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Starve a German feed a Communist


The Forceful Expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia 

More history of genocide against Germans one never hears of.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In tracking of the staged German Genocide of the Gentleman's Agreement, two points were of reality in the American peace advocated feeding Germans and neutral Slavic peoples as it was humane, and to keep communist revolutions from starting, while the allied peace was to use food, medicine and provisions to blackmail nations, starve them and create communist blocs of formerly free peoples.

... The French, by obstruction of every financial measure that we can propose ... in the attempt to compel us to loan money to Germany for this purpose, have defeated every step so far for getting them the food which we have been promising for three months. The object of the second part of the . .. resolution ... is to . . . find some channel by which the Germans can help themselves by trade with neutrals and South America....

Herbert Hoover. The Ordeal Of Woodrow Wilson

In writing this, Herbert Hoover was attempting to ship food to Germany, and allow Germans to pay for it with hard currency. The French were asking Americans to loan money to Germany, in other words Americans would loan money to buy food, which Americans would never be paid for, and France would with Britain take the German gold for reparations.

Completely understand this, that the genocide of Germany was policy in starving them to death during the war and after the war. It is as Hoover stated, the fury which would rise Hitler to power, as people being starved to death did not forget that.
Germany in 1919 was a people literally losing weight from starvation. This is from a people who started no war, but were attacked by the British and French.
In revisiting this, Hitler's Germans did not attack America, England or France, but Hitler's Germans simply took back the lands which were Germany, and if you still have qualms over that fact, then recall that Hitler divided Poland with the Soviets, and you will never hear one word of the evils of Joe Stalin in what he was doing, as England, France or America, never declared war on Moscow, but only Germany.

In this same period, it was advocated to feed Bolsheviks, and they were literally at war with America at the time.

This is the real history and how naive Americans from the center and left, thought they could deal peace to the world by murdering Germany and then being humane afterwards, where the victors were in finance desiring communism and seeking to starve the entire central part of Europe to death.

This would have been a Black Death of Europe where the few could have ruled in luxury on American support of the surviving elite.

Simply more pieces of history only found on the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter exclusives.

"On the evening of March 7, Prime Minister Lloyd George asked me to see him to discuss the situation. With him was General Plumer, Commander of the British Occupation Army in Germany. General Plumer was in a state of emotion rare for a British soldier. He announced to me in tragic tones that Germany must have food. That was no news to me. What he said later on, however, was helpful. He said that the rank and file of his army were sick and discontented and wanted to go home because they just could not stand the sight of hordes of skinny and bloated children pawing over the offal from British cantonments. His soldiers were actually depriving themselves to feed these kids. Plumer added that the country was going Bolshevist. I supported all his arguments."

Herbert Hoover. The Ordeal Of Woodrow Wilson

British Prime Minister Lloyd George then demanded to know why Herbert Hoover had not sent food to Germany.

"Not often do I lose my temper. But this was too much. I was also weary from constant (French) obstructionism by day and constant work by night. In my explosion I reviewed the British lack of cooperation since I had arrived in Europe, the ruin which would have come to our farmers by the repudiation of contracts and the re imposition of the blockade on December 18.

I stated that we had in consequence been forced to store hundreds of thousands of tons of food in neutral ports, much of it highly perishable. I pointed out that the British Navy, since the Armistice, had viciously prevented the Germans from fishing in the Baltic, which had been one of their food sources all during the war, I recited a list of cities in Germany which had already gone Communist (Spartacist). I handed him a telegram from our staff representative stating that machine guns were chattering in Berlin streets very moment. I added a few points about starving women and children after a nation had surrendered in order to get food for them,"

Herbert Hoover. The Ordeal Of Woodrow Wilson


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