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As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I wonder of sins in degrees. By this I mean, due to emotional sympathies, God reveals that He particularly names some sins abominations, like sodomy, which is a perverting of sex beyond the adultery and fornication sins.......in it is one thing to before marriage and then attempt to rectify it by being married, and an entire another thing in changing laws to make sodomy legal in the state while it is still an abomination to God.

God pays particular attention to people who are widows, orphans, sick, infirmed and poor. The people who are unable to defend and protect themselves, God reveals He is visiting iniquity to death on those who exploit these people.

So there is a precedent in sins, in the most heinous ones are involving emotions so outside of God's boundaries of the 10 Commandments like sodomy, butchering babies, hurting children or preying on helpless people that God elevates to a worst level.

It is an odd thing in one sin is all sin, in you sin once, and you have broken all the Commandments, so the penalty of death is equal, but the punishment appears in different levels of torment. I base this on in people are rewarded for good, so they will be equally rewarded to their levels of being heinous.

It is like if you kick a dog, people wince, but if you kick a puppy, there tears in the heart a greater anguish, and that is what sin is.

The worst sin for which there is no forgiveness is damning the Holy Ghost or having received Him, you reject Him and go back to sin as satan is that type of creature. You will notice in the 10 Commandments that the first 4 do not deal with people, but sins against God, and God by the order pays particular attention to sins aimed at Him.

I have sinned like all a great deal. Sins I am ashamed of, and sins I do thank God I was saved from which are sins, the seared at heart, indulge in. I was thinking about sins that I am grateful for that I did not fall into, and for myself, the sin in this current time which I thank God, I will never have to try and argue with Christ about at Judgment is the one of putting a foreigner in Barack Hussein Obama on Jesus White House throne, voting for a fake messiah, with a fake halo and who allowed hisself to be called god.

There just is no way around that one, in "Oh by the way Jesus, I voted to replace You as Lord of America with a foreign agent, as I have perverted attraction to sex with Negroids which I claimed was curing America of racism........ah yeah Jesus, I did vote for Obama over you..........."

I wonder if Jesus will say, "Depart from Me, ye workers of iniquity" or if Jesus will just say, "Go to Obama, let him give you eternal life, if he can."

Both would be effective in slamming the door in the sinner's face.

I suppose people could repent, but I just never saw anyone or group gathering for a national confession. People just sort of think it is a political thing as an excuse and not the reality that they knowingly gave Jesus the Son of God the boot and chose Obama.

Granted there are piles of Yoga positions, Islam, Jewry, Hindus, Marxists and only God knows what else gave Jesus the boot for something else, but there never was quite the American national sin of booting Jesus off the Throne.
Not even Muslims have given Muhammed the heave ho in being allied to that doom in being faithful, so I ponder all of this in how many millions of people have that Obama sin in having voted for him and never asked God for forgiveness of a sin that shattered the first 3 Commandments and the first Article of the American Constitution.

I do observe the most blatant in this group of Obama minions, and wonder how absolutely demoniac they are, in replacing Jesus was not enough to fill their void, so going after those who expose their sins is how they try to remedy it all, in destroying the children of God.

So that the liberal mind comprehends this which hates George W. Bush as evil incarnate. There is a vast difference in asking, "What Jesus would do?", which drew your liberal venom and was not a sin, to having a Birther Obama putting out talking points of his being the messiah, having a pictured halo and being called god.

Obama is your golden calf and you have been following him to your doom and destruction, as there is only one Jesus the Messiah, and either you kept Him on the throne of your heart or you put Obama in there to legalize your sin.

I in not any way pat myself on the back in this being kept from the heinous sin of voting for Barack Hussein Obama, because Scripture points to the reality that there is another son of perdition out there, called the anti Christ, which will deceive even the elect if it were possible.
The appearance of Birther Hussein was only an alert, as for the Christian, there is making the absolute effort in the end game, that being kept from Obama, that you are deceived into bowing to the anti Christ for that mark of the beast or empire on your hand or forehead.

That is the warning in this for Christians in be vigilant as by God's Grace, you were delivered from the Judas sin of the betrayal of Jesus in voting for Obama. There is still the necessity of the worst sin to come which will also bring condemnation.

I heard once that Pontius Pilate repented of what he did in ignorance. I would believe that Pilate is justified in the reality that he was ignorant, tried to set Jesus free, and let the sin in washing his hands fall upon Jews and their children perpetually for murdering Jesus. Further now justified in Pilate can point to millions of Obama voters and witness, "Those American had the Bible, knew of Jesus, and threw Him away, like the Israelites did God and the Prophet Samuel for their king Saul.".
It still requires Jesus, repentance and obedience to God for Salvation, but it is an amazing precursor event in the millions of Judas Iscariots and former Pontius Pilates which America and the west are guilty in unpardoned sins of in national sins.

Obama sins, infanticide, sodomy and the coming child rape. Logic would dictate that the people guilty of those sins, are going to be guilty of the anti Christ sin too.

So much fear and dread of the mark of the beast, and how many millions have not washed the mark of Obama off them.


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