As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Well, what have we here, but an American Afroid in Ferguson Missouri, not the dead Giant, but some 'teenager' opened up with a gun on a cop......firing three shots and not hitting anything vital, before the cop put the in the Giant Position, bleeding on the pavement.
As the Holder Obama regime has refused to arm Afroids, it seems perhaps there is a reason, as these blacks know nothing about firearms. Apparently it is all a Jamie Foxx and Samuel L. Jackson, Danny Glover moment of "they hit things on the big screen so in little street you get the same results in pulling the trigger".
For this reason, I have some suggestions about arming Afroids.
First, the idea of Treyvon Martin armed with Skittles should be the beginning. I say arm all blacks with Skittles and have them first learn not to attack armed people with them, and second to have them learn to throw them at each other to learn aim and accuracy.
I suggest that as Afroids have large lips and mouths, that this be the target, with the tongue elevated, so as not to choke one with a dead ringer down the wind pipe. Certainly could not chip a tooth with them big ole lips protecting them, and if Michael Jordan can hit the hoops like other blacks, then hitting a black mouth should not be a problem, during commerical breaks of Obama television.
With this accomplished the Afroid could then move up to something more in tune with their learning curve, and for this I suggest a rubber band gun. For those who are ignorant of this device, it is just a rubber band placed on your pointer finger aimed like a gun, wrapped across the back of the hand, and then anchored in the pinkie.
I doubt even an Afroid would shoot out their own eye with this weapon, and as long the alley was not dark, even a cop might not be prone to shooting an Afroid who is Obamaradical in thinking a rubber band gun is being well armed like having a bag of Skittles.
I see no more need to work Afroids up to guns after this, as hitting a big ole black mouth and learning to aim with a rubber band gun, should get them their Second Amendment Rights in getting a real gun........probably not by robbing from some home or part of a dope deal, but perhaps using Obama welfare to buy them a real shooter.
I do think it would be good if the Obama regime would subsidize guns for Afroids though in arming them. By this, I explain, should not Smith and Wesson, open an Afroid Division and call it Nig Wesson?
Opie Howard could make a movie on it, starring Jamie Foxx and hosts of other black actors who can not act and call it Nig Wesson.
It would be the story of some African coming to America, without ebola, and knocking up some Asian anchor wife in Hawaii, and the kid is bought by white folks, taken to Indonesia to be raised, where upon he is smuggled back into America after Muslim indoctrination, and gives up shooting hoops and rounds of golf, for shooting guns as Nig Wesson.
There would be lots of sodomy and child sex for that leftist appeal, with Nig on Nig gun play as they hosed each other down blaming whitey for all problems in life.
Profits from this movie, could go to buying expensive ammuntion for Afroids, which the Obama regime drove the prices up on to disarm all Americans, black, white, yellow, red and brown. That way Afroids would practice and hit what they are aiming at when busting a cap on cops.
I would be pleased to market these Nig Wessons if the Obama regime would fund the plant. I would develop the 44 Nig cartridge in honor of the glorious success of historical Nobel 44 Obama.
The 44 Nig would be based upon the 444 Marlin rifle round, which is based upon the Smith and Wesson 44 Magnum, which was based upon the 44 regular of long ago, which was based upon the 44 caliber Remington of buffalo hunter days or something.....hard to keep track of the history, but the main thing is, the 44 Nig would fire a 444 Marlin round with spire point bullets just long enough not to chamber in the Marlin lever action.
Put this into an extended big frame 10 mm semi them in Nigger Green colors, with things Afroids like, like cell phones and LED lights, and you can just see that any boy down on home street would be showing off that bulge in his pants, and it was not Beyonce's big ass.
Yes Mam, this is the future, I can see it all now. Once again the Lame Cherry looking out for the Afroid, as Obama and Holder will not arm them or train them, and only get them shot doing it with Skittles or Swisher Sweets.
That 44 Nig would be sweet candy and just the thing for Afroids working up from rubber band guns, to lay down the law.
I hear by Rush Limbaugh by Joe Klein that the hijacked Breitbart site has been running with my exclusive on the Obama regime drove up ammunition prices with their record glut purchases of 40 Smith and Wesson ammo. I sure hope no one steals my 44 Nig Wesson plan as I always wanted to like Townsend Whelen in having a round named after me. (That would be the 35 Whelen for those people who do not know important things like that.)
Of course it would have to be the 44 Cherry, but I just could not do that to Afroids as they need something uplifting after being cut by Equalz Obama in the nut for the good of blacks I will forego all the fame and leave it at the 44 Nig Wesson.
The 44 Nig Wesson......
The black magnum......which gave all blacks that Michelle Obama package look and made their genitals all appear Sam Colt equal.