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A Matter of Race


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was just reviewing the list of noted Negroid explorers and industrialists, starting with that well known......

As is the reality, there are no Negroids who ever advanced as a race beyond Africa in their Hamite roots, because they had neither the wanderlust, the military prowess nor mental invention to build a culture capable of creating instruments of war and the ability to ship them to other areas in sustaining them, to become a colonizing people.

This is a matter of race and not in racism in noting a proven scientific conclusion based on evidence.

Where this begins is a paper from a Canadian intellectual, named Adam Jantunen, who was writing on American Hero, Charles Lindbergh, in stating that "modern science" had disproven most of Lindbergh's eugenics realities, when that lie is not the case at all, as what has taken place is modern propaganda has declared it racist in aristocratic feudal funding to note such things, as a way to throttle and hinder the advancement of the progressive peoples with burdening them with the cumberance of the uninspired peoples.

While Lindbergh did not add to his advanced races the reality that God provided Wisdom to Solomon and the children of Israel in that "Sons of God" line, which overlapped into other Shemite or Semitic peoples like the Assyrian Germans and Persians who created empires and are advanced peoples, it was not all a matter of Darwin mental evolution, but the ability and empowerment from God combined in genetics and Spiritual qualities which rose a greater progression in those races due to insights.

The Negroid is from the Hamite branch. The Canaanite was of that branch in Nimrod. All highly successful humanist fiends, who were all exterminated. This left the culls who were emotional as Mr. Lindbergh typifies the black, and those emotions brought on base natures in sexual urges, selfish interests in sleeping and eating as main drives, and this then became the stereotype of the group which holds the Masai, Dinka and Zulu, who are quite militant in their genetics, and harkening to Nimrod instinct, instead of the ox tied to the yoke.

The Asian is such a diverse class in what are called the Chinese and Japanese dominated as the CaucASIAN race did in part. Yet Asians typify more an ability to mimic other racial improvements, and do best in being herded into mass action, and then one gains a mighty racial identity.
The Japanese like the German Assyrian championed the master race reality, as they were master races, while other races were subordinates.
It is not to say that the various Indochinese groups are not capable, it simply means the collective is more than the individual, and in that the opportunity of advancement does not appear, even though the Vietnamese is as industrious as any Caucasian race.

Mr. Lindbergh notes at the time the sloven nature of the English, who had just had a century of their most militant males killed off in Empire conquest, compared to the Assyrian German of their relations at the 1930's time in building a most well ordered militant society which was progressive.
Those are both Caucasian races, and yet each was manifesting divergent spiritual stimulation at the time. The British had burned out from two centuries of progress, and the German after the Assyrian fall centuries previous, were finally welding into a capable people again who forged the world's first empire in Mesopotamia.

The American rose due like the British from national blessing from God. They had a most strong genetic and mental force originating, in being fed a meat diet, with natural aggression, they were a race who produce the hunter quality, which stemmed back to Abraham of the Bible who was a warrior, but Jacob was an intellectual, and after the exile by Assyria of the northern Kingdom, that culling produced interestingly an even more warlike race which the Assyrians harnessed to their armies of Empire.

I return to the reality that how many poodles do you find in a pit bull dog fight? It is not being a racist stating that, but a matter of factual genetics. The poodle originated in France as a race of hunting dogs, bred to retrieve watefowl in freezing temperatures,  hence the wool coat which caused the dogs to survive.
By selective aristocratic breeding though, the poodle became this leash dog for the cushion elite.

All of  that is evidence in how a race can be bred to be more prone to success at a task, and how that same race can be culled to become something else by artificial selection. The American race is one of hunter, pioneer, explorer, warrior and industrialist. The cartel harnessed that race, as they have other races, and then selectively by war, propaganda and selective murder began creating a 21st century race which resembles nothing of the 18th century race of revolutionaries.

I will state again my groundbreaking work in the Israelites out of Egypt. God refused to allow them into battle, because they were a slave race who had no warrior traits. Only by removing that generation, placing these slaves into tents, making them march and hone their physical and mental attributes which included a steady diet of manna, did they become a people who were slaughtering literal nations of giants.

Egypt made the Israelites under slave oppression active in the birthing stalls, but God trained that activeness into a martial people capable of enforcing their wills on others, and in Solomon producing an intellectual race, which has been transforming the world ever since.

The Hamite through curse and by genocide had their dominant identies removed and it is why blacks, even with Asian or Caucasian interbreeding is still the Paddy people of India or the Congo yam people of Africa.

A Negroid given invention, desires it, but has no interest in maintaining it. An Asian given invention, replicates it, but does not advance it. A Caucasian given invention, improves upon it to advance it.
It is simply the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual traits of the peoples. The Asian brain is largest, the Caucasian is second largest and the Negroid brain is the third largest in size.

That is vital in this, as the Negroid is a large emotional animal, who should dominate the world, and yet is proof that physical size is not the measure of advancement. The Asian has the largest brain, and yet they do not rule the world as intelligence is not the key feature in advancement. It has been that segment of Shemites who have advanced, where the brooding Japhethite of the Russians little advanced as they had no industrial drive, although they died well like most Asians in conflict.

The American should not be ridiculed, but is a blueprint for societal development. The Americans are of two types, the Bourbon Spanish and French, incapable of controlling their emotions, but show warrior ability, but no ability to tame the land.
The successful type is the Anglo Germanic race who had ability to control their emotions in harnessing them to will, martialling themselves for war conquest and the necessary ability to build upon that land.

Simon Bolivar stated his latins were incapable in his era of ruling themselves due to lack of control of their emotions or industry. The Americans had these abilities, and in examining the history of America, they arrived with three things; the gun, the ballot and the plow.
Every time an American arrived, they held the ground, then formed government, and then were busy trying to profit the resources for their pleasure.

North America is a classic example of this. In Canada, there are the easy going French who cared not what ruled them as they happily lounged. Their rulers were a Scotch book keeping people, an English farming group, and that is why Canada is as stagnant as Australia.

Mexico is the Latin of two types. The Mexican who is the sloven ignorant Indian crossed with the dark lower class adventurer exploiter, all ruled by the sedate white Spaniard. It is why Mexico is stagnant.

The American though was based upon that Anglo Germanic group who strove in constant competition, and is a race which produced a great nation, which is now being destroyed by a cartel intent on ending a competitor who was a danger.

Charles Lindbergh stated that the Caucasian is superior to the Negroid in intellect, but the Negroid is superior in sensate or in being animated compared to the Caucasian.
In the western European type, he stated, the German had ability in science and organization; the French had a genius for living and understanding life; the English an ability for government and commerce and that the American race could be the best combination and was.

Is it racist to put the Negroid into organized sports, instead of 5 feet tall 110 pound Asians? No as that is common sense, and the lack of common sense in being manipulated into not discussing any of this, as one is termed a "racist" so the cartel can continue to degrade all societies is as stupid as having a cobra in the room and ignoring the fact that the best solution in the room is noting it was a mongoose.

The cartel fully understands race. It is why they imported the Shemite and Hamite Muslim races to the west to cause predatory drags upon western peoples. It is the same reason the more labor intensive Mexican is imported for slave labor compared to the non motivated black.

The Japanese imported the Korean, because the Korean was a more productive slave class without upheaval problems as the Cantonese.

All of this shocks the modern mind, as they are ordered not to think of race, when those exploiting races do nothing but think along racial lines, as it would be idiotic for the cartel to call out the Nigerians to fight terrorists and is why they call out the Americans.

Charles Lindbergh on domestic policy, foreign policy, industrial policy and racial policy is where the American public should be taught to undo the conditioning inflicted upon it, so the American can emancipate themselves before their own genocide.

Race does matter and a matter of race must be discussed to undo the degradation of all mankind. It starts again only here in Lame Cherry matter anti matter.


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