As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
My children, this might not sound a great deal of importance, but with Panera having announced it will violate American Constitutional Rights in not allowing armed Citizens to visit their establishments.........I am moved to explain a few things.
For those who do not know, Panera is..........well if you have ever seen Frazier, with Kelsey Grammar, the place he drinks coffee at is not Panera, but the stuff shirted Frazier and Niles are the owner of Panera in this joke.
See Panera is a great deal like that coffee shop which all the snobs go to which has shitty tasting coffee and horrid cliental. Shitty tasting coffee at Starbucks is the joke of coffee so bitter that it must be tar roasted it's flavor is like the Labrea Tar Pits on a bad day.
For those normal types, if you have ever drank that 7 11 coffee which is green, that is Starbucks and the tea tastes like soap. All the rich people just flock to it, as they are told that other rich people are there, so they all drink shitty beverages as the king has no clothes.
Panera is an experience. It has long hair music. No not Three Dog Night or Ted Nugent, but that stuff the CIA minder Bill Buckley listened to. You know the stuff rich people spend thousands of dollars to sit with rich people at the orchestra or opera, and they all pretend they like the shit in it being "good" music.
Most of it sounds like vibrato piano tunes or that air horn clarenet thing.
That is the ambiance, as now I will give you My Panera experience. There was this short little fella managing the place when I was there. He had.......well he was hiring rich kid bimbos is what it was who were snotty. They were his eye candy and they treated their customers bad, until new managers arrived who started rather sullen Mexican breeds at the counter, to be overworked by one average girl put in charge of everything.
The things in back, are all Mexican slave that is what Panera is. The beaner busters do the hot slave work, one white girl gets her ass worked off, and there is either snooty bitches whose parents did the hootchie coochie getting preggo in Nigs on blondes or there are over fed beaner chicas glaring from the counter.
It is sort of like going to John McCain's or John Kerry's house for dinner, and the drinks suck, the food sucks, and the people suck, and you wonder if the Mexicans are putting boogers in the snack track.
Panera's food is not bad so to speak. They have food food, but the beef is tough, which means it is.....well tough beef is either old bull, old cow, or cows so old they are called canners and cutters, which means they are about dead and dragged into the slaughter house where Mexicans beat on them before they are killed for Panera.
Just saying, this is shoulder beef and tough as leather, because it is old. Once again it is the snob owners either being too stupid to know they are selling shitty product, because they do not have a La'me Cherry doing quality control, or it is snob owners cutting corners and stupid rich people not knowing the difference as the ambiance and being seen at Panera is what matters.
The bagels are ok, the tea is ok if you put in enough sugar.....soup is well soup......and I usually have the roll as the scones taste off.
That is panera menu......oh the soufle's are good in the tomatoe one with cheese.
Where was I?
Oh yeah, some normal people do get into Panera and I have enjoyed them. They are not that many, but sometimes the farmers mosey on in and some other types who have guns.
Panera is just the expensive version like Starbucks of the small town mainstreet cafe, with about the same food, and same people with nothing better to do. I can't say that it is anything but paying for a label.
OK some will say, why is it that I know so much about snootsville being poor. There are two reasons. Reason one is Panera has Wifi which is how you read the blog when I can not get to the library. Two reasons as this is the second reason, Panera in their cold beverage containers is how one La'me Cherry has been sprouting baby apple seeds. Their plastic is superior for that, until I suppose Jerry dictator Brown of California starts banning plastic cups in the way he does plastic bags.
Ah yes there is the rub now is it not?
I am not going to haul my own bags to the grocery and I am not going to stop wearing my gun to Panera. I always go armed as mainstreet is not going to get shot up, but it is always rich people gathering spots which get the Obamachurian voters lacing the locality with lead.
I like my Panera plastic cups. It is why I go there really and as I have a trash supply now, I will probably refrain from the place.
One more thing, Panera gives away like free things if you buy enough stuff. Buy like enough bagels and you get a bagel eventually. It is good marketing.
See this is a real review of a real place which others just announce "no guns" and then others just grouse about not going to Panera when most people really never go to Panera for the ambiance of Mexican forced labor, snotty rich chics and shitty food and beverages.
Panera does test the limits though in "put enough sugar" into something and it will be drinkable. TL had coffee a few times, loaded with like 6 bags of sugar and hefty dose of half and half........and it still tasted like shit.
Oh and the new dull manager, fired all the snotty rich chics, whose hot twat blonde mums spread for Nig dick 20 years ago, and brought all that color home to mummy and daddy to raise, and have it think that it is superior like Obama to the rest of the world.
Hey that's it!!! Just look at the image of Equalz Obama and that Muchelle. That is Panera, all title and nothing you want to be around.
nuff said