As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In an update on Belle for the children interested and thankfully one was in being kind. God bless you.
I knew about things like sticky shit, but I fully comprehend why Pharaoh had that dung, straw and clay mix for the bricks, as Belle had a rough night last night. The cough came back which is auditioning pneumonia, so another dose of super antibiotics was administered at 10 this morning, and Belle is up and eating.
Thing is tile and hooves do not mix.......slippery so goats and cattle can not get up in Mom's kitchen that well, so we now have an old table cloth I got from the junk store and a horse blanket and carpet end to help with the heavy lifting.
So Belle shits and has sticky shit.......and I have found another calling in I can find calf shit, better than dog and cat shit than anyone. TL is sort of an expert too, as now both our slippers have a coating of calf shit on them. I take it Belle was being kind in sort of adding another layer of sole to our slippers to help them not wear out so fast. I figure for a 350,000 dollar donation I will layer a load of shit onto a donor's slippers to keep them in good shape till Jesus comes back.
See shit is a binder, and with straw and sticky clay, it makes a great brick. Burn them you get a fire brick. The Finns do a clay and wool thing inside masonry stoves too to get things lined so the fire don't eat the chimney and burn the house down.
Oh say, I replaced Mom's light fixture in the kitchen.......and did the switch last night with TL. Regular electrician here too.......Cherry of all calf shit on the light switch though to fix that as rubbing dirt and shit on things rarely fixes cow shit though will cure a nail in the foot I have been told by a guy who survived it.
Anyway that is the LC and TL update for today. Calf shit coated slippers.......they were nice slippers too, as TL gave me mine and the pair of mine TL wears I got out of the junk shop.....nice sheepskin things, that now have a layer of calf shit on the bottom.
I have to go check on Belle now, she was eating and if I do not step in dung, I then can eat shepherd's pie, which somehow seems fitting now. Still am pissed how lezbo's could mistreat an animal like this and then try to cheat and unload it on unsuspecting people.
Anyway, thanks for caring as I was up at 4 AM, getting dried calf shit scratches on my leg......yeah besides being sticky, when it dries it cuts like a barbwire fence...infects rapidly too I saw before returning to bed.
Anyway.........oh I said that, but things are more pleasing right now in I am not so upset as sick, dying and dead animals really bother me.
Oh I will try to post that shepherd's pie recipe for minestrone as the Holy Ghost made a really good Inspired one out of turkey.
Got to find a photo to post..........nuff said on calf shit.........only famous person you know who has shit on their shoes I bet that is not some damned sodomite orgy thing.