As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Speaking of ebola, there is the reality of that pre election jitter of a trending chemical attack in that Lone Star. Inquiry points to that not being off the burner, but that ebola stuff has put a flat wave on that surf.
When the Equalz image cancelled out the trip to Texas for the fundraiser, that set things on a different agenda. It is still there, but has now reached vanishing point as of today.
Thing is, the ebola is to run it's burn rate in a few more months to be done with.....thing is this blog warned all of you first that ebola was far more infected across America, and sure enough a few weeks later, there is a New York hospital shut down due to too much ebola and of all places Mutard Daugaard of South Dakota had two cases show up in Sioux Falls, showing good Tom Daschle and Obama solidarity.
Where was I?
I have about said all I have been shown on this subject. Things trend, then things reach horizon point, and then most run to vanishing point, as a new agenda is being pushed to make things fun for feudal law.
They were giving pre innoculation for ebola under free flu shots in Kansas City in September, so that is pre knowledge and it is kiddos a reality that there is not Rush Limbaugh's tabacco serum cure only, but a viral vaccine out why they are not worried in the elites, as they got the meds and they know how it spreads.
Thinking here........
There is an under 10% chance there will be a pandemic released in the States in the next year. Other things are on the burner though. As stated, things trend as the malcontents move their agenda forward.
There is a 0% for a nuclear event in the next year, 20 for chemical and biological, and that includes food poisoning manifestations in America.
The attack in America will be economic and that runs at 100% in the trending. So that is a good thing in reality, as if you do not have an import to pet to make yourself feel all white superior, you probably will not get raped, infected or eaten by some 3rd outworlder, and the money you have is probably going to ......well make the rich a great deal poorer by what is coming.
Sorry I am off focus on most of this, as am not in the groove. I checked on the Texas chem attack a few days ago and that was still trending, but as of this date it is reaching vanishing point.
Basically you should just use common sense in avoiding things that common sense says stay away Aston Krutcher in 2 1/2 Men....not good for anything except bringing shows to an end.
The rates for the nasty are, 10 for America, 50 for Europe, 20 Mideast, 70 for Asia, 10 for Africa and Latin America, and 0 for Oz......that would be the year out trend from this start date.
Am just trying to put in filler here as everyone buys the Oreo for the frosting and not the hard cookie crumble.
I get things sorted financially and rested up, then will be able to focus on the things when the information flow starts flowing again, if the Lord Wills.
Still have not had time to sort out the Mideast things in the dates I am looking for, but something whispers inside of me, that things have generated and 7 Angels are auditioning. The more I am in the preliminary time the more I am suspecting that God is not going to make things banner waving to warn the refuse that really needs to be not recycled, but incinerated.
Will see as am still dodging the partial jacket here in what is being sorted out.
That is probably nuff said then as why waste your time on thangs like Obama achieved all for blackness, so now the rest of blacks can go back to
Subway is auctioning off like a meet Taylor thing.........I conclude money or guns would be a much more enticing prize. Not that has anything to do with terrorism, but I do now know how to run a carpet cleaner. Woo Hoo on that eh.
I see that Meredith Baxter was on Young and the Restless, the you remember her rolling around in the bed with hairy Ed Asner in that disgusting scene? Makes me wonder if that is what made her go rug muncher......then again David Birney looked like some Slestak and I do not know what happened to him as he could not act any more than Meredith.
Meredith McCrae was the red head, who died of cancer......shame that the only Meredith's around now are like that Viera thing and Baxter.
Wasn't John Meredith in those Timex commercials...or was that Don Meredith at the Monday Night Football.......he is dead too......all the Merediths are long time passing now....long long time ago.
Just wash your hands, peroxide your canals and pray your prayers.