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Lame Gun


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was contemplating a rail gun and how the human populace at large seems to be making only clay pots instead of porcelain, the time has arrived for this daughter of Wedgwood to add a bit of upper crust to the crumpet and tea.

A rail gun is basically metalic rails which generate a field on which a graphite rod is placed, meant to propel the projectile at such speeds for instant strikes upon targets. As it has current generated by a capacitor to discharge electrical current swiftly, compared to a battery, this is what drives the mechanism.
There is a magnet employed in this gun whose force allows the projectile to be driven further with more accuracy.
When firing the copper burns and has pits in it due to the arc of the current in the atmosphere in relation to metals, and has to be burnished to maintain efficiency.

Now that we know how the clay pots are putting out the porrage, let us make china as the intent here is not from some global scheme of the feudal elite ruling, but for the friendly artificials to neutralize the weapons of world domination.

This La'me Gun is designed to fire a projectile at the speed of lightning, so it is an instantaneous exchange, meaning the speed approaches 186,000 miles per second. The calculations for this are a magnification of the titanium bars fired from space at 60,000 miles per hour, which strike with meteorite  type impact of nuclear detonation in shockwave clap.
As the speed of light is a bit faster than the slow sixty thousand miles per hour, the projectile fired from the La'me barrel is not necessary to be of vast size, as like the matter of the red giant is of greater weight pull than a yellow dwarf, we simply have a matter of more speed with less matter, creating a larger imprint.
The key is not the "bullet", but what the bullet does at target.

Now for the gun.

First we get rid of bars of metal, and create a ceramic barrel, with rails in the barrel, like modern rifling. The purpose of this is to move the electronic charge through the barrel by the rails, which I like to be a "twist" to impart a spin to the bullet, not for stability, but to spiral through the air, as air is a liquid substance, and the waters must be parted or influenced like a worm drive, as you might remember in the magnetics of the submarine Red October in the cinema.

As stated, air is the problem in this, as it is compacted and dense. The worst log jam in this, is the barrel itself, so the first measure is, the barrel is a vaccum tube, or the reality would be created of a compaction of air inside the barrel, like a plugged gun barrel which would burst. There are ways to force the air out through baffles in firing, but to simply create what we are designing, we just make the tub a vaccum.

So the La'me fires up the current, and the bullet is loaded into the breach, which becomes a vaccum. The current discharges onto the rifling, building charge as the bullet moves down the barrel, to the speed of light.

Did I mention that the barrel is ceramic, and that the rifling is super conductors? No I did not, so that you would pay attention and ask such questions, as this is a teaching lesson, and not a white print on an electronic screen.

I will now mention that the "bullet" is a lovely creature, of a ceramic sabot. The Americans call it a Sa But, but I like Sa BOW as in LaBeau, as the French pronunciation is more rather, Saaa Bowww, which I dislike as it takes much effort to say and I am for efficient language artistry.

So we have this sabot, which is the contact point in the vaccum, but it is the electric current which contacts it, and more importantly, the sabot does not touch the rifling, so the rifling does not create spin by contact friction, but by magnetic spiral running down the barrel, akin to how you would visualize an electric motor would function in spinning the shaft.

Now that we have that done, we have a perfect world, which is about to meet God's Nature in Newtonian physics, as we still have that ocean of atmosphere about to slap our bullet which is the encased projectile of graphite or whatever type of space shuttle tile you prefer, as remember a feather weighs a ton at our speeds, so you do not have to hit something with a bus or a nuclear bomb, but just something that appears by force to weigh several tons.

We next are going to excite the air to displace it, and I prefer lightning as it does this all the time, so this means extending out from the barrel we have created an electric volt which is occupying the space, almost to target, and the bullet flies down this corridore.

This is all happening in the wink of an eye, so slow it down so your mind will process what will never be seen.

Some ignorant Steve Hawking might now say, "I say, why not, just strike that ruddy missile with the lightning rod chum and save all the bother to bugger it up?"
That is why little boys in wheelchairs should be reading the Bible, instead of wasting valuable Baby space in occupying computer generated voice programs.

The reason is electricity does little damage as lightning volts prove, and when one has gadgets that cause a great deal of damage, the solution is to hit them with something which will knock the solder loose.
Once again the British say Soul dah for SOLDER and the Americans say, SODDER. I like SOD der as my prejudice.

Where was I?

Oh yes the sudden impact.

So we got the bullet now reaching final impact, and that is where we have the lightning tube go tits up, as our projectile meets the ocean of atmosphere. Comprehend and understand in this, that we do not want like Gamma radiation, blasting through the earth at light speeds which happens all the time, and through you, as we do not want our nice La'me bullet, fired from a La'me gun, directed by a La'me barrel and brought to target by a La'me current...........sounds like a Harold H. Heckubah production of Hamlet does it not eh? What do you think this is Gilligan's Island?

So where was I?

Oh the La'me lightning rod ends in the vacinity of the missile and or target, and that is where the dynamics come into play, as our little bullet suddenly by graduated displacement by the rod, starts pushing all that air. The Soviet's started experimenting with AK 47, 7.62 x 39 bullet displacement in full metal jacket bullets in the 1970 to produce WAP or whop, meaning instead of piercing a human body with a 30 caliber hole, you hit that body with a side slam bullet causing a greater transfer of power.

So our La'me bullet starts moving a shockwave of force, to give our little bullet the generative force to produce a large imprint signature, which transfers that to our target and shatters the airspace like the Hand of God.

We call this the HOG factor and it does all sorts of things to even nuclear warheads, but this is not a lesson in nuclear dynamics, but one of the La'me Gun, that seems rather complete and rather a yawn.

Let us call this white paper, a La'me Bull, not after Papal bulls, which are affixed and sealed with a leaden bulla, but after Dr. Gerald Bull, who was assassinated in a Brussel's post birthacide. I like that word, and now creating it, term all such things like Andrew Breitbart as a BIRTHACIDE event.
A Birthacide is defined by  Lame  Cherry as a murder outside of the womb by the international feudalists.

Where was I?

It was all bad form, murdering Dr. Bull, when all he was doing was advancing technology cheaply and Saddam Hussein was funding him, as all the tools  of the cartel only liked expensive toys like Nazi rockets. Good form would have had Dr. Bull given a nice salary, a secret lab, and then fire off a few things into space, and get others to sign a treaty to not use it or something to that effect.
All we geniuses want is a nice pat on the brow, with a security clearance, a white lab coat, someone to call us Dr. and listen to us when we phone up, and of course a nice cash sum, as we all want a property with room for a pony.

In any event, all of this is now settled, and the big boom stick is for all in this Republican form of weaponry, where by representative arming the demos of the people have access to boom sticks to protect their personas.

This ends this discussion.


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