Did you see these Obama son's of bitches in these "talks" they had?
Look at that fucking table closely and my question is what the fuck is all the food for THAT I'M the fuck paying for?
I count SIX subs on that table and these are the big ones which go for at least 8 dollars a piece. That is fifty dollars worth of subs, and enough to feed twelve people.
Did you see those three big fucking cookies by Pelosi?
Then that pile of what is it 20 tacos.......that is like another fifty bucks of food.
This is beyond bullshit as they sit with fricking individual tea pots.....and of course tea with lemon around the house.
God damn trash can't grab fast enough for that food like they are a pack of wolves on a seven year famine. No wonder these assholes don't give a shit America is destroyed, as they have absolutely no compunction in thinking like a normal person would sitting down to this IN FEELING GUILTY.
You know very well if you were invited to someones home and they dished out over 200 bucks for piles of food for you, that you would be calculating that and not tear into the food.....and you would just eat half a sub and sure as hell not be reaching for plate sized cookie that could feed Kenya.
This is all horseshit I honestly hate these creatures now and call for them to take off their human suits and just show they are reptilian devils and end the charade.
Mitch McConnell is disgusting. Harry Reid is disgusting. John Boehner is disgusting. Nancy Pelosi is disgusting. Barack Hussein Obama is disgusting.
All this after that fat ass Michelle Obama is harping at fat children about not eating like pigs and traumatizing them. I had hopes that Muchelle would have swooped in and beat these assholes with a broom handle, but that bitch probably is where the leftovers go as she is panting under the table.
For the first time in my life, I hope the god damned Russians invade, shoot all this shit, and take over as at least with those barbarians in charge, they would know the meaning of food.
Here am I just absolutely repulsed this excrement is sitting in my Capitol, my White House and has the audacity to take on titles like Representative, Senator and President.
What the hell followed this picture? Full fag massages by sodomites giving it all for Obama?
The only thing I'm positively, absolutely, completely certain about this 10000000000 percent, is none of these assholes said a prayer of THANKS TO GOD for that food as Americans do at supper and dinner.
What absolute, contemptible trash these things are around that table.
Fucking hell Americans, you are looking at the ghouls after your funeral.