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Adolf Hitler's Providence


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Is Thomas Jefferson's Providence any less than any other American's gods?

"I often feel that we will have to undergo all the trials the devil and hell can devise before we achieve Final Victory. I may not be a pios churchgoer, but deep within me I am nevertheless a devout man. That is to say, I believe that he who fights valiantly obeying the laws which a god has established and who never capitulates but instead gathers his forces time after time and always pushes forward - such a man will not be abandoned by the Lawgiver. Rather, he will ultimately receive the blessing of Providence. And that blessing has been imparted to all the great spirits in history."

- Abraham Lincoln

Thomas Jefferson was one of the most heinous revolutionary leftist traitors to his own country in ruining John Adams, causing the murder of Alexander Hamilton and smearing George Washington after the President was dead.
Jefferson has his own memorial, his own propaganda wing to this day and is featured on Mount Rushmore, as well as being on the Two Dollar bill.

The contemporary of Adolf Hitler was Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who embargoed Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor, where FDR had removed all the new warships from the attack, but to drag America into World War.
FDR's friend was the butcher Joseph Stalin. FDR overthrew the US Constitution in stacking the Supreme Court for his socialist programs and violated George Washington's mandate of trust in no President should serve over two terms.
FDR has his own large memorial in Washington City and is on the dime coin.

Dichotomies are realities which must be examined, as the propaganda branded Adolf Hitler a threat and incarnate evil, because  he was a threat to international interests and intrigue of the elite in America, but never the American people.
Adolf Hitler had every right to manage his indigenous peoples, just as Thomas Jefferson did with Indians and just as FDR did in throwing Japanese into concentration camps and forcing them into conscription in the military or else they would be imprisoned.

The above quote named to Abraham Lincoln, but I deliberately named it as something President Lincoln stated to prove a point as it sounds exactly like something Lincoln would state. The above statement and correctly labled below statement were professed by Adolf Hitler.

"I often feel that we will have to undergo all the trials the devil and hell can devise before we achieve Final Victory. I may not be a pios churchgoer, but deep within me I am nevertheless a devout man. That is to say, I believe that he who fights valiantly obeying the laws which a god has established and who never capitulates but instead gathers his forces time after time and always pushes forward - such a man will not be abandoned by the Lawgiver. Rather, he will ultimately receive the blessing of Providence. And that blessing has been imparted to all the great spirits in history."

- Adolf Hitler

No one ever is shown the references to Providence by Adolf Hitler, but the few remarks of Jefferson and Roosevelt are drudged up to provide an illusion of an American myth.

Adolf Hitler was not a practicing Catholic, but he was a secular Catholic. That is hidden from the world as it would offend the Vatican, which had little problems with German or Italian dictators. Hitler was a dynamic man and one of the most adept leaders of the 20th century. He also led a subordinate group who were incompetent.

The complete Hitler deserves acknowledgement, not to bash God nor to have God prop up any other demagogues like Jefferson and Roosevelt.

Adolf Hitler was a purest. He devotedly professed that if Germany could not win the war, then Germans did not deserve to live and should be vanquished by a superior race.

The fact is Winston Churchill, Joe Stalin and Franklin Roosevelt, conscripted, martialized and organized their populations, including forcing female labor, to a far greater extent in forced labor than Germans ever did. Yet that was not evil to the press, but Germans using labor under their historic jurisdiction was evil.

Is Thomas Jefferson's Providence any less a god than Adolf Hitler's Providence?


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