off of Indian terrorism to being the abolitionist tools of the cartel in causing the Civil War. The worst trouble Americans have ever experienced was when this "ruling class" which is not just English alone, but that Franklin Roosevelt lowlander patricians who dealt America into world wars, being league with the other European aristocrats.
The reason I educate you my children on this, as this Israelite American psychology of the Gilead Americans is what is being destroyed. America was never any melting pot. America was a place where the dross of inferior peoples was burned out in the smelter to create an American.
That is what Americans tried to do in the Mideast, but you can not make Muslims into Christian Israelites psychologically, as they revert to Islamic identity of that other Semitic orders in the offshoots of Shem.
Finerty comments on the Negroid, as much as other peoples who joined America. Some of the named peoples in the French and Poles were Israelite remanant in mass transplantings. Others were like Uriah the Hittite coming to Israel as that people drew a foreigner.
The point in Finerty's rose colored statement is that these peoples ONLY BECAME GOOD SOLDIERS WITH AMERICAN LEADERS.
Kill the American leader, and without lack of whiskey to make the Negroid drunk for courage, the Negroid scattered like the wind.
"In fact our cosmopolitan army, made up of all the races of Europe, and also including Americans of African descent, possesses all the military qualities which have made the nationalities already named, as well as the French, the Poles and other warlike peoples, famous in martial annals. The colored troops in our service are not without their shortcomings, but they are, as a body, faithful and obedient, and, in Indian warfare as well as during the Rebellion, have proved that they are good fighters, if only ably and courageously led, as in the case of Captain Dodge, of the 9th Cavalry, when he made that memorable ride to the rescue of Thornburgh's command, cut off and surrounded by the Utes in Colorado, in October, 1879."
Finerty, John F. (John Frederick), 1846-1908.
The above may seem harsh in the reality, but it is the reality that millions of Mexicans and Latins are not Americans, no more than all these Chinese invaders. Given a group of white Americans from the original order, or some Negroid Americanized like Allan West, and these peoples would respond, providing Allan West or an American white was leading them and alive. Kill the leader though, and these creatures will run faster than the wind, and you will have enemies raping you in your kitchens as they follow the rabble home.
It was well known once that the Bourbon and Italian peoples were worthless as soldiers. When they were Americanized though, the non Israelite French, Spanish and Italian transplants worked effectively. The Russians and Asians tend to die well, when more frightened of the gun in their own lines shooting them, than those of the enemy.
Modern England can not help that the cartel slaughtered most of it's best in wars, and left the fag at home. Modern America has been bastardized by this influx of forced labor Latins and Chins, who have no war identity, and by design will not stand up and fight, but instead like in Mexico or China, just take the abuse of the Obama types.
The American type is unique, and all owe a great deal to the Israelite breeding program which God set down in Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as those three were the basic characteristics of the Irish, Germans and Scandinavians.
That is the reality which is being censored from history, and when Americans are obliterated from that identity of who they are, then America will be genocided by design, as all of this is plotted out.
"Colonel Baker, of the 2d Cavalry, a famous Indian fighter, was full of reminiscence and anecdote. One evening, while we were fighting Indian battles over again, in front of his tent on Beaver creek, he said,'' I recall an incident that occurred about the time Fetterman was killed, at the Crazy "Woman crossing.
A small party of officers and their ladies, with a sergeant's guard for escort, together with some civilians, drivers and so forth, went into camp in that dangerous locality. A chaplain, the Rev. Mr. , was of the company. He was an eminently pious man, quiet and dignified, and, in fact, the last person in the world you would select for any dangerous undertaking. Everything remained quiet in the little camp until early morning, when the Indians, according to their custom, made a sudden attack and came near surprising the party. The vigilance of the sergeant, who was an old Indian campaigner, alone m prevented a catastrophe. The Indians, baffled in their first attempt, fell back to cover and kept up an almost continuous fire upon the white people. Fortunately, the precaution had been taken, on the previous evening, to construct earthworks an4 dug-outs, as the Indians in that region had been troublesome for some time.
As the day advanced, other Indians came up and joined in the attack. Several of the soldiers got hit, and, I think, a few were killed. The ladies and some of the civilians began to pray rather loudly. The chaplain, who used to be about as pious as a monk, while in the post, suddenly seized a musket, and said: '' Ladies and gentlemen, there is a time for praying, and there is also, as we may gather from Holy Writ, a time for fighting. This is the time for fighting! God aids those who are willing to aid themselves. Now, stop praying and turn in to make some 'good Indians!'
"The effect of the address was electrical. Even the women were stirred by it to heroism, and loaded the guns for the men to fire, when the situation became hot. The fight lasted all through the day, and, when night came, that brave parson managed to get through the Indian lines, reached the nearest post, Fort Eeno, and brought a strong party to the rescue of the beseiged.
The Indians, immediately on the arrival of the troops, took to the woods. I greatly regret that I cannot recall the chaplain's name, but I can vouch for the truth of the story."
Finerty, John F. (John Frederick), 1846-1908.