As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Charles Wesley Wells was a Preacher collar in the making when the Indian terrorists rose up in Nebraska during the Civil War and did a thorough genocide of white Americans there.
He relates an interesting tale of the Indians and the folk there, in the following account.
Wells had been surveying the situation and people on the Little Blue River and happened to mention at the time, why God would allow such non Christian white people to prosper in that region, as the majority of them had the least inclination to religion, even if they were good enough people.
On the 7th of August, a Sunday, Wells who had been cutting hay along the river under contract for a rancher, had kept the Sabbath to the extent of taking an invite to a ranch close to there and were eating melon and waiting to fed in the afternoon, when word reached the ranch that the Indians were on rampage murdering everyone and burning everything.
For a circuit of 40 miles, the Indians committed genocide on men, women and children, while shooting cattle and stealing horses. Those who fought them off in the Wells gathering lived to tell the tale.
In that tale, Charles Wells noted that those who were murdered were the ones who were out working or out hunting and not observing the Sabbath. If they had taken the day off as prescribed by God, they would have been home and had a chance to survive.
In that, the Methodist in the making, stated that religion saved his life that day as well as his brothers.
Why would God allow such an unGodly people to prosper. He did not.