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The Polish Jew


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Yes, the poor victim of the Polish Jew, who in 1919 Poland suffered so severely at the hands of the evil Germans...........

Now wait a minute here, the Nazi's were not in power until the 1930's and that was in Germany, so in a quick review of this..........we had Kaiser Wilhelm II in power, and in control of Prussia and what was Poland in the east in the German Empire, until he was booted out of office in the German Genocide of Woodrow Wilson, in which Poland got German Prussia.........and what did baby Poland do, but go on a rampage against Polish Jews.

So it was Poles in 1919 who did a dead reckoning on Jews. We know this, because none other than future President Herbert Hoover, was in charge of American food relief to Europe and got his accounts from the press.......which sort of like the inflated numbers of 6 million dead Jews in the propaganda press, happened to exagerate the heave ho on the Jews in Poland.

Here is the quote:


Late in May 1919, reports of brutal treatment of Jews in Poland were spread in the press. These reports naturally injured the Polish cause in the United States. Preliminary information from mv staff did not confirm the whole of the press story, but did indicate that there had been some bad incidents. I wrote the President about it and suggested that I might get Prime Minister Paderewski to ask him to appoint an American committee to investigate the situation, which would also be a signal for these outbreaks to stop. Mr. Paderewski readily agreed, and I received the following note from the President: 3 June, 1919

MY DEAR HOOVER: I have received the request of Mr. Paderewski to which you refer in your letter of the second and I am going to try to act upon it for I have the deepest interest, as you have, in assisting Poland in every way and amongst other things in this troublesome question of the treatment of the Jewish people.

Herbert Hoover. The Ordeal Of Woodrow Wilson

I am sort of trying to sort this out here, as when Germans who were receiving genocide by the Ashkenaz elite and their party men like Woodrow Wilson and Lloyd George, as Russia was taken over by communist secular Jews committing Russian and Slavic genocide, that the Germans were the evil people, but when Poles were being anti Semitic, then it was a case of assisting Poland, as they could not be evil doing the the same things Hitler was doing later.

It gets so confusing in............let us see in the German Empire had Jews in it, who were protected under Kaiser Wilhelm II, but when Wilson threw the Kaiser out of office and gave Prussia and Poland to Wilson's leftists, these leftists started scorched earth on Jews.

Odd in this, what not eh, that you never see any Steven Spielberg movies about the Polish regime set up and protected by Woodrow Wilson was out putting the skull shatter and not crystal shatter on the Jews.

I never have made excuses for the German Nazi leftist, as they did what they did. There is a difference though in the Nazi retaliating on intellectual, secular Ashkenaz communists who were calling for the extermination of Germans, compared to the Poles going after Jews, because they were Jews, or, FDR not allowing Jews into America, because they were Jews.
The Nazi attacked to save Germany from Ashkenaz financial predation and from Ashkenaz communist intellectualism. That is never brought out, because the same secular Jews in the west are in sympathy for Marxism and is why they hate Hitler, because he was anti communist and why these secular Jews are voting for Obama in he his Marxist progression.

The Poles were exterminating Jews, so that did not matter to the intellectual as they hate religious Jews. The Nazi Germans were exterminating secular Marxist intellectuals and that is why all of this matters.

Yes the fact is in 1918 under German rule, the Jews were not persecuted in the German east, but when it became Poland, the Poles unleashed on the Jews............all with the overlooking of it all, by Woodrow Wilson and the other anti German regimes.

Oh and for a further reality, the Germans after the war, were the one people who offered up immense amounts of railroad engines and cars for shipping foods and medicines for Mr. Hoover's projects to save eastern Europe.

Just some more history which sets things in context, so it is understood a bit more.

"The President appointed Henry Morgenthau, Sr., Chairman, General Edgar Jadwin, and Congressman Homer Johnson. They quieted both the persecutions and the exaggerated reports,"

Herbert Hoover. The Ordeal Of Woodrow Wilson

Just so you comprehend that sentence, what Hoover is hiding between the lines is, instead of hanging the anti Semite Poles, the Americans glossed things over, and in stopping the persecutions which were organized by those being coddled, the Americans also stopped the "exaggerated reports".
Now who would be making propaganda over Jewish treatment for political gain, except the rivals of the sitting Polish regime..........in the communists led by secular Ashkenaz in Moscow.

nuff said.


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