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That is Reality


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter..........

I tire of cartel propaganda in their current Obama based attacks upon Christianity, because there is such Rush Limbaugh ignorance abounding that there is no refutation of the lies nor a proper historical example to end the diatribe of those who "hate Christopher Columbus".

I will now offer up an education for all, that they may share as this will be written at 3rd grade level so even the modern Obama voter would be able to comprehend the content.

The first question is what did Christopher Columbus transport in? Was it a canoe? Did he walk on water?

The answer to save time is he came in a ship. This was constructed by numerous of skilled employed people who understood wood construction. That meant people who knew how to work metals and mine metals. That meant farmers who could grow things for weavers to weave cloth into sails. This meant scientists who could comprehend math for navigation.

What was the greatest opponent the Spanish met in the New World, but the Aztec, Myan and Inca empires. In knowing that, were they constructing any great cities or were their cities a thing complete?

The answer was they were complete, and they had no ability to construct a Navy or understand military science to avert a small Spanish threat.
They had ancient sciences in astronomy and math, but in that understanding it was rooted in a past which was not progressing.

I place this before you in not prejudice, but to examine societal systems. The American culture of 1500 was one of savages and barbarians whose religious order was shamanism or sun god worship.
This same culture prevailed in Europe before the advent of Christian religion.

There is a reason that the Asian Indian could not thwart a few Spanish conquistadores, because that culture in America had not advanced to meet the threat.

Move with me now to Asia, specifically to Cambodia and Sri Lanka or as I prefer Ceylon.

If one looks at those jungles, hidden in them like in the Americas, one finds great stone metropolises and temples. In most cases, one finds like even Afghanistan huge statues of the fat buddha.
Ceylon for example was an immense population for an island nation, with reservoirs, terraced lands and immense mining fields.
There was plenty of food and security, so the peaceful Buddha, which in effect is based in a form of Chrisitianity, allowed populations to civilize and become well ordered peoples of great advancement.

Ceylon was destroyed from the north in, Muslim invaders who destroyed the water works and thereby destroyed the people, and what was a 200 BC thriving populace was just jungles in that same 1500 AD in the year of our Lord period.

One can note that a religion like Islam was built upon the workings of Babylon, Persia and Greece in the Ottoman Empire, which was progressed until it crumbled by Chinese and Christian advancement.
Islam was a system and still is a system which stagnates human development.

The Confucian era in China brought about an enlightenment and when the central Chin conquerred most of Asia, it was that buddhist orbit which was it's founding.
The forbidden Chinese though stagnated under emperor worship as much as the Japanese, which is sun god rule.
Japan would only advance by mimicking the Americans to a level of superiority, but soon enough faded away as their was not a driving force in that nation to sustain it.

I publish the above not as a promotion of buddhism, as the reality has shown that modern buddhism is as worthless for the advancement of mankind as smoking bong. I state though that for a period of time, the buddhist system which is a form of civilized Christianity produced great culture all through Asia.

There was that period in the dispersing of mankind from Babel when the knowledge of building cities flourished, but began to run out and was only resurrected in pre Islam and Greek science.

There are systems in this world which produce advancement of mankind. Christianity has proven to be the greatest asset to building cultures. From the tribes of Israel to the western tribes in Europe and America, these peoples from 1500 onward out progressed shaman and sun god cultures which were barbaric and savage.
In the same period, Islam either destroyed buddhist civilizations or was eating itself to death.

Marxism has proven one of the greatest genocide progenitors on the planet as within a few years it literally destroys civilizations and leaves them in a state of decay.

There is a reason smart dolphins do not build houses nor spaceships. It is the same reason Islam, Hinduism, Shamanism and Marxism degrade to animal levels and rely on the kindness of Christians for their survival.
Buddhism was capable of transforming a savage organized people into a civilization by the civilizing influence, but it could not keep the Muslims nor Chinese from destroying those cultures.

The marked proof is that Christianity is the only competitive belief system capable of creating civilization and protecting it, by advancement in a healthy competition.

That is the lesson of history. There was no paradise in America when the Asians arrived who became Indians, it was wild lands and beasts. Their Babel education allowed them to transplant, but not advance, so when a Christianized people were spreading out, the Christians had the more advanced methodology.

The buddhist had the civilization, but not the martial skills to deal with an outside world, so those cultures were doomed.

That is the reality in all of this, and it is why the west in removing Christianity for other forms of self worship is stagnating as some cross legged mantra chanters hide in themselves as others try more militant Islam in fear. None of it is working though, as the necessary balance is missing in drive and the ability to govern that drive.

Great blips of warriors like Alexander, the Khans or Attila can arise, and bring a more active lightning warfare, but without that blitz that culture implodes upon itself.
Rome collapsed quickly after it's centurion military was dealt with, and only resurrected in a Christian based Roman empire. Rome like the Ottoman advanced on absorbed nation knowledge, and when the knowledge is caught by competitors the empire falls due to degradation inside by a ruling 'god' class.

This of course is another Lame Cherry doctrate without degrees of honorary titles. It is also the simplicity of explaining to the publus or mass of people a reality kept from them, and proven by historical fact.

The west was built by a Christian system, and when it turned to a self worshipping system it soon degraded.

That is the reality and now you people with money are not as stupid as you were a few moments ago. I hope your head is not hurting too much from the awakening of your brain off HBObama entertainment.

nuff said


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