As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The professor of intellectualism Woodrow Wilson left upon the world a legacy which has little praise.
In Europe, he pronounced sermonettes at the Europeans which they resented completely in being moralized at.
Wilson misunderstood the politeness of Europeans for friendship.
Through his leadership and his sacrifices, he established for the first time in history a systematic and powerful organization of nations to maintain peace.
(The world has now had more war under the League of Nations and the United Nations, with a rescinding of self determination of peoples, than was previously arrested before in 5000 years of inhumanity.)
Furthermore, he contributed a major part to the establishment of the Permanent Court of International Justice at The Hague
(This is an outlaw body which hangs third world despots, but protects 3rd world despots in Washington in images of Birther Obama for the cartel exploitation of the world.)
and he established the International Labor Organization at Geneva.
(The world is now a feudal slave labor camp pitting Asian, Latin and Muslim slaves against a white race to disempower them while casting the black race to the Darwin natural selection of extinction in history.)
Herbert Hoover. The Ordeal Of Woodrow Wilson
It can be understood that the disciples of Woodrow Wilson, in even Herbert Hoover in the bulging of the Cold War, could cling to the utopian fiction of a leftist, who preached a new world order, not Christian, but based on bastardized Christian values. The reality is though that Woodrow Wilson was typical of university minds in niche oriented, intellectual biased, and ignorant of the human state in how vile they are, and when confronted with reality, like FDR and Birther Hussein, immediately started bombing people to form the world to their personal dictatorship of peace, which turned out more vile than Kaiser Wilhelm II, Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Putin.
The Wilson ejaculation produced for the 21st century the 3rd world political bastard of Birther Hussein Obama in the reset of global feudalism, after a century of bloody aborted birth by the instruments of carnivore finance and cannibal war.
Woodrow Wilson was an effigy of Crusader whose false prophet of Franklin Roosevelt announced the coming of anti messiah Obama.
-Lame Cherry
That is the legacy of Woodrow Wilson.