Venison is a cover all word for wild game, which literally can include the buffalos, elks, stags, antelopes and bears.
Each species carries with it different flavors and conditions. In Africa, some species are full of grubs and in America there is a list of what is "choice" and rank.
Mountain Goat actually is the worst of the venison and the Pronghorn Antelope the best quality. The list being Antelope, Elk, Big Horn Sheep, Moose, Deer, Mountain Goat.
The European likes "aging" their wild game for flavor, but it makes it too rank for most people. So the best in action is to skin any venison immediately. Some animals like moose and elk will rot with the hide on, as it retains so much body heat.
I have a clue here, if you ever have eaten venison and it tasted like excrement, what you have eaten is an older animal which was not skinned and cooled immediately.
Venison skinned and boned in the first hours, has a light sweet scent to it, and nothing repulsive in the least.
Once again, the best cuts are on the backbone for steak and jerky. You can smoke the ham muscles which are very good, but roasts might be too rich in flavor, so once again what is not a steak, grind up and put it into sausages as you will enjoy it that way with 1/3rd pork to moisten it.
Do not cut the scent glands on the legs, but leave them in place, as that will in using the same knife transfer it to the meat.
The main point in all meat is to kill it quickly, gut it quickly not severing the intestinal contents, skin it quickly and then bone the meat as readily as possible, keeping it clean and free from flies.
Doing this makes venison of all sorts a pleasant meal, which must be cooked not rare, due to grubs and disease, no matter what the experts are attempting to get you to eat.
No. 1. Shoulder, used for roasting; it may be boned and stuffed, then afterwards baked or roasted.
No. 2. Fore-loin, used for roasts and steaks.
No. 3. Haunch or loin, used for roasts, steaks, stews. The ribs cut close may be used for soups. Good for pickling and making into smoked venison.
No. 4. Breast, used for baking dishes, stewing.
No. 5. Scrag or neck, used for soups.