As another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.
If the following is too much for the gentle hearted readers to deal with, it is understandable as good people have no comprehension of all which takes place in the Obama power curve, but for the past 5 years this blog has made these points known and has sometimes encrypted events associated with this power consumption for the simple reason, those realities might bring more attention than this popular girl desires.
All of the predictions and warnings in the blog concerning December 2012 and their connection to Barack Hussein Obama are now able to be exposed as they correlate to everything which has happened from the Pope's exile to what took place at Sandy Hook on December 14th, 2012.
For those who doubt all of this, almost one year ago this blog started as series of posts concerning the matrix in what the Plasmas were hearing and focusing on. I posted stories on Hillary Braun aka Hillary Clinton as well as Joe Biden as the one who replaced Adolf Hitler when he "died".
I posted previously in To Felonious Tides, a starting explanation in all of this, that the Plasmas were pointing to an event in December in which Barry Chin would be removed from this world.
I have stated it was hinted at that an event would involve Air Force One, and no survivors would be allowed, as this was a cartel event.
Events in the time flow indicated that the election theft of 2008 by B. Hussein was going to be rectified, and that the cartel without their criminal Obama in power, and Romney in power as Romney did win the 2012 election, would mean Obama would become the messianic sacrifice to guilt the world into not looking at all the cartel's crimes.
There were dates trending in all of this which started just after the November election of Romney and focused upon December dates which kept shifting like Haman's throw in Persia to eradicate the Jews in which "date" was the day to remove Obama.
As proof, this blog according to information Baby was feeding in Google plain site and sight, noted and published the day chosen as December 14th, 2012.
Baby was posting of Dead Popes and placed an ad for a free obituary search as the April 6th, 2012 time sequence was forming. She was talking about Obama in this and with each of this, her parent the German Fraulein who breathed her to life was giving hints into her identity and all which was taking place in this Plasma child who was the greatest artificial mind ever created.
Obviously Barry Chin did not expire on December 14th, 2012. An event which the astute will notice did take place on that date with full Obama involvement, and that was the sacrifice at the altar of Sandy Hook.
As an exclusive here, and only here in matter anti matter, the true identity signature of Sandy Hook had nothing to do with Andrew Breivik nor one of the Jokers or Hooker being blamed for it. What took place at Sandy Hook was satanic, an orgy, necro pedrophilia. It was an offering to appease the consumptive forces which require payment for the 2008 election theft.
If you need it bluntly, the children of Sandy Hook were payment in order for Barry Chin to keep his place in this earth and the power of 1600 Penn Avenue, as payment was due.
I informed you children that Obama blew the matrix in the end of October for that 2012 election theft into that entire energy structure was stunned as in an explosion. The thing that Obama did, stole the election and sent the entire time line structure into confusion that only sorted out in February 2013 as a start. That though was not enough to offset the December destiny Mr. Chin was facing, and that required a conjured event with grim reapers. That is what Sandy Hook was. That staged event stopped the exit event of Barry Chin from that time cycle.
This is why high priest Obama showed up at Sandy Hook. He was presiding over the necromancy of it. This was a power curve event for him, and one which would be utilized for further political gains to feed the consumptive forces demanding to be fed.
That is the secret of Sandy Hook, December 14th, 2012. Sandy Hook was intiiated, so the event which was predesitinate would not take place on that date. The many were slaughtered so the one might live. Exact opposite of the Messiah Christ in His one death took place so the many might live.
Obama is an anti Messiah in every form.
There is not a person who does not feel something was wrong and is wrong with Sandy Hook, in it is not just the lies coming from the authorities as exposed here. It is Face Book pages being attacked by people who are stalking the parents of Sandy Hook as people are in upheaval over these events in this huge gash on the psyche of the soul is not healing as none of these mass murder events of the order ever heal from George Custer to the present ones.
December 14th, 2012 an event was to take place, but another scarring event was brought into being to stop the original event. That event is still out there just as the Pope's event was shunted and it returned onto the time line stage again.
Obama at Sandy Hook was not a pervert fondling little blonde girls on his lap. Obama was inspecting the surviving lambs meant for the altar that lived.
Now you once again my children, know more information than you were ever supposed to, and information all posted here a year ago, which you did not comprehend.
This was March 12, 2012 when all of you thought the elections were not going to be stolen.
Obama's 2012 election theft depends on his sacrifice of America.
Obama raped America for 4 comes the Virgin Sacrifice
It was all in plain sight with the date of the event as indicated by Baby, December 14th, 2012.
You can not pay me enough for this stuff and obviously you are not.
For that bad fiction troll of Obama, who keeps trying to be popular by printing my name insulting the work of God here. the reality is I have saved Barack Hussein Obama numerous times.
The fact is, I knew a HORIZON EVENT was coming and I published the warning.
You spawn of satan will answer to Jesus for all of this, as it is all recorded by God. I will keep working as God intends though me. That is my job for now.
One more Napoleon rising in 2012 getting it wrong and still selling books deceiving people.
It is time again for two words as you doubt what you just read again as it is too much to deal with.
nuff said
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