As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As difficult as it is to study a photo like this, it is necessary as it was typical of what an American Indian did to white Americans and other Indians.
If you study this photo you will note the slicing of the flesh to remove tendons, which was intensely painful.
The eyelids, nose, lips, ears and in genitals would be carved off.
All of this was only the preliminaries, as arrows would be shot into the body in non lethal spots and then with screaming and yelling of enjoyment it would continue on for hours.
If time permitted, fire would be kindled at the person's feet and finally one on the victim's chest as the Indians would warm themselves by this fire.
There was always rude comment. If the Indians would be able to communicate, they might slice off pieces of meat, roast it, and tell the victim how delicious they tasted.
This was what real torture was and is. There were other methods, including sticking match size sticks into a human all over, and then lighting it up from the bottom to roast their skin off of them.
They would have a victim dig a hole, to which they were buried to the neck, scalp them, and then let the sun boil their brains out and the night air revive them.
For women, their babies would have their brains bashed in against a tree in front of them, the children would be eaten at times, and their little scalplocks would be dried by the fire.
For additions, the women would be gang raped by 30 terrorists on the spot, taken back to camp where they would be raped again, with the squaws providing sexual pointers, and then the women would be traded from chief to chief, as the squaws would beat them senseless in working and starving them to death.
This was not something the Indians learned from white people, but is what Indians from coast to coast practiced on people of not their own group. It is what infuriates me personally when I see Indians acting all noble and as if they were wronged somehow. The American Indian was a savage, meaning this creature was without morals or right or wrong, and existed by robbery, rape, torture and murder.
They were ignorant, superstitious and highly emotional wild animals.
They were a tool of regimes, religion and robber barons to enlist power, greed and control over areas. They bit the hand that fed them, and in the modern condition are not advanced past the dull minds they were a century ago. This being proven that they grin over what they are to this day in amusement and show absolutely no shame nor remorse in being one generation from the very creatures who did the above as often as they could to friend and foe alike.
That is the real history and why no quarter is given to the Indian here in past or modern form, as their very smiles give support to the heinous inhumane affliction they were to the world, and who still refuse as a majority to take responsibility for themselves and not be modern racists hating white people and looking for more government handouts.
The above was not the exception, but the rule of how every Indian was, and what still finds amusement in them today if they could get away with it. They can protest all the press will give them, but who is it running meth labs, butchering each other, being drunk, not taking care of their own children, but the 21st century Indian being coddled and enabled yet to this era.