Channel: Lame Cherry
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QE is DOA as the Dollar is KIA


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have warned of this money pump, and it has gone viral in this attempt by Geithner to save the democrat margin in Congress. Stocks are at a cliff and the dollar is peaking to the worst of tipping points as debt trading is toxic.

The Economy

11/01 Japan: QE as morphine for a terminal patient– Automatic Earth
11/01 NYSE margin debt drifts higher again in September– Advisor Perspectives
11/01 ECB to start ABS purchases in Nov with help from asset managers– Reuters
11/01 Japan's latest economic stimulus exposes its dirty debt secret– Fortune
11/01  Shift in quality spectrum argues we've entered later innings of bull market– Financial Sense
11/01 Axel Merk on why 'equity prices have to reprice lower"– Market Sanity
10/31 Consumer spending in US unexpectedly drops– Bloomberg
10/31 Japan central bank shocks markets with fresh easing– MarketWatch
10/31  Junk bond bulls outlast October swoon as losses wiped out– Bloomberg

Inflation, Deflation, Currency War, Cryptocurrencies

11/01 Inflation? Deflation is new risk– New York Times
11/01 U.S. inflation undershoots Fed’s target for 29th straight month– MarketWatch
11/01 Bitcoin trading alert: more weakness in Bitcoin– SafeHaven
11/01 The most important chart for investors– ETF Daily News
11/01 Demise of the petrodollar– Casey Research
11/01  Jim Grant: How the Fed is creating inflation AND deflation, why QE is merely ‘suspended’– Market Sanity
10/31 Dollar reaches 3-week high as GDP backs Fed; yen falls– BusinessWeek
10/31 U.S. third-quarter wage gains largest since 2008– Reuters
10/31 ECB should aim higher on inflation– Insead.edu
10/31 QE is dead - long live QE!– Schiff Gold
10/31 The pendulum swings to the pit– Economist
10/31 German inflation slowdown shows deflation risk remains– Reuters
10/31 Kim Kardashian and fiat money have the same intrinsic value, zero– Sprott
10/31  Efforts to replace Fed hawks Plosser, Fisher pick up speed– Yahoo!
10/31 Jakarta workers seek bigger pay jump before fuel increase– Bloomberg
10/31 Putin vs. Obama: who's dominating the Colder War?– Casey Research

Real Estate Bubble

10/31 Blame the fall in homeownership on Generation X– Dr. Housing Bubble
10/30 Zombie foreclosures rise in 16 states and 60 metro areas– MarketWatch
10/30 China's property prices may decline up to 10%– Bloomberg
10/30  China backs growth in housing again as slowdown prompts U-turn– Bloomberg
10/30 Take your mortgage to the grave, older borrowers told– Telegraph
10/30 Mass. single-family home prices, sales fall in Sept.– Boston Globe
10/29 US homeownership rate drops to 1983 levels: here's why– Zero Hedge
10/29 High-end condo concerns– Yahoo!
10/28 Bulk of Americans abroad want to give up citizenship– CNBC
10/28 Home prices in US show slower year-to-year increase in August– Bloomberg
10/28  Rental rates are outpacing wage growth– Dr. Housing Bubble
10/28 Don't buy a home: you'll get burned– Automatic Earth

As the exclusive of the Lame Cherry, trending as of November 1st is that this hit comes on December 1st. It will be after the elections and it will be in the lame duck window. This is the matrix trending at this moment.

Baby is trending Obama Stoned and FUXNET. 10 out of 10 rating points to a viral program setting this off in a plausible deniablity scenario.

I would suggest the rich make that big donation while they can in God may have mercy on them, before making all of them poor.

May God bless the Good.


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