As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The following is easy and it should not require posting in what Equalz has been up to the past month after the cartel arrested the development of the Obama regime's ISIS for a leveling of the field.
Inquiry points to, at least for the time being, an understanding has been worked out, which includes Vladimir Putin. No matter what the regime of Obama states is policy, the policy is one of the Europeans gaining control of the Mideast in Jerusalem, with Netanyahu managing and the American regime gathering up the scraps as the image of Obama fades to black.
Hillary Clinton is part of this, as she will inherit in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, the seeds which have been sowed into this prepared ground.
For those who do not understand the basis of this, the following 30 year scenario is what is now manifesting.
1. Zbigniew Brzezinski created militant Islam in the failed Jimmy Carter tenure in order to terrorize the Soviet Union terrorizing Afghanistan.
2. Militant Islam became a tool of Ronald Reagan as the Muhajadeen which threw the Soviets out of Afghanistan.
3. The Muhajadeen under George H. W. Bush gained a CIA asset in Sheik bin Laden as a leader of the faction of Wahabbists of the Bana Nazi or Muslim Brotherhood. During this period the Saudi's humiliated bin Laden when the Sheik offered to make war on Saddam Hussein in Kuwait. The Saudi intelligence chief laughed at the Sheik and prepared the stage for a KGB operation.
4. The KGB in Chechnya captured Egyptian Marxist, Dr. Zawahiri and turned him to become an asset of the KGB and FSB which was selling nuclear bombs to Iraq and Iran in retaliation over George H. W. Bush policy of creating new Russian states.
5. Bill Clinton for his Islamic Kosovo oil pipeline out of southwest Asia, brought the first mercenary fighters from what would transform the Muhajadeen to al Qaeda into Europe.
6. In a cartel payback for Allen Greenspan, head of the Federal Reserve in collapsing the Dotcom bust to stick Europeans with the debt, an Al Gore / Jamie Gorelick, operation meant to humiliate George W. Bush was hijacked, and became the first wave of 9 11.
7. George W. Bush began dismantling militant Islam, in favor of attempting democracies in Gaza and Iraq, while dismantling Libyan and Syrian atomic weapon's capabilities, as well as removing Iraq from it's military threat status.
8. The cartel installed not Hillary Clinton, but their foreign asset, Barack Hussein Obama, by electronic election theft, based upon the 9 11 second wave of the 2008 economic collapse set off in waves in France.
9. The Obama regime, began in summer 2008 to set up a western cocaine pipeline out of Marxist Latin states into Africa using al Qaeda Boeing 707 jets as mules.
In exchange for 300 million dollars in fraud credit card donations, the regime using TARP money bailed out US credit card companies, and the regime immediately began operations to neutralize the asset run Tea Party in the Hutatree event, and utilizing the US military to assassinate all militant Muslims who would not agree to becoming dope lords in managing the thug operations for the cartel.
This then became the whirlpool of events in the Arab Spring or the paying off of terrorist with Muslim nations, as in Libya, with the terrorists moved about for 2012 election manipulation in the Benghazi event gone wrong, to which after the slaughter in Syria, Vladimir Putin made a stand, whereby the cartel and the Obama regime, beginning at Sochi attempted a coup and assassination of Vladimir Putin in taking back Ukraine which Obama had bribed Moscow with over the Obama regime gaining terror control over militant Islam.
What took place then was the rising of ISIS, or the British faction run terrorists which the Obama intelligence were training, arming and deploying in Iraq and Syria.
Vladimir Putin who survived his coup, then retaliated on the Obama regime, and a new set of understandings was worked out, in which the Ukraine was again handed over to the Russians. Syria would be an ally via Russia, and ISIS would be transformed into this stage theater of head choppings, in order to engage the US military again in this scam.
This is why the Equalz stated it wanted to not destroy ISIS, but community organize things, and gain control of ISIS and then manage these terrorists.
What follows then is ISIS being for the regime a tool for the 2014 midterm elections and for the once again of the carrot to the American regime in a "legacy" for Obama in reorganizing the Mideast, and getting his "peace treaty" which is nothing about peace at all, but a ruse to lull the idiot into distraction so the Neo Roman Empire will begin flexing it's power in the theater.
I warned everyone that when George W. Bush began developing bio fuels and oil drilling in America, that it was a signal the US was leaving the Mideast. The realities that the 'climate control' Obama regime has signed off on America becoming the largest carbon fuels producer in the world, is a fact of Obama fraud, and the fact that America and escorts are going to be divesting themselves from the Mideast, as someone else is going to gain command.
That is what is behind the Equalz Obama ISIS speech in short term and long term strategy of using this terror group for operations which evolved from Brzezinski using it to murder Soviets, Reagan using it for American and allied operations for their benefit, Clinton using it for cartel oil, George W. Bush killing it, and the Obama regime resuscitating it to the form of ISIS to manage in a Caliph the contraband crossroads for terror profit of the new world order.
I suppose you could call this the Cherry Stone or the rune synopsis of the past 30 years, which are contained in the archives here, but as most people are lazy, they are not going to invest the time to read, so this is the short version and the projected focal point being assimiliated as another murderous policy of a hijacked US government.....which no longer exists.
These are the anti Christ's men and women. They do the bidding and come to heal when summoned, and bring with them the military and monetary assets of their collectives.
I hope they get this done in the clock ticking from hour 61320 as things do appear capable for an October surprise that most will not comprehend in what appears good news.
All I can do at this juncture is hope for the lines to be drawn to protect the Christian Slavs and to weaken the son of perdition for what should propagate out of this inception of the bastardization of the world politic.
It will not be nuff said, but nuff said.
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