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The Meanness of it all


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Over a decade ago, I was enlisted by Elizabeth Custer to begin the work of bringing out the Truth of what was staged at the Little Big Horn, where hundreds of Americans were mass assassinated by the Grant regime of Washington DC and the New York financiers utilizing Indian terrorists, the very people whom Lewis and Clarke defined as "the pirates of the plains" in the Sioux.

An Indian is nothing but a savage, a deceiver and a liar. Before the 20th century, they were terrorists who robbed, raped, tortured, enslaved and murdered Indian, Asian, Black and White alike, as an Indian had no concept of moral or immoral, and only understood that something was bad if they suffered, otherwise all else was good.
It is why written here, that they are not allowed to be in a niche of "noble savage" as the current 21st century has them nothing more than communists on reservations working with those agents to destroy America, as they smugly are paid BIA and casino moneys, being the worst kind of racists.
There is no difference between the Indian of the Little Big Horn and the Obama Indian, as they are still deluded and if they could get away with it, they would in a moment, be off looting all the white people off the land, burning their homes, raping the women and murdering the children of today. Nothing has changed and one can see that by their arrogance as they know they are still protected by the socio conglomerate and welfare political state as the modern American Terrorist.

It is past time the Indian be made responsible for what they are now and what they were then, as 200 terrorists gang raping two women in what started the Washita Campaign, whereby in the Indian camps there a white boy was gutted of 10 years old, a mother murdered with her child to silence them of what they had endured, was what the Indian was and still smugly through propaganda is held up as some innocent.
The Indian was committing genocide on their own other genre races and if the white race had not arrived, America would now be 7 tribes instead of the many, as the dominant Indians would have murdered out the others.
The Sioux in the 19th century had already destroyed the Pawnee, Arikaree, Hidatsa and Mandan to vassal status, and had driven the Crow from "their" Black Hills as much as the Cheyenne. The Omaha, Kaw, Ojibwa would have all disappeared by genocide if this had not been arrested by the Indian Wars in which the Indian started the murders as that is what a savage did.

In comprehending that reality, the two camps in this were white people who either felt remorse over hundreds of their people slaughtered at the Little Big Horn or those who were assisted in cartel propaganda who hated their race and vented upon General Custer all sorts of venom as they could not hate themselves.
This was the arena I entered with my monumental first works on this subject, exposing the conspiracy by Indian Ring financiers and Grant regime assassins, which led to the mass murder of the Custer group.

So you comprehend the Little Big Horn, Tom Custer, brother of the General, was literally butchered alive by a Sioux named Rain in the Face, for the retaliation of arresting Rain in the Face for murder.
Tom Custer was gutted from pelvis to throat. His entrails were scattered on the ground. His arms were hacked off. His head was cut off. His face was so disfigured from being bashed in and scalped, that the only way his body was identified was by a tattoo on one of his scattered arms in TWC.

This is what the Indians were in heinous terrorists. Yet they smugly are emboldened to call the Little Big Horn the Greasy Grass Battle, and set up monuments to their terrorists there.
This is akin to Muslim terrorists setting up their own markers at the Twin Towers at Ground Zero, the Japanese at Pearl Harbor for their dead, or the Nazi setting up memorials at concentration camps to commemorate their dead.
That is how utterly repugnant all of this is, and to read markers at the Little Big Horn of Indians who died, for the Cheyenne way of life. What kind of life was it, but murder, rape, torture, robbery and the intent of genocide on Americans.
You might as well set up a marker by John Kennedy's eternal flame for Sheik bin Laden, who died for the Muslim way of life, as it is equally out of place and repugnant.

Elizabeth Bacon Custer, I believe has been running a flanking operation over the past decade in order to defeat the evil and the lies which have been against her husband and the other Troopers who were assassinated. She has been successful in turning the tide in this, as I recently noted there are numbers of intelligent minds now examining the Little Big Horn, and are in process confessing the facts which I first started to espouse in the blame was on the Grant regime, the cowardice of Major Reno, the malice of Captain Benteen, and that General Custer and his command fought bravely and in projection actually saved Reno and Benteen's position.

Recently as I have written of, I was startled and perplexed in reading over some texts from the 19th and 20th century, composed by Annie Yeats, wife of one of the assassinated there, with military aligning of facts by the Hero, General Nelson Appleton Miles, and added in discourse with Mrs. Custer.
The startling part was that she mentioned two events which have not been known.

Event 1: The trio of Mrs. Yates, Mrs. Custer and General Miles, mention that all was in order at the Last Stand Hill, except for one lieutenant who did not do his job that day and fled.

Event 2: When the first relief arrived, they saw 9 dead Indian scaffolds of chiefs, and were met by some Troopers who were still fighting in the woods who cheered them.

We have all been told that everyone died at Last Stand Hill, but that was not the case in the least according to these facts, as Mrs. Custer would not have known there was an officer who fled which caused the collapse of their lines, if there were not survivors, and those survivors were those in the woods still fighting when the relief column came up.
I should have known that these women would not have let one detail be left out and would have examined everything to obtain closure on this in knowing completely what took place.

As I have reviewed the records, the Custer command had specific companies. C company which was figureheaded by Tom Custer, had at it's head a Lieutenant by the name of Henry Harrington. Mrs. Custer lists all of the brave Officers who died, but does not mention the coward who lost his head which started the disaster.
The reason deduction points to Henry Harrington is 3 wounded Troopers from C company are listed on the roster of surviving. That concludes that it was Lt. Harrington who bolted, and his men fled from the field, and as he probably bolted off the field with a horse, his men probably regrouped in the timber to save themselves, and that is who the relief column discovered cheering them after the battle.

Henry Harrington was never found on the field by his much distressed wife, and he is just listed as dead.

No one knew where Harrington was and it opens the door to if he was dispatched off field, or if the officer on point bolted as part of a plan, in which Indians safeguarded him. That is speculation, but riding through 3000 Indians is not exactly a safe thing to do and yet he did just that and the Indians did not kill him in their lines.

It was this Lieutenant who the trio were focused on for his shameful lack of duty which led to the mass assassination. Libby Custer had written previously that Reno or Benteen had let her husband down, but they are not mentioned in this memorial, the focus is on the this officer who was  either a coward or a conspirator.

What the purpose of all of this groundwork in defining Indians for what they were as much as what the Grant regime was along with the financiers and old Army gaurd, is to address the evidence of one of thee most heinous of things.
Imagine for a moment if the people at Ground Zero on 9 11, had just been hastily buried in a pile of rubble, and that all who went by that site, noticed the dogs and cats were digging out the bones and gnawing on them as noted leaders came by to tour the site.
Imagine then the dead were reburied on site, and a heavy rain washed them out of their graves, for more exposure for the animals to chew on the dead.
Now take this out to 2 years of this desecration, and the government had not done anything to rectify the situation, and refused to provide funds. Would that bother you at all?

That is exactly what took place at the Little Big Horn. The Custer command was buried in shallow graves, except the General was placed 6 feet under, as they had but two or three shovels and most of the digging was done with tin plates.
These graves were dug into by wolves and other predators immediately.
We know that the military had money for a "revisit tour" of the site to examine it, but the Grant regime moved not in the least to bring those dead Heroes home, and numbers of them were children of noted Americans.

A detail finally was sent again to bury the dead "deeper", but Providence soon sent a heavy rain storm which washed the graves open again. Do you understand this was not chance, but that it appears the Spirits were not allowing something to be covered up, which they fully knew was a conspiracy which had them all murdered?

After 2 years of this, with Elizabeth Custer pounding on this issue to all authorities, General Phil Sheridan, who was the department commander, and the officer which George Custer adored as he fought under him at the Shenandoah, wrote a timid letter to the Secretary of War over the subject, stating his department had no funding to retrieve the bodies nor for coffins, and would the Secretary of War provide funds for this retrieval, where most of the dead would be brought to a military reservation in Kansas, but Mrs. Custer would have her request fulfilled as her husband's last request was to be buried at West Point.

Two years of this, with money for military tours, and finally the regime made money available to bring the dead back to be buried properly.
General Sheridan dispatched his own brother, Colonel Michael Sheridan, who oversaw the duty in the most respectful way. While the bodies were in storage at a warehouse, he undertook the last act of kindness in opening the coffin which George Custer was placed in, and cut off a lock of Custer's golden hair, to be presented to Libby, so that she would have closure in all of this horror she was enduring.
Libby stated that was the greatest treasure she ever held and she never forgot the kindness of Michael Sheridan.

There seems written between the lines, a great deal of people not saying things which they knew, and being moved to do things to make up for "that something which was wrong". Phil Sheridan it would seem would have raised holy hell over this, but was quite silent, and it appears he knew he was not to bring up the Custer issue and leave it lay on those plains to be buried.

There is much in this to be examined, in the two principle Generals in George Crook and Alfred Terry were a duo of one was incompetent and the other had never fought an Indian war in his life. Crook would fail at the Rosebud and retire from the field, instead of aiding General Custer. Crook instead went hunting and Alfred Terry sent messengers to him at the Big Horn Mountains, so while Sheridan was saying it took two weeks for dispatches to reach Chicago headquarters, Libby Custer wrote she knew of Crook's retreat as did Terry.
Lies mean people are covering things up, and lies mean by these actions that people were setting the Little Big Horn up for a horrific failure all aimed at General Custer.

General Custer had testified before Congress the previous winter over the corruption of Indian Affairs in their not feeding Indians, but arming them for profit, and the Grant regime's part in this scheme. Grant and Sherman were furious over this, and relieved General Custer of his command, after he attempted to return to Fort Lincoln.
It was so mean, that when he left Washington, he paid his respects to General Sherman "who was busy" as he was ordered to, and left his card stating he had been there.
When on train, he was immediately recalled for "leaving his post without permission" which was the start of the retaliation by the Grant regime and the old gaurd of the Army.

Upon leaving Washington again, this time with "permission", he was then relieved of command when General Sheridan was notified by General Sherman in the most petty of retaliations by President Grant.

By the time General Custer reached Minneapolis, he was simply begging his commander, General Alfred Terry to simply allow him to accompany his men into battle, while not in command.
Terry  who had absolutely no experience in Indian warfare was pleading with Sheridan, Sherman and the Grant regime to allow Custer to go out.
What took place was Custer would not be in command, but could go out with the 7th Cavalry.

In the meantime in this for the Campaign of 1876, the Sioux  Indians from Minnesota reservations started pouring west as much as the reservations in what would be South Dakota. Libby Custer notes the crooked Indian agents had no problem arming the Indians, and did not report them missing, as they could sell the Indians supplies for profit, but I ask in this the question of, just who was it in the regime who was telling the Indians to go to Montana for a fight to swell the ranks of Indians from 1000 to 3000?

General Custer was in preparation for the campaign, and his intelligence made him aware that the Indians were well armed and were pouring off the reservations. So many people do not comprehend the underlying intrigue in this campaign, as George Custer was having his career destroyed. He was not involved in this to be President, as that was nothing he was interested in, in the least, What he was trying to do was restore his honor.
There was not a Plainsman who in reality did not believe that 1 white man was not worth 50 Indians, as an Indian only pressed an attack if they had advantage in superior numbers and they would not attempt an attack if they would have to pay for it.

As an example of this, Col. Richard Irving Dodge, one of America's finest Heroes, was out hunting in Kansas with a Pawnee scout, and the Sioux had been busy afflicting them in burning off the grass etc...
A party of about 50 Sioux moved on the Colonel and the Pawnee. Dodge knew the situation and remembered that there was an open plain 12 miles in the distance on which he could make a stand, so he rode to that location.
The worst thing any white person could do was panic, because panic caused you to ride your horse into the ground and then you would die. As long as it was a flat open space, with no brush or depressions for the terrorists to get at you, a person could HARD SELL or take as many Indians with them before they bit the dust.

Dodge arrived at the location, set things up, and the Sioux arrived. He never fired, but would take aim and the Indians would throw themselves off their ponies and scatter. One must understand that an Indian did not respect being shot at, as it meant an empty gun. Dodge holding his cool, showed these 50 Indians he was  going to be a problem in costing them dearly.
This went on most of the day, with three charges, all repulsed without a shot fired. The Pawnee finally said at the end, "Damn coward Sioux, we go now, they gone!"

So it was not a boast for the Plainsmen to say a white man was worth a dozen or fifty terrorists, as those who kept their heads kept their scalps and the Indians died.

General Custer therefore had been in two other Little Big Horns in Washita and Yellowstone and prevailed. He knew if he did not attack, he would be ruined by the Grant regime for cowardice. There are "ifs" in this, as the General's battle plan was sound, but it required officers to follow orders, as in Reno to not retreat as a coward. As in Benteen to bring reinforcements when ordered, and as this Harrington to hold point and not run away, so the Indians could not get into the 7th's lines.
As General Nelson Miles assessed the situation in 1876 and others now have, you can not win a battle when your commanders are not following orders.

The meanness in all of this is the stupid Indian thought they had a victory, when it was handed to them, and they would have botched it if not for the treachery of Reno, Benteen and Harrington. The Indian was fighting for the way of terrorism and belongs nowhere near the honor the Little Big Horn.
The meanness in this was the murderous vindictiveness of the Grant regime with General Sherman in not honoring the dead they murdered, and in the worst of it, the spiteful little tortures they inflicted on Mrs. Custer.

There was a monument carved for George Custer's grave, and as Libby said, "I cried it off the foundation", and she eventually received an appropriate one. To literally set up something over a dead man's grave to humiliate him is par for the course in this, in guilt did not cause any shame in this regime, but filled them with worse venom in which they turned loose the Indian lovers who were exploiting the Indians for profit and religious collection plates in smearing General Custer, and then had agents in the press blaming General Custer for something they staged for this mass assassination.

The venom of this can not be allowed and these fangs require being pulled, so the entire story will be known to give these people peace.

I once heard a electric voice print from the Little Big Horn battlefield of a Spirit there. The voice was that of a woman, and she asked one question, "Do you love him?"
I believe that is Libby Custer's voice and it was part of her mission to not allow murderers to get away with any of this from white or Indian.

It was all meanness and it still is meanness. One can not change the event, but one can indict those responsible for the murderers they are and one can not allow the Indian terorrists to dance on the graves of the dead American Heroes.

George Custer before Congress exposed organized crime and organized terror for profit in America, and for that he and his command were deliberately assassinated by the terrorists, as in one of thee most venomous orgies of terror, the Grant regime in DC and commanding elements of the Army,  literally left American Heroes to be left in exposed graves and gnawed on by predators.

All of this should be assembled into a book, and it should be made into a completely correct historical reinactment with correct verbiage of regime murderers, criminal profiteers, Indian terrorists and Hero 7th Cavalry men who died there, along with civilians.

George Custer and his men were assassinated as certainly by conspiracy as Abraham Lincoln or John Kennedy was. The difference is, this was a mass assassination hidden in public view.

Father Custer in one note to Libby, laid blame for this all on President Grant, and it is the only written document I have ever found expressing this, while the rest of the letters are a series of nuance and hints as evidence is spoken of, but not stated.
It is in a way like the GI Bill after World War II, in you had a population of a million armed Soldiers who were paid off to keep them from acting out. America was still filled with a million armed Civil War Soldiers, and it had to have been factored in, what would be the danger in igniting the flame that commerce and regime had united to assassinating a Hero in George Custer.

So it is left to the 21st century to rectify the situation as more evidence arises concerning Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy in who was really behind their demise.

The pieces of Truth begin to assemble, rooting out the propaganda hiding all of this.

What took place in the murder of the Navy SEALS over the bin Laden actors being terminated and United States Soldiers deliberately left in the Afghanistan slaughter pits in the Obama regime balancing the scales for terrorists, is what took place at the Little Big Horn, and unless these events are exposed for the cartel agents and traitors within the regimes and commerce, they keep repeating themselves.

The meanness of it all is incomprehensible to civilized people, but denial of it only causes it to repeat. I am gratified to have had a part in exposing more of this in the investigative journalism produced here as none of these events are stand alone events, but a series of events by the same regime and financier syndicates.

These were Christians murdered for doing their duty. Each one died for each of us, and even so the Indian would not be exterminated, but put on reservation to be civilized, so they could live.

"Lieutenant Smith's skirmishers, still holding their gray horses, were lying in groups of fours.
Lieutenant Calhoun was on the skirmish-line, and Lieutenant Crittendon and each of the company had fallen in the place to which the tactics would have assigned them."

This is the story of the Assassination of the 7th Cavalry in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Over hills and plains the thought remains
Upon heart and breath the chorus refrains
Of the love which beats within and exhales from me
There is only one outcome and that is glory
I live, I live for her name
In duty and honor for this I came
By the spirit of love I will sustain
Holding her in heart tenderly
The girl I left behind me.

agtG 304Y

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