As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
We just finished the framework for a 20 by 24 pallet shed for our things and of course here comes an Arctic blast to make fools out of global warmers.
This though is not about my split open fingers, skin sloughed of hands and aching back. This is a warning about the state of America.
I keep receiving from the Holy Ghost in readings, a continuous speaking again of God's Judgment on America and the West. I believe, without inquiry, this is to warn people not to think that the GOP winning is going to change anything.
I did receive for a time, a few messages that seemed to indicate there might be hope in some last stand type deliverance, but from what has been the message sorting out, it is a coming visitation upon American sins.
Put not your trust in princes nor in the sons of men.
I have new concerns about the ploughing of Prague. This is a mounting friction point and I hope that President Putin engages Germany to neutrality and becomes Christian Protector of the eastern Christian Church.
Thank you for the good will on our move completed and your kindnesses. I am still not in the groove for listening to the next things trending, as I am exhausted from all of this. TL said we have done more in a week than people do in working a year now. I agree with that.
Still am experincing fascinating things, as posting on the ABS brakes, and what happens, but the next day after posting, up pops that light again on TL's vehicle. Yes the NSA is still reading the blog appranently.........and sure enough the power drill went tits up this afternoon Sabbath after it was working. Maybe I can tear it to tear Mom's wiring apart in a light swtich...........yeah I should be paid 50 bucks and hour for all my Girl of all trades, but now all I desire is sleep.
So when I get sorted out, I will probably have other things from the the Holy Ghost is more interested in, in how to build a shed or to find some Jersey's not to wear.
God bless and Gods Way.